Irritable Bowel Syndrome

You are doing the right thing, as I said earlier BW. And as darkgreengoo touched on, we are all individuals. The symptoms for some will not exactly match the symptoms for others. Some will have more, some less and some mild and some extreme.

Our bodies are all different, they are what we have lived and trained them to be in our diets/excercise/and daily life activities.

Personally I think you are early enough into this endeavor to have a very positive outcome for you. Thank goodness you didn't wait years and years before you came onto your venture of taking control of it yourself. I gave up on the medical community that were doing nothing more than guesswork all those years, and just suffered with it. Problem with that is, the longer you have it...the worse it gets as you get older and your body reacts to things differently. Unfortunately now I am aware of what the long term effects can be. (I'm not stating it WILL happen, I'm stating that studies and scientific facts show it can be a risk factor for colorectal cancer)

As you search for your answers on what to try first, look into it thoroughly as you are now. There is a lot of "junk" being raved about on the net. Trust me, I've tried them. Do not believe without a doubt what you read in the "reviews" sections of products.
Did you know that online companies are now hiring companies to post positive reviews on their product sites? It's a shame, and to me absolutely wrong, but it's being done. So now we don't know if the raving reviewer is an actual customer or another companies robot answer.

Forums like this one are a great place for that. There is no monetary gain by anyone to answer your questions, no products being pushed on you that they will gain something from. You're talking to people with real experiences.

You're going to do just fine.

Thanks for that, Cannafan. I appreciate the reassurance.

I will say that this morning I am in a bit of fear and anxiety. I get this way whenever I know I'm not going to have access to cannabis, and the stress is worse with worse symptoms. I also consciously use cannabis for stress too, so it's a double edged sword. Oh my God how I wish I were in the Rocky Mountains... Alls I would do is "go to the store." What a novel concept?? lol...

I didn't sleep well last night, in part b/c I dosed the same RS method instead of tacking b/c I forgot yesterday morning when I woke up and immediately needed to get into action. So I was going to ride out yesterday and start today. So the strain wasn't conducive to sleeping, but it for sure helped me deal with the anxiety I would have been tormenting through last night given the circumstances. So, grateful for that at least. Obviously, same problem this morning however... "Wherever you go, there you are."

I do appreciate your support in that I have caught this early, am taking a good approach to find an individualized solution, and that yes, the potentials of not treating it properly can be, as you can attest to, quite severe. I will say that finding out about colorectal cancer the other day from you did freak me out a bit. I know I'm in the game early but... I guess just fear. I'll work through that.

I would say that I know what a process surgery can be - I had surgery on my left lung a year ago, and it was lengthy in time to get back to feeling normal. And that's only part of it. Pain, pain pills... that's how I got back on cannabis. Quit my pain meds a month and a half early (after two weeks) b/c me and Percocet weren't getting along well and I knew the dangers. So I switched, without telling anybody, to cannabis as an analgesic.

Total crap on the Internet... thanks for the heads up. Glad to have found some serious conversations here on 420mag.

To keep the conversation moving forward, I would like to know if you all can speak on the therapeutic effects of Tacking on anxiety/stress, etc. Does that method, with its order of hitting certain receptors first and then others, does any of that skip the receptors that affect anxiety levels in individuals? Has anybody noticed anything?


You are doing the right thing, as I said earlier BW. And as darkgreengoo touched on, we are all individuals. The symptoms for some will not exactly match the symptoms for others. Some will have more, some less and some mild and some extreme.

Our bodies are all different, they are what we have lived and trained them to be in our diets/excercise/and daily life activities.

