Help With Nausea During Chemo

Good afternoon.

The youngest daughter (just graduated high school) of one of the guys I work with was diagnosed with breast cancer and has had a double mastectomy and has gone to Germany for chemo (I don't know why she didn't get it here in Canada). Anyways, she's having problems keeping food down or even having an appetite so I told my co-worker, I would get some cannabis recommendations for her. She's also quite stressed, understandably.

I was thinking a 15-17% THC indica might be good but I'm not really sure. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Hashgirl

What works very well for me is a thc:cbd 1:1 ratio in low doses multiple times per day. Each dose is approx 3 mg of each. This is every day not just during or after chemo.

A family friend who has also had a double, gets the best relief from pure cbd.

The friends daughter should have been given anti nausea meds. If they are not effective, they can be changed by her oncologist.
Hi Hashgirl

What works very well for me is a thc:cbd 1:1 ratio in low doses multiple times per day. Each dose is approx 3 mg of each. This is every day not just during or after chemo.

A family friend who has also had a double, gets the best relief from pure cbd.

The friends daughter should have been given anti nausea meds. If they are not effective, they can be changed by her oncologist.

Thank you, OldBear.

What form of cannabis do you take throughout the day? Vaping, smoking, ingesting oil or edibles or suppositories?

And, what type of cannabis do you recommend, i.e. indica, sativa or hybrid?
My primary is infused edible oils - olive primarily. I also snack on raw cannabis often. An indica or hybrid would be my recommendation, but thats what I'm used to. I dont know that a sativa would be a poor choice.

There is a book called Radical Remission which they might want to read.
Thank you, OldBear.

Since I posted last night, I've found out a couple more things. So, apparently, she's 33 and not the 18-year-old I thought. I thought she was younger because her dad was supposed to be attending her graduation the day he went off so I assumed high school but I guess it was university instead. So, sorry about that.

Additionally, the cancer was found in her lymph nodes and the reason they went to Germany for the chemo was because apparently, they are better able to preserve her quality of life and where their medical team is superior to what they found in Canada.

So, I'm thinking now that she probably needs the whole cannabis cure. I guess I'll post this in Cajun's Cancer Cure thread.
Hi HashGirl. Check out for nausea strains here or check out Seedsman for their list of nausea seeds, though there are a lot to go through. I haven't tried many strains yet, the CBD-Hash Plant seems to work okay for nausea and other effects, but Blueberry is my go-to strain to deal with nausea and a wonderful way to start the day.
Thank you, Nightmask. I'll look into your links.
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