Help with coco loco potting mix watering


Well-Known Member
I germinated seeds in paper towels than put in tray with some in rapid rooters...I then transplanted to early but cut rooters in half to allow roots to grow down to top soil then supersoil...I put top third of 5 gal fabric pots with potting mix then the rest with coco loco potting much should I water and when??? I have zero experience with soil mediums only I really could use sum advice ..thank you!!!
Welcome JD! Its a pleasure to have you aboard.

I am not a coco grower, my experience is with peat/soil. Good news for you though, CocoLoco IS coco. So your previous experience should suit you well with your medium.

The difference is, CocoLoco is preamended. Since this is the case, watch your cotyledons (very 1st set of leaves that are round) to see when they start to turn yellow.

These little cotyledon leaves are the plants first source of nutrients. As the plant grows and uses the nutrients contained in the little leaves, they will yellow. This will be the indicator to tell you to start applying nutrients at the rate you are used to with your previous coco grow experience.

You also do not need to cut open the rapid rooters. The roots easily penetrate the mesh wrap around those pucks. The less agitation given to the roots, the better off our plants are.
Thank you so much!!! You are a great friend already...all peace and love...


Welcome JD! Its a pleasure to have you aboard.

I am not a coco grower, my experience is with peat/soil. Good news for you though, CocoLoco IS coco. So your previous experience should suit you well with your medium.

The difference is, CocoLoco is preamended. Since this is the case, watch your cotyledons (very 1st set of leaves that are round) to see when they start to turn yellow.

These little cotyledon leaves are the plants first source of nutrients. As the plant grows and uses the nutrients contained in the little leaves, they will yellow. This will be the indicator to tell you to start applying nutrients at the rate you are used to with your previous coco grow experience.

You also do not need to cut open the rapid rooters. The roots easily penetrate the mesh wrap around those pucks. The less agitation given to the roots, the better off our plants are.
Also..I've been flooding to 10_20% runoff with hydro nutes at 100 ppm with ro this right?? Or should I just water enough around the seedling until it's big enough??? Thank you again!!
opps sorry so annoying lol..but my runoff pH is 5.7-5.8..when my input is 6.3-6.5??? Is this normal??? Any suggestions,adjustments??
You can just water where the roots are for now but keep in mind they grow out fast so follow them out. I suggest next time start in a smaller pot to get the roots established. The roots will have a tendency to fill in the bottom third and you get a better rootball with a transplant regimen. I start in solo cups then up pot once in coco, or twice in soil. I dont use rooter plugs except for cuttings, not for seedlings, but thats ok others like them.

The amended coco has compost and such, so it will have a similar but lower field capacity (water holding capability) as the supersoil although it may dry out faster. That will be your challenge - to keep the roots from becoming waterlogged. You will need to you will need to begin fertilizing in a few weeks i would guess, keep an eye out as was mentioned above.

Dont worry about the runoff pH. The roots will maintain the proper ph as long as the feed pH is in range. in pure coco/perlite you would want to measure the runoff ec, but with this mix its not needed.

The little sprout looks good, so its working so far :)
Also..I've been flooding to 10_20% runoff with hydro nutes at 100 ppm with ro this right?? Or should I just water enough around the seedling until it's big enough??? Thank you again!!
Welcome my friend :welcome: You have a couple knowledge people there. I'm a straight coco grower so I'm not going to be much help. Its too bad you did not talk to us before you put that little girl in such a big pot. But its done now so what you goal is now to water her properly and try and build roots.
Emilya, has a couple great tutorials on how to water your girls, everyone should read this honestly its important. Happy growing brother.
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