Personally I think you are early enough into this endeavor to have a very positive outcome for you. Thank goodness you didn't wait years and years before you came onto your venture of taking control of it yourself. I gave up on the medical community that were doing nothing more than guesswork all those years, and just suffered with it. Problem with that is, the longer you have it...the worse it gets as you get older and your body reacts to things differently. Unfortunately now I am aware of what the long term effects can be. (I'm not stating it WILL happen, I'm stating that studies and scientific facts show it can be a risk factor for colorectal cancer)

As you search for your answers on what to try first, look into it thoroughly as you are now. There is a lot of "junk" being raved about on the net. Trust me, I've tried them. Do not believe without a doubt what you read in the "reviews" sections of products.
Did you know that online companies are now hiring companies to post positive reviews on their product sites? It's a shame, and to me absolutely wrong, but it's being done. So now we don't know if the raving reviewer is an actual customer or another companies robot answer.

Forums like this one are a great place for that. There is no monetary gain by anyone to answer your questions, no products being pushed on you that they will gain something from. You're talking to people with real experiences.

You're going to do just fine.

Good morning everyone and hope this day finds you at least somewhat comfortable. :)

I was thinking last night before going to bed about the barrage of tests I have gone through this year with this new GI specialist.

The first thing the Doc did was run me through scans and tests on my major organs, he did concentrate on the gallbladder first. I have read through the years that removal of the gallbladder has solved the major issues for others suffering this. I believe it was Darkgreengoo who had success with that surgery?

Mine was okay, so they opted to leave it be. Last thing I wanted was another surgery around my abdomen, there is enough scar tissue there already. One of the "guess work" Docs did surgery to remove old scar tissue years ago, and besides the fact it didn't solve the issues all that does is create new scar tissue in my opinion. And my problems actually became worse after that surgery.

Next major one was my pancreas. There was slight damage found on my pancreas in the scans, and if I remember correctly that can be caused by long term alcohol abuse. (Yeah, drinking was heavy in my younger days) When they saw that, they suggested pancreatitis may be my problem. The tests were run for that and they found that despite the slight damage, it is working correctly.

Those were the two most common things, according to the GI, that could be the mystery.

So my question to BW, have you had the gallbladder and pancreas checked?
Good morning, Cannafan.

No, I have not had either checked. I am literally in the very first stages of this treatment process. I am so sorry to hear about so many surgeries. I didn't realize. I'm sure you have lived thru enough pain for all of us, so thanks for continuing to share.

All I have had done is a few visits with my GP, who eventually told me that he thinks it is IBS (and then wrote on his report IBD...?), and then prescribed Bentyl for the cramps. That didn't seem to work.

I have little to no confidence in my Community Health Center (read "free" doctor) and my "gut" instinct has been to seek out treatment independent of his clearly nonchalant attitude about what is, in my life, a serious matter. Thus, here... but no, I'm a total baby in this process. So I'm listening :)

What I've picked up, and have started to research, is the fact that I need a specialist, a GE. So I have started researching doctors online. Any suggestions about how to find the right one? (I'm also taking the review sites I've seen with a grain of salt, per your previous comments)

Good morning everyone and hope this day finds you at least somewhat comfortable. :)

I was thinking last night before going to bed about the barrage of tests I have gone through this year with this new GI specialist.

The first thing the Doc did was run me through scans and tests on my major organs, he did concentrate on the gallbladder first. I have read through the years that removal of the gallbladder has solved the major issues for others suffering this. I believe it was Darkgreengoo who had success with that surgery?

Mine was okay, so they opted to leave it be. Last thing I wanted was another surgery around my abdomen, there is enough scar tissue there already. One of the "guess work" Docs did surgery to remove old scar tissue years ago, and besides the fact it didn't solve the issues all that does is create new scar tissue in my opinion. And my problems actually became worse after that surgery.

Next major one was my pancreas. There was slight damage found on my pancreas in the scans, and if I remember correctly that can be cause by long term alcohol abuse. (Yeah, drinking was heavy in my younger days) When they saw that, they suggested pancreatitis may be my problem. The tests were run for that and they found that despite the slight damage, it is working correctly.

Those were the two most common things, according to the GI, that could be the mystery.

So my question to BW, have you had the gallbladder and pancreas checked?
Also, keep in mind there are differences between IBS and IBD. I won't go into the techy details on that. People with IBS are less of a risk factor than those with IBD according my GI. IBD is commonly included with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

I am no medical professional by any means. LOL But my personal thoughts are that IBS and IBD are so similar in symptoms and misunderstood by the medical community that I just can't put the two separately categorized.

