Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Hey Canna,

Thanks for chiming in.

No, I am still on my psych meds, and I take them regularly. While I take them like my life depends on them, because I feel it does (based on where I've been and where I've come to), I do want to get off them entirely in time. But that will be a process. And, that process has already begun. It's possible I developed IBS in response to my getting off my anti-depressant, Zolof. I've read that can be cause and effect. Who knows. But, Yes, thank you, I'm being smart about that. Terrible to hear about your ear, but again you're passing along something that I will surely remember. Thanks. All of the med talk to say that these things are why I'm transferring to all natural healing. I'm just DONE with all the possible negative outcomes. Cannabis has so few side effects compared to pharmas that it would be RIDICULOUS of me not to follow through on this.

As with the anxiety, I literally have a long, long list of coping mechanisms, but I was today so riddled that my body was rigid and I had trouble doing simple things like motor skills. Reading, I did not think of, but I love. Curious. I will try that tomorrow if still the same. I do imagine it would be tough though, given an active mind. And yes, I meditated for an hour through nonstop nausea, but I did settle the internal dialogue. The stress was already in my bones by then. I will also see about the hot pad. That sounds real nice. I ended up trying to lay down and sleep a lot, but alternated everything on my list... walking, eating, everything... I was really low on power to fight it. At the moment, I've been sleeping for the last few hours on and off and I'm supposed to be connecting in the next hour. So I'm at least on an optimistic note. The sleep helped the nausea too.


An hour later... I connected. literally my breathing, body rigidity, tight jaw, headache, nausea, etc. ... all gone. too much stress. it's gonna kill me. i love flower, but i don't like this lack of power. such an outrage.
Hi bdubs, have some morning chores but as soon as I'm free I'll go into more detail for you bro on the question you ask.

I'll find that link Canna.
Hey bdubs,

1. Seems everyone has some favorite strains they like but if you would like I will list the three favorite that has made excellent oil for daytime and nighttime. Out of many strains I've blended this is what I look for. A kick-ass Blue Dream/Beyond Blue Dream with a THC potency of around 25% which I harvest right when the milky trichs start to form. Next is Harlequin, a high CBD strain and I grow this full term (a 12 week flower) and get the trichs amber/dark amber. Then the 3rd strain is Indica. It is important to get as close to pure Indica as you can. As of late I've been trying Blackberry Kush and its kick-ass if its grown full term, anything less and the 80/20 Indica dominant strain will keep you awake with the 20% sativa in it. Master Kush is a 95% Indica dominant and works excellent for shutting down the lights at night. So does Afgan Kush and Hindu Kush and again, grow full term for max couch-lock for sleep and get max cbd's (as the THC degrades CBD's form. Did I answer this correctly? Perhaps I miss-led and meant to say strains. When introduced to something new everyone has a learning curve to deal with. Soon you will be a Jedi master. Don't rush, it will all come together. The good news is your intel that you get at 420 Magazine will excel your learning curve immensely.
2. Lets say you have been using an oil for a couple of weeks; it could be a blend for daytime or just one strain as an example. You want to try a new blend. When starting the new blend to get a true read on how that oil makes you feel (to uppity, to sluggish as an example)it could take up to 3 days (estimate) for the new oil to be the only oil in your system. This is based off of experience with my wife, many patients as well as me. All my opinions are based off of real experience through patients as well as my wife's and I. We keep stealthy and pass what we know/learn here at 420 Magazine to help with awareness. Anything new we learn (its been a boatload) we pass on immediately here. Scientific evidence will take years for everything the concentrate does, in the meantime it helps immensely to heal people with knowledge.

I want to mention also my Daughter had bi-polar disorder...long gone after 6 months on the oil. She keeps on a daily dose of a grain of rice of daytime blend of sativa dominant and the cbd strain. 2-1 ratio sativa/cbd. She is a spiritual leader at her church and is a very devoted so the oil had to pass the test spiritually also if you know what I mean.

