Farside05's 2nd Auto Grow Journal - Multiple Strains

Damn, was going to upload photos this evening and accidentally deleted the whole folder the photos were in. At least all the photos from my 2 grows and my feeding schedule spreadsheet. At least most of my photos are already posted here. Biggest loss was my spreadsheet which I had made an EC calculator based on how much of each fertilizer/supplement was used.
Try backing your computer up to a earlier date farside. I did the same thing with important documents a few years ago. Researched it and simply go into the control panel and go to your backup and choose a date that is a week, or a month ago it's up to you and depends on how often your computer program backs up. I have mine set to back up monthly just in case I make that mistake again
System restore doesn't do your documents. Unless you have it back up a system image (which I don't do on my laptop but do on my desktop due to space requirements) you are screwed. Unfortunately it was all on my laptop. I tried a recovery program that can recover deleted files but that didn't grab them either. I'll just have to start fresh on a new Excell spreadsheet.
Day 43/34

Started some bowl training on Trainwreck 2 and Ice Cool. Trainwreck 1 is mainly a stick and Critical+'s lower branches have already cleared what few leaves she has, so it isn't needed on either of them, at least at the moment. Trainwreck 2 continues her unquenchable thirst. She is finally showing signs of preflowering. Have a feeling she's gonna be a 80+ day, monster which is fine with me. Will need to be placing a seed order here in another week or two. Thinking of 3 Sweet Cream Caramel's and the Sweet Seeds 10 seed mix pack. That would keep me busy for a few grows.

Trainwreck 2

Ice Cool

Very nice training farside. I just threw some bowl training on my white widow and ponytail the northern lights. Very nice selection on seeds my man, I would love to see how colorful the sweet seeds mix makes your tent. Honestly for the price you can't beat that mix. I just placed an order of mephisto genetics that I'm super excited about. That'll be my next run.
The Sweet Cream Caramel has White Rhino in its genetics, which is one of the plants I wanted to grow on this run, but the seed didn't sprout. I've seen other grow journals with Cream Caramel and she is visually striking. Wanting a higher CBD strain for the wife to see if it helps with her Fibromyalgia. The Trainwrecks in this run are supposed to be better for daytime use and her anxiety/depression. Getting the mix probably isn't a bad idea for her. Still searching to see which strains give her the best relief and the price is certainly attractive.
Day 46/37

Things are coming along nicely. Trainwreck 2, Critical+, and Ice Cool have had some bowl training. Ice Cool was so compact, and her stems so stiff, it was hard to pull her apart much. Critical+ didn't need too much help, but I used training to even up the spacing of her growth a little more. She doesn't have a lot of leaves on her. Guess that's what they mean by high calyx to leaf ratio. She should be a pretty easy girl to harvest if this keeps up. Trainwreck 2 is my pride and joy, she's definitely a BBW. I'm on the fence as to how to feed her from here on out. She's made it this far on only Foliage Pro and Pro-Tekt. Supposedly you can use those two from start to finish but I'm wondering if switching to more of a bloom formula would jump start her bud production. She seems kind of stuck at pre-flower while the other plants are flowering. The other have been fed the same diet but went to flowering much quicker. She'll be ready for a drink in the AM so I have the night to mull it over.

Trainwreck 1

Trainwreck 2

Ice Cool


Group Photo
Stayed with the Foliage Pro feed regiment. Trainwreck 2 is drinking a gallon every 2 days and Critical+ 3/4 gallon. The other 2 smaller plants are drinking 2 1/2 liters every other day. Informed the wife I want to install a reverse osmosis system since my tap water is 140 ppm (.5 scale). It's sitting in my Amazon shopping cart, not sure when I'll pull the trigger. Definateky want it before my next grow, so I got about a month, but knowing me it'll be before then.
Trainwreck 1 isn't that big but she is starting to get frosty. I cupped my hands around her main cola and stuck my nose in to catch a whiff. She smells like orange juice. Hope Trainwreck 2 turns out the same. She's starting to get hairy.
You are more than welcome yeatster. Looks like you are off to a good start on your grow. I saw on your thread that you were asking about when to use your LED. That's all I have so I set them at 18 inches from plant tops, and drop them to 12 inches when I am pony tailing (which I do for 6 hours at a time , once daily, for 3 to 5 days) then back up to 18 inches for the rest of the day.
OK, I've been playing with lots of numbers recently from Advanced Nutrition's lab results on plant samples.

Google "The Great Phosphorus Myth Exposed" for the video and pdf file.

I'm not a Botanist by any stretch. Not a pro grower either. I'm only on my 2nd grow, but I am pretty good with numbers. If I take the numbers from the Advanced Nutrition charts/lab results, and if the goal is to feed the plant exactly what it uses in each phase of its life, this is what I come up with. Numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number for simplification. During Veg, the plant uses N-P-K at a ratio of 7-1-5 (average of the 3 strains sampled) and in Bloom it uses N-P-K at 5-1-5 ratio. If you mix Dyna's Foliage Pro at a ratio of 3:1 with Pro-Tekt, you come up with a N-P-K of 7-2-5 (a close match for Veg), and if you use a ratio of 3:2 Folige Pro to Pro-Tekt, you get a N-P-K of 5-2-5 which matches well for Bloom. As a coincidence, the last seed I planted (Critical+) has been fed a 3:1 ratio of Foliage Pro to Pro-Tekt since day 7. Every leaf on her is pristine. She's 42 days old today and 9 days younger than her sisters that were fed a different ratio. She has caught and passed the others. I know she's a different strain, so you can't compare them directly, but I think there is something to it. Since she's flowering now I may switch her to a 3:2 ratio and see what happens.

If I'm missing something, or if I'm calculating incorrectly, feel free to chime in. I know all of this is contrary to the beliefs held by many other growers (cut out N and feed the hell out of P & K), but I prefer to rely on science rather than long standing traditions. There are other sources that have done plant samples too and they match AN's results. I feel that too many growers are being sold snake oil that they then have to flush out of their media and a bunch of money is going down the drain.

Also, Big Mike's video is a laugh. He contradicts all the evidence in front of him. He points out other high phosphorus products that are 0-50-30 and scoffs, but then says his product that is like 0-9-18 is the right ratio. Either way you are overfeeding phosphorous (and potassium), just to what extent. And where is the nitrogen that he says actually increases during bloom? Not in the products he's touting. That's probably why his partners didn't want him to release the info like he mentions at the beginning of the video.


Day 52/43

Trainwreck 1 is about 70% cloudy and 30% clear. Guessing she's got 10 or so days left. Ice Cool may be a couple days behind her. both are short stubby things. Trainwreck 2 is flowering and Critcal+ has a lot of bud on her. Despite being 9 days younger. Critical+ will probably finish before Trainwreck 2. Once I get the runts out of the way I'll be able to space out the 2 bigger plants and let them have 2 lights a piece. Hoping the 2 big ones put out 4oz each.

Trainwreck 1

Trainwreck 2

Ice Cool


Group Photo

In the tent
There's no rush. Wife still has enough from the last grow to keep her medicated till these 1st two are harvested. And although they are smaller, there's more than enough bud there to hold her till the big girls are done. Will be needing to place a seed order fairly soon though. Current thoughts for the next grow is Sweet Cream Caramel and Sweet Jack 47.
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