How to Use UV And IR For Growing Indoor Plants

Jaz’s argument is that the link you provided showing there’s no benefit, actually states right in it that there’s a possibility it does.

The study concluded the method they used showed no benefit. And there are other studies that concluded the same thing with different methods.

Sure, it's possible there is a benefit with other methods. Science hasn't found it. It's also possible that Time Travel via wormholes will be a thing someday, but don't count on it.
Not to step on toes, but you guys are arguing uvb, but does Mars Hyrdro (OP) have uvb LEDs? I believe they are referencing uva spectrum, since that is what is on their lights, right? Anyways, I am enjoying the debate, but would love to hear more on uva instead of uvb.

To be fair.. Mars Hydro did not explicitly state which UV light they’re talking about. They’ve strongly implied a specific band, but it’s odd they didn’t outright label it.

I think the original counterpoint was regardless of band, there’s not a lot of research to justify hundred dollar purchases, and the research that does exist isn’t solid enough for a lot of growers to alter their grows and schedules, yet. I know a lot of people here won’t get on board until Light master Dr Bugbee drops knowledge about it, which is fair, he has earned his reputation as a trusted source when it comes to light affecting cannabis growth.
Oh really? Tell me more. Because terpenes are a commercially relevant byproduct and science has not found a commercially relevant use for UV lights with cannabis.

The studies I have seen regarding terpenes shows evidence of UV disrupting the balance of terpenes. For example, getting more of one kind terpene and less of another. There are also studies that show a total reduction of terpenes. This one showed a 20% reduction in terpenes with UVB.

Cannabis Yield Increased Proportionally With Light Intensity, but Additional Ultraviolet Radiation Did Not Affect Yield or Cannabinoid Content

So please explain how UVB is "all about the terpenes". :goodluck:
You should read more studies, lol. You can find whatever studies you want to prove whatever you want nowadays. The results of tests are less important than who pays for them. I’ve read studies that prove the exact opposite of what you claim, lol. Your opinions on terpenes are rather comical and not based in science.
It's not my opinion. It's actual science. Do you believe Bruce Bugbee? He says there currently no known practical use for UVB. He is one of the leading authorities on lights and cannabis.

Studies that claim otherwise are wrong. They can't both be right.
Time Travel via wormholes will be a thing someday, but don't count on it.

i just got back from the future via wormhole ... the board was living in harmony and had all the answers.
i forgot to copy them though dammit.

now i gotta figure out where i put the portal.
I know a lot of people here won’t get on board until Light master Dr Bugbee drops knowledge about it

It's not my opinion. It's actual science. Do you believe Bruce Bugbee?


He says there currently no known practical use for UVB.


You're kidding right?

Did you even watch the vids in the link I posted above: Which UVB lights to get?

It's so annoying when people mouth off after they don't even look at pertinent links one provides.

Here's a short cut for you:

*feat Dr Bruce Bugbee and Prof Erik Runkle:

How Ultraviolet Radiation Affects Plants with Dr. Bruce Bugbee:

You're kidding right?

Did you even watch the vids in the link I posted above: Which UVB lights to get?

Not kidding and no, I'm not looking at marketing videos.

This is what Bugbee recently said on the topic:

"We have not found that supplementing with either UVA or UVB increase cannabinoid synthesis.
Supplemental UVB is highly damaging and can decrease photosynthesis and yield, however."


This is not a marketing video:

How Ultraviolet Radiation Affects Plants with Dr. Bruce Bugbee:

The thing about stubborn people is they simply refuse to look at anything that contradicts what they believe... even when the evidence is from the person they're quoting.
You must be a conservative.


Bugbee said exactly what I quoted from only one year ago. Can you provide a link to the study that changed something in the past year? I can't find anything. However, I can find studies that aren't finding any benefit to UV in the past year.

I was rocking with your arguments until you felt the need to get personal. Phreak may seem stubborn, but they’ve been able to source each of their arguments and has explained themselves without resorting to personal attacks. Let’s try to keep this to respectful debate.
Not that it matters but I'm a Democrat.

No worries, heterosexual cis male sir/dude/bro... I wasn't calling you a republican.

I'm from Aus. btw so I may not know the full intricacies of US politics but I'm sure there are LGBTQi conservative religious democrats; I didn't mean this to get political.

*... let's keep politics out of this thread. ;)

Let’s try to keep this to respectful debate.

Noted and I agree, have edited my post.

...and if I look at that video later and it doesn't say what I think it says, then that's when I SHTF !!!

'it can have some beneficial effects, it can help make plants tougher... can be beneficial to plants and we can use them in various ways, help keep plants short, make cuticles thicker, make the layers in the plants thicker... some UV is good for plants... one of the things plants do when they get UV photons is make what we call secondary metabolites ... secondary metabolites includes cannabinoids, terpenes, vitamins, a lot of beneficial things for people... if we can get the doses just right we have the potential to improve product quality' - Dr. Bruce Bugbee

It's all there in Dr. Bugbee's vid.

Shorter thicker plants is what many cannabis growers prefer regardless of the secondary metabolites. ;)

I'm guessing you're going to come back with 'if we can get the doses just right' - that's the thing, there are many now experimenting with UV, trying to get the dosages just right so it's not to be dismissed just because the experiments you quoted didn't get these doses 'just right'.

one of the things plants do when they get UV photons is make what we call secondary metabolites ... secondary metabolites includes cannabinoids, terpenes, vitamins, a lot of beneficial things for people...

This statement does not mean you get more terpenes or cannabinoids overall with exposure to UV. In fact, published data says otherwise. And Bugbee clearly said otherwise.

if we can get the doses just right we have the potential to improve product quality' -

This statement means, science does not have a method that accomplishes the goal.

Clearly, the video does not mean what you think it means.
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