You will find as your journey starts the concentrated oil will heal things before you even notice them. An example; chronic pain users will still grunt and groan when they move even though their pain is gone. Your mind has been taught this so even after your aliment disappears you have to remind yourself its gone. The concentrated oil will put you in the best health of your life and all you have to do is take it correctly, stay hydrated eat snacks in between doses. Don't dwell on nothing, just let it do its job. It heals you mentally as well as physically. Oh, a final mention the daughter was taking some upstair meds also. When starting on the oil after about a week she started using a pill cutter and weened off them very easily. Every 5 days she cut a quarter of the pill off until the final quarter and stopped all together 5 days after the last portion. She couldn't believe the transition as she tried cold turkey before using the oil.

Go Chargers :)

What's up guys and gals...

Dude... I hear you. The last few days, literally, have significantly changed how I view the role of stress in my life. Particularly not having my meds (or barely flower) has put this stress issue front and center. I have always had problems with stress. I haven't said this yet, but I have bipolar disorder (yep, you might have guessed that ;)) and it has totally wrecked much of my adult life. Anxiety and stress have played the largest role. So, my point is, what you said clarified what I was thinking about last night: I realize that the hell I'm going through these last few days has largely been not having sufficient access to a medicine that I am depending on for my health. I realized that if I missed doses, or had inadequate doses of my mood stabilizer, or my anti-psychotic, that I would have significant symptoms and side effects of a quick withdrawal, plus just plain not having a sufficient dose hurts as much as well. Same with cannabis. Bottomline, it has been a process for me, in my own mind, to truly embrace and accept cannabis as my first and most valid choice of MEDICINE. I realize that sometimes I am feeling guilt and shame related to my use of it, so even me... even me, with all of my support for the medicinal use and movement, I am still suffering the stigma that is and has been in place about this sacred plant. It's just really stunning to me... but it only reinforces the absolute benefits that I can personally attest to in my conscious, responsible, informed, medicinal use of the plant. Cannabis is on the front lines. Thanks, brother.

Motoco, I've got a couple of Q's if you have some time (but then again, it sounds like you are perpetually seeking cannaconvos, no? lol... love it!):

1. "find the 3 oils you need (daytime: cbd/thc and indica)" - can you elaborate? I was hoping for a list of the three strains, but I'm either not experienced enough to discern what three you mention there, or you didn't quite finish, or I'm just plain ignoramoose!

2. 3 days for the old oil to get out? Can you elaborate on that? I know it takes 30 days or so to get out of your body, but how have you come up with 3 days? Anecdotal case study? Patients' too? Or have you read anything on that? That would be great if there is some science out there on that (I'm constantly building evidence for my dissertation) but I would be very surprised...

Motoco - "billboard" - I love it! Positive inner health is beaming on the outside!

Last one...

That is a slice of life that I hope everybody can feel at some point in their lives. For the most part the last six months since my sleep cycle switched (yep, problems there too) and I started becoming an early bird, it has been amazing. I go to bed most days around 6pm or so and sleep until 5 or so, when - except for the last few days - I get up raring to go! I couldn't wait for the day to start! Amazing how important sleep patterns are. Love it.

Cheers ppl, hope your weekend is well. Fall football baby, love it! :thumb:

P.S. I am so jealous of you all's grow talk. I cannot wait to get my hands in some dirt!

Hi BW!

You did make a comment pertaining to that, just not in this thread. That was what I meant about I read your other comment and more specifically about the ups and downs. Some of the information in your posts hits very close to home for me. If you ever have any specific questions, I offer what help I can. I'm glad you got some better meds and hopefully still do.

Someone needs to set up a shop where people in need can sign up and others can donate seeds and such and therefor be sent out anonymously to such people. If I had something like that around here, I would send you some seeds buddy!
Good Morning People :Namaste:

Hope everybody is feeling well today. Thanks to all you freakishly kind and educated people out there for the recent posts, they are well received.

