GDB: Old Dog -- New Tricks

The gals are creeping up to the flip nicely!
Wow they really rent to town on your truck! Good! Get it done and be comfortable! I'm mid repair on my 17 year old car now too. Brakes and exhaust etc. Hoping to make 20. Already did ac compressor a few years back, not me , the shop. I'm done with most of that.
What you don't want to hear:
"Well..... that wasn't it "...😄

Mrs.C. has the same truck, and her a/c is just starting to not get quite cold enough...
When she asks if that's something I could fix, I'll show her that pic of your truck, minus dashboard...:oops:
Glad I could help, Carcass! :Rasta:
I know that feeling has happen many times. You need little hands to get in those places and a level head which I do not always have. That job is best left for the pros. Smart move. 🍋
Not to mention all the reading I would have to do just to get started! No way! :Rasta:
The gals are creeping up to the flip nicely!
Wow they really rent to town on your truck! Good! Get it done and be comfortable! I'm mid repair on my 17 year old car now too. Brakes and exhaust etc. Hoping to make 20. Already did ac compressor a few years back, not me , the shop. I'm done with most of that.
Thanks Stone.

It feels great to have that repair behind me. My girl is 18 years old and I want her to see 28! :)
Good morning all and Happy Sunday!

It's Day 49 for the Phase II girls and my trigger finger is itching!

Last night I did some cleaning up on all three plants trying to give them some room to grow.

The Godberry:
GB 5-18024 D48 clean-up.jpg

Fat Kid's Cake#1:
FKC1 5-18-24 D48 clean-up.jpg

Fat Kid's Cake#2:
FKC2 5-18-24 D48 clean up.jpg

I'm enjoying this clean-up work so much more now since I got my manly-colored clippers! :)

The rag-tag looking crew back in the tent:
NT P2 5-18-24 D48 tent cleaned.jpg

Of course by this morning, all were back at attention:
NT P2 5-19-24 F49 tent.jpg

They're due another dose of MaxiGro today. I'll let them slurp on that for a few days and then it'll be time to flip them!


Thanks for taking an interest and have yourself a serene and delightful Sunday!

Hey GDB your plants look great, and I am going to school on your grow. I am going to take your idea and put my mutant plant in my tent and see if I can grow a photo in a 4x4. 🍋
Great Keith! I was hoping to get to watch the mutant grow! :Rasta:
They look about ready for flip I can see some take off from there , nice clean up and color on the plants .
Yeah I need to do some front end work on my 2004 1500 my son thought it was a fucking tank and about tore the damn thing all to hell for me ! !! Yes stupid women aren't worth IT ! Glad your getting some piece of mind with your repairs
Hello gang!

It's Day 48 for the Phase II girls and I'm nearly ready to flip the switch! I just need to do a little more work opening up the short Godberry (center) and do a few snips on the 2 Fat Kid's Cakes, and they'll be all set!

NT P2 5-18-24 D48 above.jpg

NT P2 5-18-24 D48 tent.jpg

Estimated flip day: 54 give or take a day.


I had one last cut remaining in the GDBCloner®. It's the top from the second FKC (I'm trying grow both tops).
FKC cl 5-18-24 in cloner.jpg

She finally put out a few roots.
FKC cl 5-18-24 topcut pre-solo.jpg

She was put in a solo today and has joined the others, which have already been in solo cups for 3 days.
Clones 5-18-24 D3 in solos LBLS.jpg

The Hash Lover cut is probably not going to survive. But that's entirely my fault, as I neglected her for too long prior to putting her in soil.



Mrs.GDB recently brought some hydrangeas home for me to put in the yard. I looked at the containers that they came in and the wheels started turning round and round! :)
Hydrangea pots.jpg


And finally a little update on my buggy. This is especially for those who suggested that I might try fixing her air conditioning problem myself.

It turns out that my system did need to be recharged. However, there were other issues in play as well.

I ended up taking the truck to my mechanic and this is her current situation!
My baby in pieces.jpg

Yikes! That's waaay out of my league!


As always, thanks for looking in.

Heater core…what a pain in the ass. Even in the shop manual puts that job at like 10 hours (for a pro) definitely not for the average guy to try…
Good morning all and Happy Sunday!

It's Day 49 for the Phase II girls and my trigger finger is itching!

Last night I did some cleaning up on all three plants trying to give them some room to grow.

The Godberry:
GB 5-18024 D48 clean-up.jpg

Fat Kid's Cake#1:
FKC1 5-18-24 D48 clean-up.jpg

Fat Kid's Cake#2:
FKC2 5-18-24 D48 clean up.jpg

I'm enjoying this clean-up work so much more now since I got my manly-colored clippers! :)

The rag-tag looking crew back in the tent:
NT P2 5-18-24 D48 tent cleaned.jpg

Of course by this morning, all were back at attention:
NT P2 5-19-24 F49 tent.jpg

They're due another dose of MaxiGro today. I'll let them slurp on that for a few days and then it'll be time to flip them!