Read up on the two and understand the differences when you can. :)

Also, if you have a history of Colon Polyps you are at a higher risk for cancer. I had a history of those in the two previous colonoscopy's.

There is no sure fire medical test that can say my long term IBS/IBD brought on the tumor, but it is certainly there and studies show it's a risk factor.

Hope that helps.
just a little time here and I have to run to a Dentist appt.

When I mentioned reviews, I was speaking of "Product" reviews. I have a friend who took an online job writing reviews for products with a company. She was excited thinking she was going to get all kinds of new products shipped to her to test and write reviews on (she was also hoping she could keep them. LOL)
When all the paperwork was done she was disheartened to find out that she would not really be receiving the products at all, her reviews were to be written by reading the Manufacturer/Company description of it and any existing consumer reviews as a guideline. The reviews had to be generally positive even though she did not test or see it first hand. There was actually a semi-script that she had to follow. Sheesh

I did a search online back then and came up with a couple of companies that advertised writing/posting reviews for company products.

I doubt that Doctors would do anything like that.
Someone mentioned pain so I wanted to mention a person I'm providing RSO for; a friend's dad has liver cancer and is/was terminal.

Long before the cancer got serious it was offered to him but he refused. He wasn't able to complete the chemo and was sent home to die. After 5 days of being bedridden, already maxed out on morphine and still in pain just from turning over in bed he tried the RSO.

It was an 85% high THC tincture, the very next day after trying it he was up and about; went to the supermarket, to dinner with his wife, etc. When he started running out we gave him some 50% high CBD tincture, he liked it but according to his son he wasn't sleeping as well and didn't have as much appetite.

So even though theoretically CBD is better for tumors his son is more into improving his quality of life so we switched back to high THC because of the appetite control and it helps him sleep. Although theoretically CBD is better for pain, the patient is no longer taking any analgesics at all. No morphine, no pills, no nothing.

He was given 1 month to live 4 months ago and his health keeps improving, I'm not sure what his medical prognosis is but at least he's not in pain.
Thanks for all that info Canna with IBS, IBD and the mention of pancreatitis.

I was hospitalized in 2007 for pancreatitis (starvation and morphine was treatment)...and said they attributed it to drinking and yes I had drank for yrs pretty heavy.

The weird thing was I had quit drinking 2 yrs earlier just because I could tell it was effecting my body negatively.

I had a weird hunger that day and consumed the following from mid morning until bedtime.

Breakfast: Egg, hash browns, sausage, and generous amount of tobasco sauce

Lunch: 2 Open face Tuna melt sands from under the broiler and again generous amounts of tobasco

Dinner: 10 spicy hot wings and a large bag of hot sauce flavored potato chips

By 8pm my belly was swollen and hard as a rock...I figured it was just acid reflux, something I have battled for 25 yrs and spent a couple days in the hospital for it in 2001. Worst case they had ever seen.

I quit the booze forever after my $10K hospital stay and changed diet for the good, lost 50lbs and started the THC self medicating etc that has led me here today.

I do think Motoco is on to something with healing the upper body to heal the lower body etc including the major organs and their function.

Thanks for all sharing your experiences and real life trials and errors both Rx prescribed and those here looking to go beyond conventional medicine.

I am very interested about this thread for myself and my Mrs as we enter this new frontier.

Thanks to all of you :circle-of-love:
Okay, Rant here......
I just returned to work from a 2 hour absolutely grueling dental visit. Thank God this was the final major ordeal with this.

I am now stuck with two partial dentures, one upper and one lower. I've had teeth removed, and fillings. Before all of that I had to have surgery to remove a palatal tori in my upper mouth because they couldn't form a denture with it there, and wound up with an infection. Couldn't eat, couldn't the hospital I spent three days with nutrition drips.