Hi Canna :) the moral support and wisdom you've shared of late do not go unappreciated. many many thanks :thanks: i restocked my bookshelf for the next round btw. i think that is an excellent idea (to reiterate) and I'm actually going to take a good portion of today and go read outside in the back yard. kind of a healthy reward for getting thru the hoopla. and a destresser. hope your days are well. any updates? also, if you would like to share, i would love to hear how you hit the ground running so well. i hear your master kush first journal went swimmingly? (popular strain, huh?)

Wutup Smokey - I didn't realize you were giving me a wink and a nod the other day knowing full well my condition. I will definitely ping you at some point with some specific Qs. I think the seed bank idea is a winner and I'll be the first to sign up. I actually have a great backyard currently in which to grow but dunno how that would play out lol... that said, i'm pretty much chomping at the bit to start. i was a landscaper for years and loved it. I absolutely know the joy of working with plants. I think that alone would raise my spirits and buffer my down swings. In some ways, i've never been happier or healthier those years. I will most definitely be keeping you guys on speed dial when that process begins! keep all the good insights coming brother!

Motoco, a.k.a. =

lol... I'm a get at you in a minute brother... too much good info not to respond in full!


Awesome! can I use your avatar? Nice!

Good Morning People :Namaste:

Hope everybody is feeling well today. Thanks to all you freakishly kind and educated people out there for the recent posts, they are well received.

Hi Canna :) the moral support and wisdom you've shared of late do not go unappreciated. many many thanks :thanks: i restocked my bookshelf for the next round btw. i think that is an excellent idea (to reiterate) and I'm actually going to take a good portion of today and go read outside in the back yard. kind of a healthy reward for getting thru the hoopla. and a destresser. hope your days are well. any updates? also, if you would like to share, i would love to hear how you hit the ground running so well. i hear your master kush first journal went swimmingly? (popular strain, huh?)

Wutup Smokey - I didn't realize you were giving me a wink and a nod the other day knowing full well my condition. I will definitely ping you at some point with some specific Qs. I think the seed bank idea is a winner and I'll be the first to sign up. I actually have a great backyard currently in which to grow but dunno how that would play out lol... that said, i'm pretty much chomping at the bit to start. i was a landscaper for years and loved it. I absolutely know the joy of working with plants. I think that alone would raise my spirits and buffer my down swings. In some ways, i've never been happier or healthier those years. I will most definitely be keeping you guys on speed dial when that process begins! keep all the good insights coming brother!

Motoco, a.k.a. =

lol... I'm a get at you in a minute brother... too much good info not to respond in full!


Wow... $300 plus two pillows?! :thedoubletake: Is it against site policies to disclose where and how you got that? I might need that for future reference, but was planning on having to pay at least twice that.

Good day everyone! Hope you are all feeling good.

Just an update on the mattress posts, I ordered my memory foam mattress over the weekend and got a great deal. It was under $300.00 and it comes with the top cover and two memory foam pillows.

Can't wait!

Take care all

OKay man, let's do this...

Btw, "Yodoco" ?? Yodaco, Yotoco, Utaco? lol... just thinking :hmmmm:

I'm going to eat this elephant one bite at a time.

this is what I look for. A kick-ass Blue Dream/Beyond Blue Dream with a THC potency of around 25% which I harvest right when the milky trichs start to form. Next is Harlequin, a high CBD strain and I grow this full term (a 12 week flower) and get the trichs amber/dark amber. Then the 3rd strain is Indica. It is important to get as close to pure Indica as you can

Blue Dream? No kidding... That was one of my favorites a while back and had great access to it so I got to evaluate it over time, but when I stopped that strain and came back to it a few years later, my experience was much different. Wasn't keen to it then.

I did a little research on Harelquin. I can see why you are pretty firm on the inclusion of that. You've had pretty good responses with that strain? Would the pain relief aspect of that strain also work for the cramping we GI folk get?