Thanks for taking an interest and have yourself a serene and delightful Sunday!

Not so rag tag bunch is looking fine!!
Hello gang!

It's Day 46 for the Phase II girls and I continue to like what I'm seeing!

They responded well to the increased dosage of MaxiGro - by growing!
CL 5-16-24 D46 tent.jpg

The Godberry in the middle still refuses to budge vertically but that's okay. I like her anyway!:Rasta:
NL P2 5-16-24 D46 eyelevel.jpg

Here's an overhead shot:
NT P2 5-16-24 D46 above.jpg

This trio is not likely to get to their Day 60 before I flip them. But that's not a COP 'cause my revised plan was to flip them by Day 60. :)


Well that's a well-timed question SOG!

I just got back from the remote site and my buddy LB and I finally got the Cosmic Lights in the ground!

I was impressed by how much she had grown since last Tuesday:
CL 6-16-24 D86 pre-trim.jpg

I trimmed her up a bit in prep her for burial:
CL 5-16-24 D86 post-trim.jpg

LB did actually have a good spot for her, right beside his pond. I had toured the yard and walked by this spot but hadn't considered it for the plant. There are a bunch of other plants around that I hope will attract more bugs than the CL. And there's plenty of sunshine! 🌞
CL 5-16-24 by the hole.jpg

She's in!
CL - 5-16-24 D86 in ground.jpg

And for now, she looks quite inconspicuous.
CL 5-16-24 D86 in ground2.jpg

The burial went smoothly. The stoner in me did manage to forget to bring the mycos along. I'm kinda' bummed about that. But when one is growing remotely (over 35 miles away) there's no, "Oh shit, let me go back home and get it!"

The soil in LB's yard looks good. Not a lot of sand -- very rich looking. I took some organic soil I have on hand to fill in the hole but I'm not sure I needed to. We used it anyway.

I poured 3 cups of Geoflora veg into the bottom of the hole and topped that with about 2 cups of earth worm castings, and in went the plant!

@StoneOtter was kind enough to send me 2 of his organic spike blends, one general purpose for veg and one specialized for flower. After we got her in the ground 2 spikes of each were used, surrounding the plants perimeter.

Thanks again, Mr.Otter! :thanks:

And that's it SOG. It's Day 1 in the ground for the CL. Thanks for asking!

It sits right next to his fish pond. Maybe the fishies will periodically splash some fish poop water on her! :)
Big Koi 5-16-24.jpg


On to your feedback:

Thanks Jiggi!

Not always, but getting a better and better average due to more batting practice! :Rasta:

Thanks so much Keith. Hope I get a big'un like you did last summer! :)

Yeah, flops are cool, con. Means you've got some heavy buds in play!

I agree Shed. But the ones that stand at attention are also pretty sweet!

Thanks GV. I hope they rock on! :theband:

Thanks so much for stopping by @Herbies Seeds! Like @StoneOtter, I too have a fav from you that I hit very often. I purchased some of your Black Cherry Punch seeds a while back and when done, they jumped to near the top of my list for both their effect and taste, especially their taste! :yummy:

I can't comment Smoke. I don't want to jinx myself! :)

Well they sorta' do Carcass. But I know what you mean and thanks so much for saying it. 💚


As always, thanks for looking in!

We're thrilled to hear that Black Cherry Punch has become one of your favorites 🔝 It's always wonderful to know that our seeds are hitting the mark for both effect and taste 😉
Good morning all.

It's Flip + 50 for the New Trick girls and there's not a lot to say about them. They continue to develop and pack on weight with no major issues.

The Lemon Bubble (left) continues to perplex me with her discolored leaves. It doesn't seem to be spreading, but on those leaves where discoloration already exists, it seems to be getting worse. She's been getting top-feeds of calmag for a while now and it may be helping -- or not, it's hard to say. My calmag recommends 1-2ml per gallon and instructs not to exceed the recommended dosage. Well, I rebelled. The LB is now being given calmag at 3ml per gallon.

NT 5-19-24 F49 tent.jpg

To me it still seems like the LB will be ready first, followed by the Hash Lover (right) with the Blue Cindy (center) coming down last.

But I reviewed the breeder estimates for these strains and they paint a different picture:

Hash Lover: 45-50 days
Blue Cindy: 60-65 days
Lemon Bubble: 64-91 days

As usual, I'll just have to wait and see! :Rasta:


Thanks for your time.

Highya GDB,

I've looked at several websites for cannabis deficiencies. Growweedeasy has a fairly nice picture of magnesium deficiency. I can't see clear enough from your picture, but you might be able to see if it is or not. Hope you can figure it out. Happy Smokin'
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