My teeth were beautiful before I went on those drugs for IBS and depression. The lack of saliva, which was the major side effect for me, is mostly what did me in. I wish I had been smarter back then.

So, if there is ANYTHING you can do to get off of those man made, lab created and synthetic drugs.....try your best.

The oil has done wonders for me in mind and body. It keeps pain away, I am regular with my system now, I have a much better attitude on a day to day basis and I don't suffer anxiety. I can deal with people without trying to think through pain and nausea, which makes me a much easier person to communicate with. I don't snap, and I don't lose patience. I have to say that my whole outlook on a day to day basis is so much better that people I am in contact with everyday have commented on it.
I have a feeling of energy that I haven't had in years, and best of all..... I feel good.

No, I am not cured. But it is under control enough that I can handle it when I have an episode. I watch what I eat now, knowing from experience what MY body can't seem to handle. Pizza is a sure fire episode promoter. LOL But even that, I can now eat in moderation.

My weight is coming back, slowly. I am now out of the legal underweight category. :cheer:

I appreciate all of the comments and experiences here too!

Rant...over and out.

Thanks for all that info Canna with IBS, IBD and the mention of pancreatitis.

I was hospitalized in 2007 for pancreatitis (starvation and morphine was treatment)...and said they attributed it to drinking and yes I had drank for yrs pretty heavy.

The weird thing was I had quit drinking 2 yrs earlier just because I could tell it was effecting my body negatively.

I had a weird hunger that day and consumed the following from mid morning until bedtime.

Breakfast: Egg, hash browns, sausage, and generous amount of tobasco sauce

Lunch: 2 Open face Tuna melt sands from under the broiler and again generous amounts of tobasco

Dinner: 10 spicy hot wings and a large bag of hot sauce flavored potato chips

By 8pm my belly was swollen and hard as a rock...I figured it was just acid reflux, something I have battled for 25 yrs and spent a couple days in the hospital for it in 2001. Worst case they had ever seen.

I quit the booze forever after my $10K hospital stay and changed diet for the good, lost 50lbs and started the THC self medicating etc that has led me here today.

I do think Motoco is on to something with healing the upper body to heal the lower body etc including the major organs and their function.

Thanks for all sharing your experiences and real life trials and errors both Rx prescribed and those here looking to go beyond conventional medicine.

I am very interested about this thread for myself and my Mrs as we enter this new frontier.

Thanks to all of you :circle-of-love:

Thank you for sharing more of your own story Heady. I, like you, quit the drinking a bit too late. Isn't it odd how we can look back and say "I should have listened". Now here we are trying to caution others the same way our parents were trying to caution us. LOL

Pancreatitis is a very painful ordeal. When they thought that is what I had, I was being threatened with the feeding bag that bypasses the GI tract just to get nutrition and liquids in me. I was always dehydrated, because I was losing fluid as fast as I could put it in.

So glad to hear you are now on the right "tract". ;-)

Dump that tabasco sauce into the porcelain chair!

I have never been able to handle spicy foods, so have pretty much stayed away from those since I was a kid. Tender tummy. LOL

Awesome post Cannafan! Love positive testimony's. As you heal you will be amazed at what you can eat again. Tells me your saliva glands are healing with many other things.

At bdubs; 'no matter where you go, there you are' One of my favorite quotes from 'Buckaroo Banzai' :)

Okay, Rant here......
I just returned to work from a 2 hour absolutely grueling dental visit. Thank God this was the final major ordeal with this.

I am now stuck with two partial dentures, one upper and one lower. I've had teeth removed, and fillings. Before all of that I had to have surgery to remove a palatal tori in my upper mouth because they couldn't form a denture with it there, and wound up with an infection. Couldn't eat, couldn't the hospital I spent three days with nutrition drips.

My teeth were beautiful before I went on those drugs for IBS and depression. The lack of saliva, which was the major side effect for me, is mostly what did me in. I wish I had been smarter back then.

So, if there is ANYTHING you can do to get off of those man made, lab created and synthetic drugs.....try your best.