I figured out at some point here that what I need for a foundational regimen - for me - would be a "heavy" Indica, but without your comment, I would not have know that I would need to get almost a pure, or as you said 90+ percentage. Also did not know that anything less than that (you mention an 80/20) might keep you up. I am apparently very sensitive *in the evenings* to what type of herb i smoke. whenever i get a solid indica my days are invariably better.

Blackberry Kush, aesthetically is absolutely gorgeous. I'm highly preferable to the purple colors, but usually find benefits from relatedly colored nugs. And, apparently, (Canna, Smokey too?) a bunch of people like the Master Kush. I will definitely keep my eye out for that. I have yet but once in my life found a solid Indica that really puts me to bed. Normally I have to rely on whatever I got, which usually means taking a trip and then riding the come down straight to the pillow. But if i have to get up at night and need to smoke, i end up getting on my computer at 2am ... not always the best call!

Did I answer this correctly?

Absolutely. Really appreciate you taking the time to break it down for me. A lot of new information, some confirmation, and yes, some alliteration. ;)

Lets say you have been using an oil for a couple of weeks; it could be a blend for daytime or just one strain as an example. You want to try a new blend. When starting the new blend to get a true read on how that oil makes you feel (to uppity, to sluggish as an example)it could take up to 3 days (estimate) for the new oil to be the only oil in your system.

Great to know. I would have been astray had not... Have you had any experience or thoughts on how the "old" oil does when you introduce the "new" oil into the mix in between the three day period?

This is based off of experience with my wife, many patients as well as me. All my opinions are based off of real experience through patients as well as my wife's and I. We keep stealthy and pass what we know/learn here at 420 Magazine to help with awareness. Anything new we learn (its been a boatload) we pass on immediately here. Scientific evidence will take years for everything the concentrate does, in the meantime it helps immensely to heal people with knowledge.

Sorry my man if what I said and how I said it was abrasive or offensive. I can sometimes be a bit blind - too much intellect, not enough common sense.

I have for a year or so been contemplating Neuroscience programs in CO wanting to study the ECS. I'm still sorting out the psychology nuggets and the path is forming, but in the meantime I'm literally looking for ways to bolster my eventual dissertation. My high aspirations are to study Cannabis at various levels (molecular mechanisms to case studies on cannabis and spiritual openness, etc.) at the graduate level within two years. So yes, I can be a bit ______. (Still figuring that out! lol)

And yes, absolutely, the research, particularly on concentrates, will take a while. And actually, if you'll allow me to speak up on it for a min., there is a TON of research that the states of CO and WA are missing out on with both a medical and recreational market. All these people consuming something, that is illegal federally, but state approved, yet unable to be studied at the national level in academics or private industry... wtf? Who's running the show here!?

I want to mention also my Daughter had bi-polar disorder...long gone after 6 months on the oil. She keeps on a daily dose of a grain of rice of daytime blend of sativa dominant and the cbd strain. 2-1 ratio sativa/cbd. She is a spiritual leader at her church and is a very devoted so the oil had to pass the test spiritually also if you know what I mean.

Really appreciate you disclosing and sharing that man. It's a tough, tough row to hoe having this disorder, so I'm sure it's been a rocky road for everybody, BUT, that is absolutely great to hear about her improvement with the Oil. 6 months!! 100% this is my objective, so to have a trusted source confirm that it worked for a family member and patient goes a long way for my confidence in this chosen path. Thank you.

You will find as your journey starts the concentrated oil will heal things before you even notice them. An example; chronic pain users will still grunt and groan when they move even though their pain is gone. Your mind has been taught this so even after your aliment disappears you have to remind yourself its gone. The concentrated oil will put you in the best health of your life and all you have to do is take it correctly, stay hydrated eat snacks in between doses. Don't dwell on nothing, just let it do its job. It heals you mentally as well as physically.

