How Many Medical Marijuana Patients, Caregivers Are In Kent County? Take A Look

Truth Seeker

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Statistics released by the state on the four-year-old medical marijuana program gives some insight into how many people are using the drug in Kent and surrounding counties.

In the last fiscal year, numbers compiled by the state's Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Division show that Kent County has 6,002 patients and 2,246 primary caregivers licensed under the program.

Primary caregivers may be counted more than once if they have multiple patients.

In Ottawa County, there are 2,498 patients and 959 primary caregivers.

Here are the statistics for other counties:

Allegan -- 1,573 patients, 673 caregivers
Barry -- 905 patients, 415 caregivers
Montcalm -- 1,316 patients, 765 caregivers
Ionia -- 951 patients, 375 caregivers
Newaygo -- 767 patients, 318 caregivers

Caregivers are allowed to grow marijuana for up to five qualifying patients. They can grow up to 12 plants per patient.


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Author: John Tunison
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Website: How many medical marijuana patients, caregivers are in Kent County? Take a look |
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