The oil has done wonders for me in mind and body. It keeps pain away, I am regular with my system now, I have a much better attitude on a day to day basis and I don't suffer anxiety. I can deal with people without trying to think through pain and nausea, which makes me a much easier person to communicate with. I don't snap, and I don't lose patience. I have to say that my whole outlook on a day to day basis is so much better that people I am in contact with everyday have commented on it.
I have a feeling of energy that I haven't had in years, and best of all..... I feel good.

No, I am not cured. But it is under control enough that I can handle it when I have an episode. I watch what I eat now, knowing from experience what MY body can't seem to handle. Pizza is a sure fire episode promoter. LOL But even that, I can now eat in moderation.

My weight is coming back, slowly. I am now out of the legal underweight category. :cheer:

I appreciate all of the comments and experiences here too!

Rant...over and out.

High CBD strains on the norm are 75-25 Sativa dominant which is a 'racehorse'. Exact reason why I blend my with a hybrid that is around 50/50. If I use a high CBD only oil (server chronic pain/brain surgery) I follow up with doses of a Indica dominant right after the high CBD dose to get the patient more relaxed. My mainstay blend is a 2-1 ratio as it seems to be a well rounded oil for mostly anything under the sun.


Someone mentioned pain so I wanted to mention a person I'm providing RSO for; a friend's dad has liver cancer and is/was terminal.

Long before the cancer got serious it was offered to him but he refused. He wasn't able to complete the chemo and was sent home to die. After 5 days of being bedridden, already maxed out on morphine and still in pain just from turning over in bed he tried the RSO.

It was an 85% high THC tincture, the very next day after trying it he was up and about; went to the supermarket, to dinner with his wife, etc. When he started running out we gave him some 50% high CBD tincture, he liked it but according to his son he wasn't sleeping as well and didn't have as much appetite.

So even though theoretically CBD is better for tumors his son is more into improving his quality of life so we switched back to high THC because of the appetite control and it helps him sleep. Although theoretically CBD is better for pain, the patient is no longer taking any analgesics at all. No morphine, no pills, no nothing.

He was given 1 month to live 4 months ago and his health keeps improving, I'm not sure what his medical prognosis is but at least he's not in pain.
Someone mentioned pain so I wanted to mention a person I'm providing RSO for; a friend's dad has liver cancer and is/was terminal.

Long before the cancer got serious it was offered to him but he refused. He wasn't able to complete the chemo and was sent home to die. After 5 days of being bedridden, already maxed out on morphine and still in pain just from turning over in bed he tried the RSO.

It was an 85% high THC tincture, the very next day after trying it he was up and about; went to the supermarket, to dinner with his wife, etc. When he started running out we gave him some 50% high CBD tincture, he liked it but according to his son he wasn't sleeping as well and didn't have as much appetite.

So even though theoretically CBD is better for tumors his son is more into improving his quality of life so we switched back to high THC because of the appetite control and it helps him sleep. Although theoretically CBD is better for pain, the patient is no longer taking any analgesics at all. No morphine, no pills, no nothing.

He was given 1 month to live 4 months ago and his health keeps improving, I'm not sure what his medical prognosis is but at least he's not in pain.

What a great turn around for your patient! That is the kind of successes I love to read about with the RSO.

Thanks for telling us about that and the points on the CBD vs. THC levels. I will send good Karma that the patient continues on the road to healing.


I have begun a new found appreciation for the Beverly Hillbillies series....the intro where he strikes oil. I think of it much differently now, a different kind of oil.
Hi bdubs,

Sativa for depression. Indica dominant for anxiety/panic attacks. This is why if possible I use Sativa dominant for the day and as close to pure Indica for night. This daytime/nighttime regimen covers the spectrum. Once regulated in your system and your dosing regimen is on time and accurate the magic starts to happen. Through in a high CBD strain with the daytime and its full blanket coverage. Hope this helps.

Thanks for that, Cannafan. I appreciate the reassurance.