I'll share too. Look I'm a big dude and a lot of people see me walking down the same side of the street and cross over to the other. that sort of thing. but if you know me, and you guys are getting to, you clearly see what kind of person i really am. pretty much a teddy bear, but more of a brown bear in the morning 'til that first cup of coffee. but other than that... anyways, the stress i was feeling while in despair was part no meds, but a solid dose of pure Anger at my current conditions, which others apparently share (see rant above). It was seeing for a week the improvement, so welcomed, yet taken away from me with no power to control or fix the situation. "Close, but no cigar." I have faith in Cannabis oil, your method, Motoco, and ALL of the personal stories of its healing powers. I have faith that by the time I am writing my dissertation in a bunch of years from now that I will be off all of my pharmas , down weight, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I'm prepared to change with a lil' help from a plant and some peeps.

Go Chargers

Tough loss! That said, your team is fairing much better than mine (2-4 ! ouch!!)

Much obliged, kind sir!

P.S. sorry if this is overload everybody!

Hey bdubs,

1. Seems everyone has some favorite strains they like but if you would like I will list the three favorite that has made excellent oil for daytime and nighttime. Out of many strains I've blended this is what I look for. A kick-ass Blue Dream/Beyond Blue Dream with a THC potency of around 25% which I harvest right when the milky trichs start to form. Next is Harlequin, a high CBD strain and I grow this full term (a 12 week flower) and get the trichs amber/dark amber. Then the 3rd strain is Indica. It is important to get as close to pure Indica as you can. As of late I've been trying Blackberry Kush and its kick-ass if its grown full term, anything less and the 80/20 Indica dominant strain will keep you awake with the 20% sativa in it. Master Kush is a 95% Indica dominant and works excellent for shutting down the lights at night. So does Afgan Kush and Hindu Kush and again, grow full term for max couch-lock for sleep and get max cbd's (as the THC degrades CBD's form. Did I answer this correctly? Perhaps I miss-led and meant to say strains. When introduced to something new everyone has a learning curve to deal with. Soon you will be a Jedi master. Don't rush, it will all come together. The good news is your intel that you get at 420 Magazine will excel your learning curve immensely.
2. Lets say you have been using an oil for a couple of weeks; it could be a blend for daytime or just one strain as an example. You want to try a new blend. When starting the new blend to get a true read on how that oil makes you feel (to uppity, to sluggish as an example)it could take up to 3 days (estimate) for the new oil to be the only oil in your system. This is based off of experience with my wife, many patients as well as me. All my opinions are based off of real experience through patients as well as my wife's and I. We keep stealthy and pass what we know/learn here at 420 Magazine to help with awareness. Anything new we learn (its been a boatload) we pass on immediately here. Scientific evidence will take years for everything the concentrate does, in the meantime it helps immensely to heal people with knowledge.

I want to mention also my Daughter had bi-polar disorder...long gone after 6 months on the oil. She keeps on a daily dose of a grain of rice of daytime blend of sativa dominant and the cbd strain. 2-1 ratio sativa/cbd. She is a spiritual leader at her church and is a very devoted so the oil had to pass the test spiritually also if you know what I mean.

You will find as your journey starts the concentrated oil will heal things before you even notice them. An example; chronic pain users will still grunt and groan when they move even though their pain is gone. Your mind has been taught this so even after your aliment disappears you have to remind yourself its gone. The concentrated oil will put you in the best health of your life and all you have to do is take it correctly, stay hydrated eat snacks in between doses. Don't dwell on nothing, just let it do its job. It heals you mentally as well as physically. Oh, a final mention the daughter was taking some upstair meds also. When starting on the oil after about a week she started using a pill cutter and weened off them very easily. Every 5 days she cut a quarter of the pill off until the final quarter and stopped all together 5 days after the last portion. She couldn't believe the transition as she tried cold turkey before using the oil.

