

New Member
So I'm almost sure this is a nitrogen deficiency but I'm also seeing signs of Nuke burn and nothing I do is fixing the issue and I'm recently flushed it and moved to a bigger pot. I keep the PH at about 7 to 6.6 water about a week to week and a half and I'm trying to switch into flowering. And it sucks but I'm using miracle grow. Strain of Romulan And The others OGwoody
more details? I'm not sure what pH MG is meant to run best at, but I'm assuming it would be somewhere around 5.8 to 6.5. You could be seeing nutrient lock out if your feeding it at pH of 7. That's not necessarily your answer though. Without pictures or more details, it's going to be hard for anyone to diagnose what you've got going on.
Stop feeding your plants nutes for a while, now that you transplanted. Give them the time to grow new foliage and see what they look like. Don't overwater, either. Let them recover from all the TLC you've been giving them lately. ;-)
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