I will say that this morning I am in a bit of fear and anxiety. I get this way whenever I know I'm not going to have access to cannabis, and the stress is worse with worse symptoms. I also consciously use cannabis for stress too, so it's a double edged sword. Oh my God how I wish I were in the Rocky Mountains... Alls I would do is "go to the store." What a novel concept?? lol...

I didn't sleep well last night, in part b/c I dosed the same RS method instead of tacking b/c I forgot yesterday morning when I woke up and immediately needed to get into action. So I was going to ride out yesterday and start today. So the strain wasn't conducive to sleeping, but it for sure helped me deal with the anxiety I would have been tormenting through last night given the circumstances. So, grateful for that at least. Obviously, same problem this morning however... "Wherever you go, there you are."

I do appreciate your support in that I have caught this early, am taking a good approach to find an individualized solution, and that yes, the potentials of not treating it properly can be, as you can attest to, quite severe. I will say that finding out about colorectal cancer the other day from you did freak me out a bit. I know I'm in the game early but... I guess just fear. I'll work through that.

I would say that I know what a process surgery can be - I had surgery on my left lung a year ago, and it was lengthy in time to get back to feeling normal. And that's only part of it. Pain, pain pills... that's how I got back on cannabis. Quit my pain meds a month and a half early (after two weeks) b/c me and Percocet weren't getting along well and I knew the dangers. So I switched, without telling anybody, to cannabis as an analgesic.

Total crap on the Internet... thanks for the heads up. Glad to have found some serious conversations here on 420mag.

To keep the conversation moving forward, I would like to know if you all can speak on the therapeutic effects of Tacking on anxiety/stress, etc. Does that method, with its order of hitting certain receptors first and then others, does any of that skip the receptors that affect anxiety levels in individuals? Has anybody noticed anything?

Hi folks... been sleeping all day. Great to see so many new comments.

LabRat: That is really great to hear about your friend's dad. Pretty amazing stuff. My hopes for his continued improvement and quality of life. Please do keep us updated when you can - I'd love to continue hearing about his improvement (I"m sure we all would) when you have time.

Heady: It's great to have you here for the journey, and I personally look forward to hearing more about you and the Mrs. :) Thanks for opening up about what got you here, it helps me feel comfortable with my own sharing. Thanks!

Cannafan: Thanks for ranting! I love a rant every now and then :) Sorry, of course, for the troubles, but your bottom line was great: you feel better and even good! And I'm glad to hear that :high-five:

Motoco: That's great - you helped me source the quote! Nice! Thanks very much on the blend/method info you provided as well. All of that stuff is right up my alley. I'm a perpetual "tinkerer" so also a scientist (the good kind!:)) - I love the process of finding solutions through experimental study! Great to be onboard.

You and I have something very much in common BW, I'm a perpetual tinkerer myself. Been that way since a kid. LOL

I hope today finds you all well.

I wanted to mention that when I have referred to my "GI", that is in reference to my Gastrointestinal Specialist. Sometimes I shortcut my typing, keyboard on this aging laptop misses keys sometimes and I'm constantly having to edit my posts to add a letter here or there.

I did a little test last night, I had made some Lasagna over the past weekend....a huge dish of it. Most of it went to my folks, but I saved a couple slices. A few months ago I wouldn't have been able to down one bite before the intestines screamed at me. I ate a slice last night and waited. No problem! Gotta love it. LOL

Have a great day.

Good morning e'rybody :)

I'm happy this morning because for the fourth day in a row dosing has quelled my intestinal rumblings within 15 or so minutes. Again this morning I dosed by the RSO method and not tacking, but tacking is what I will be trying with my next batch.