Go Chargers :)
Good day everyone!
BW, how did your relaxing reading session go? I've been reading up on cannabis, have two books, one is all about Sativa strains and one all about Indica strains. It's quite interesting learning how cannabis has evolved with these. I take the books to work with me, and read when on a break. Takes the mind off the work troubles. LOL

Just a side note here on IBS/IBD. My doc has been pushing me since the discovery of the tumor on doing a bowel resection. I have been saying no from the start, due to knowing full well that's only going to cause problems later (one being adhesion's/scar tissue that will start pulling at and choking my innards). I just read yesterday in a study that bowel resections can lead to IBS. Just one more reason to stay away from that! LOL
Good morning, Canna :)

I ended up doing reading yesterday, lol... but not outside, not in a book, and i'm not sure it relaxed me! i ended up getting sucked into several threads in a psychology forum, going back and forth all day, and at the end of yesterday i was beat. but... i'm just coming in from sitting outside this morning in beautiful weather, birds chirping doing their thing, sitting very comfortably ;)

I read books on my (cheap) iPad so that i can carry as many books i want at the same time and decide at the moment what i want to read or switch. ingenious. wasn't really a reader of hard covers. yes, one year shy of the millennial generation!

We may be reading the same series of books, however. I'm guessing you didn't mention the name particularly b/c that would be out of bounds for discussion here on 420mag? lol... i'm just guessing that there's another rule i'll have to mind. i'm reading the definitive collection of books on Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa (wink wink) ;) I actually haven't started, but i'll begin with Indica. Looking forward to the read. if you've got an idea of what particular book i'm reading and you are too, what have you found? good stuff? worth while? amazing?

Cheers :)

Good day everyone!
BW, how did your relaxing reading session go? I've been reading up on cannabis, have two books, one is all about Sativa strains and one all about Indica strains. It's quite interesting learning how cannabis has evolved with these. I take the books to work with me, and read when on a break. Takes the mind off the work troubles. LOL

Just a side note here on IBS/IBD. My doc has been pushing me since the discovery of the tumor on doing a bowel resection. I have been saying no from the start, due to knowing full well that's only going to cause problems later (one being adhesion's/scar tissue that will start pulling at and choking my innards). I just read yesterday in a study that bowel resections can lead to IBS. Just one more reason to stay away from that! LOL
Thanks, Canna.

I read them originally and again now, but I don't always know exactly what is what until it happens, know?

I also have the same S. T. Oner books, but the first version. Thought I'd start at the beginning ;)

Also have a question for the group: Does anybody have experience with Girl Scout Cookies as a useful strain?

Hey BW, I don't know of any rules where you can't discuss things like that.
The two books I have are by S. T. Oner
Yeah, that's exactly the authors' name. LOL I have the second editions to both of his books on Cannabis Sative and Cannabis Indica.

If you get in the mood to read a little, here's the posting guidelines for the site. That should answer a few questions for ya. ;-)

Forum Guidelines - Please Read Before Posting
Morning folks,

The Blue Dream you got the second time wasn't the same cut or grown different from your first round.

Utaco? lol I do love Mexican food :)

You where not offensive or abrasive...perhaps sometimes I get so focused on getting folks on the right track so they can start healing as soon as possible I might come off that way but on the norm I'm totally laid back.

Also bdubs asking questions is how we learn. All your questions seem totally legit to me. Best thing one can do is to get their aliments out in the open. As we get older in life things happen we cannot control, our glands do not function like they use to. What once might seem embarrassing to me isn't any more. Why? If someone else has this aliment then they have knowledge on how to treat it. We simply have to put 'being vain' aside as we all have our own cross to bear. Although I'm still pissed at the side effects Plavix caused me, and although they have healed the spots remain. I love kayaking, so now If the Wife and I kayak it is in cold weather, lol. We come in different shapes and sizes but one thing we all have in common is we share our earth while we eek our way through our journey. The concentrated oil makes you more aware of this and you become a 'hugger' instead of a hand shaker, you 'love' all living things. If the concentrated oil was used in combat we would throw our weapons down and have one huge 'group hug'.

Your grabbing the concept on how the oil works and gathering as much knowledge as you can, you will do fine. After your first year you will look back and think 'WOW' now I know who is running the show, its the Pharmies shoving special interest money in our politicians pocket to keep MMJ/Oil suppressed while they keep making their annual trillion dollar profits, yep, they buy governments. Profit over life is their motto and if you think any different they love you buying their 13 meds a month. Ok to smoke/digest but no gum method. So sad greed is ruling the world. Its our job to change this and bring the Miracles of The Original Concentrated Oil (Motoco) to the forefront so people around the world can maintain a healthy lifestyle. Don't know where all this came from but, hell, I went with it, hahaha Daughters Bi-polar actually dissipated in a couple of weeks but I give leeway :)

OKay man, let's do this...

Btw, "Yodoco" ?? Yodaco, Yotoco, Utaco? lol... just thinking :hmmmm:

I'm going to eat this elephant one bite at a time.

Blue Dream? No kidding... That was one of my favorites a while back and had great access to it so I got to evaluate it over time, but when I stopped that strain and came back to it a few years later, my experience was much different. Wasn't keen to it then.

I did a little research on Harelquin. I can see why you are pretty firm on the inclusion of that. You've had pretty good responses with that strain? Would the pain relief aspect of that strain also work for the cramping we GI folk get?

I figured out at some point here that what I need for a foundational regimen - for me - would be a "heavy" Indica, but without your comment, I would not have know that I would need to get almost a pure, or as you said 90+ percentage. Also did not know that anything less than that (you mention an 80/20) might keep you up. I am apparently very sensitive *in the evenings* to what type of herb i smoke. whenever i get a solid indica my days are invariably better.

Blackberry Kush, aesthetically is absolutely gorgeous. I'm highly preferable to the purple colors, but usually find benefits from relatedly colored nugs. And, apparently, (Canna, Smokey too?) a bunch of people like the Master Kush. I will definitely keep my eye out for that. I have yet but once in my life found a solid Indica that really puts me to bed. Normally I have to rely on whatever I got, which usually means taking a trip and then riding the come down straight to the pillow. But if i have to get up at night and need to smoke, i end up getting on my computer at 2am ... not always the best call!

Absolutely. Really appreciate you taking the time to break it down for me. A lot of new information, some confirmation, and yes, some alliteration. ;)

Great to know. I would have been astray had not... Have you had any experience or thoughts on how the "old" oil does when you introduce the "new" oil into the mix in between the three day period?

Sorry my man if what I said and how I said it was abrasive or offensive. I can sometimes be a bit blind - too much intellect, not enough common sense.

I have for a year or so been contemplating Neuroscience programs in CO wanting to study the ECS. I'm still sorting out the psychology nuggets and the path is forming, but in the meantime I'm literally looking for ways to bolster my eventual dissertation. My high aspirations are to study Cannabis at various levels (molecular mechanisms to case studies on cannabis and spiritual openness, etc.) at the graduate level within two years. So yes, I can be a bit ______. (Still figuring that out! lol)

And yes, absolutely, the research, particularly on concentrates, will take a while. And actually, if you'll allow me to speak up on it for a min., there is a TON of research that the states of CO and WA are missing out on with both a medical and recreational market. All these people consuming something, that is illegal federally, but state approved, yet unable to be studied at the national level in academics or private industry... wtf? Who's running the show here!?

Really appreciate you disclosing and sharing that man. It's a tough, tough row to hoe having this disorder, so I'm sure it's been a rocky road for everybody, BUT, that is absolutely great to hear about her improvement with the Oil. 6 months!! 100% this is my objective, so to have a trusted source confirm that it worked for a family member and patient goes a long way for my confidence in this chosen path. Thank you.