Which, opposed to my fear based writing of the other day, will hopefully be resolved as I am *supposed* to have access to meds today, which I will convert to oil probably tomorrow. I have barely enough flower left for today to get through. The oil is gone, but as it tends to work over about 4-6 hours, I'll get through the worst part of the day with it and then smoke as needed until... Thanks be to The Plant ;)

I wanted to post here a link to the science behind why Cannabis works for Bowel Disorders, for anybody is in doubt of the SCIENCE of WHY CANNABIS IS A VALID THERAPEUTIC FOR BOWEL DISORDERS. Check out Truth Seeker's numerous, often times highly scientific posts about the subject and other diseases/disorders, but particularly for our interests here:
Bowel Disorders

I'm going for a degree in psychology studying all this, and I'm *fairly* knowledgeable about the terminology and so forth, but Good Lord, do NOT feel bad if you don't understand it, or simply want to start playing tic-tac-toe on the writings because it appears to be gibberish - it's just the way science has trumped up the English language, but it plays its part.

I hope this can prove useful to anybody who stops by here for future reference. Plus, the more your read, look up, research, etc., the more you'll be able to understand enough of what is written to get something out of it. Not all entries by Truth Seeker are so terminologically complex.

Also wanted to see if others could chime in on what blends, methods, and strains have proved beneficial for y'all out there. Thanks to SmokesDaKush for ringing the bell a couple of days ago - was hoping others could provide some input as well??

Per Motoco regarding his and his patient's particular uses, but still of some benefit to look at again (for me at least):
High CBD strains on the norm are 75-25 Sativa dominant which is a 'racehorse'. Exact reason why I blend my with a hybrid that is around 50/50. If I use a high CBD only oil (server chronic pain/brain surgery) I follow up with doses of a Indica dominant right after the high CBD dose to get the patient more relaxed. My mainstay blend is a 2-1 ratio as it seems to be a well rounded oil for mostly anything under the sun.

Would anybody else like to ring the bell and talk a little bit about specific dosing and blends used? What has worked? What hasn't??

Hope everybody is off to a good start for the day. :)


P.S. Glad you got in some lasagna, Cannafan! Sounds good! :)
Hey BW,
so great to hear the happiness this morning. :)

I'll be reading through all of TruthSeeker's posts today, I think I have already been through some of them but it's always worth a read over again, so thanks for posting that.

I have another page you might be interested in at site, pay particular attention to where it states "no increased risk of colon cancer". I wish this subject would be consistent! LOL

Anyway, just a little more reading for when you have time:

Changes You Should Not Ignore if You Have IBS -

Have a great day!
To touch on your previously asked question, I believe anxiety/stress to be the key factor for me. In fact it was stated a long time back that my anxiety/mood/social issues was one potential cause. The other possible cause was all the wonderful drugs they kept trying to throw at me for my anxiety/mood/social issues. It's also important to note that I had to experience some things through my childhood I could have done with out. It wasn't until they started hitting me with capped out cocktails that I started experiencing mania with mixed depressive episodes. I still can't wrap my head around all the things that happened to me in that time frame. I would have had an opportunity to go after them with malpractice but I was so depressed and my social phobias were soon becoming excuses. I'm so mad at myself for not making an example out of them.

Sadly to this day I still feel that stress should be one of my biggest concerns as there is always something stupid going on at my house and it's just the two of us here. Your research/posts has put a little hope back in me and got me thinking a little. One thing I would like to mention in addition to Cannafan's statement about not trying every miracle cure you can. Same principle but I also want to make sure you go at everything with some optimism. I read your other statements and those constant ups and downs will eat at you.

I appreciate the links bdubs504, believe it or not I was here at this very site 4-5 years ago looking for answers myself. It's nice to see there is some new information and I will have to start looking through as well. I certainly hope the devotion your showing pays off for you.

Not because of the IBS/IBD but I have had a rough last two days myself with today the third proving to be much worse. Whether it's coincidental or not today is the second day I have not had any oil. Took me awhile today but I'm currently decarbing a new batch of blended oil with the suggested 2 to 1 ratio. Mix as follows.

10g CBD Critical Cure
10g Columbian Gold
10g Jamaican Dream

I also plan on making some oil from the Pakistan Valley as it claims to be a pure landrace indica. This will be for the pm dose for the full blanket coverage as Motoco described. I just really hope I can sleep because that was the biggest reason I even deviated to begin with.
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