I'll share too. Look I'm a big dude and a lot of people see me walking down the same side of the street and cross over to the other. that sort of thing. but if you know me, and you guys are getting to, you clearly see what kind of person i really am. pretty much a teddy bear, but more of a brown bear in the morning 'til that first cup of coffee. but other than that... anyways, the stress i was feeling while in despair was part no meds, but a solid dose of pure Anger at my current conditions, which others apparently share (see rant above). It was seeing for a week the improvement, so welcomed, yet taken away from me with no power to control or fix the situation. "Close, but no cigar." I have faith in Cannabis oil, your method, Motoco, and ALL of the personal stories of its healing powers. I have faith that by the time I am writing my dissertation in a bunch of years from now that I will be off all of my pharmas , down weight, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I'm prepared to change with a lil' help from a plant and some peeps.

Tough loss! That said, your team is fairing much better than mine (2-4 ! ouch!!)

Much obliged, kind sir!

P.S. sorry if this is overload everybody!
Man you're just as cool as the other side of the pillow, huh? :ganjamon:

I'm 100% on your philosophy. Not too many people know how strongly in support of the medical marijuana movement I am (where I'm at, I mean). And I want to thank you for the kind words my brother. I think we're all fortunate to have you here.

As background for myself, I grew up in the Good Ol' Boy system (i was always in-out group), but i almost abandoned my college career once I visited Jamaica my third year for spring break. Their philosophy on Ganja is as serious, but also as ... heck, i don't know, as well rounded? i had a job and housing already lined up... within a week. not bad lol... the water is crystal blue and the sand is pure white. oh yeah, did i mention amazing bud grown in amazing fields with amazing views?? but i learned there who i was and at least one thing i knew i could stand for.

And I'll stand on my soap box and say that I have heard more than one person speak intelligently and passionately on the subject articulating in a logical sense how Cannabis can save the world. not just in jamaica (good luck with the accent!), but in the States and a few other countries i've been fortunate enough to visit. it makes sense to my logical mind. not just my heart.

If the Tacking Method continue to play out as it has been, I think the whole concentrated oil thing could very well catch on in the medical community. So, wow... u know? Cannabis Oil and no high? Miracle Drug, Miracle Method!

btw, kayaking with the wife sounds pretty sweet man. may i be so fortunate later in life to A.) have a wife LOL and B.) still be able to kayak ha.

:hookah: :peacetwo:

Morning folks,

The Blue Dream you got the second time wasn't the same cut or grown different from your first round.

Utaco? lol I do love Mexican food :)

You where not offensive or abrasive...perhaps sometimes I get so focused on getting folks on the right track so they can start healing as soon as possible I might come off that way but on the norm I'm totally laid back.

Also bdubs asking questions is how we learn. All your questions seem totally legit to me. Best thing one can do is to get their aliments out in the open. As we get older in life things happen we cannot control, our glands do not function like they use to. What once might seem embarrassing to me isn't any more. Why? If someone else has this aliment then they have knowledge on how to treat it. We simply have to put 'being vain' aside as we all have our own cross to bear. Although I'm still pissed at the side effects Plavix caused me, and although they have healed the spots remain. I love kayaking, so now If the Wife and I kayak it is in cold weather, lol. We come in different shapes and sizes but one thing we all have in common is we share our earth while we eek our way through our journey. The concentrated oil makes you more aware of this and you become a 'hugger' instead of a hand shaker, you 'love' all living things. If the concentrated oil was used in combat we would throw our weapons down and have one huge 'group hug'.

Your grabbing the concept on how the oil works and gathering as much knowledge as you can, you will do fine. After your first year you will look back and think 'WOW' now I know who is running the show, its the Pharmies shoving special interest money in our politicians pocket to keep MMJ/Oil suppressed while they keep making their annual trillion dollar profits, yep, they buy governments. Profit over life is their motto and if you think any different they love you buying their 13 meds a month. Ok to smoke/digest but no gum method. So sad greed is ruling the world. Its our job to change this and bring the Miracles of The Original Concentrated Oil (Motoco) to the forefront so people around the world can maintain a healthy lifestyle. Don't know where all this came from but, hell, I went with it, hahaha Daughters Bi-polar actually dissipated in a couple of weeks but I give leeway :)
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