It is with great disappointment that I learned today, Canadian Border Security is seizing cannabis seeds imported from Spain

American customs is also scouring little packages coming from Britain. They got my seeds and all I got was a silly do-it-yourself mini-lego velociraptor!

Omg how cool is that! Hahah. I mean sorry to hear about your seeds, but a mini lego velociraptor sounds cool. Lmfao.
Not cool at all< what the hell is up with that?

A mini velociraptor is a cool toy and i’m way to high to concentrate on the negative. I’m not even Canadian. Some places you go to jail for ordering contraband so i think just seizing them is better than the other option but i get your pain too and actually agree with you. The seeds should be allowed. Well anyway back to my Blue Kush. Wishing you guys the best.
A mini velociraptor is a cool toy and i’m way to high to concentrate on the negative. I’m not even Canadian. Some places you go to jail for ordering contraband so i think just seizing them is better than the other option but i get your pain too and actually agree with you. The seeds should be allowed. Well anyway back to my Blue Kush. Wishing you guys the best.
Here you go. He's not quite assembled yet.

Omg there is even a pterodactyl version. Or does it also turn into a pterodactyl if so, very nice haul. Rofl.
In Canada in the province of Ontario you are legal to grow 4 plants per household. I don't get why the seeds are a problem

Agree with you. It shouldn’t be. I mean you need seeds to get weed. They can tax them if they like or whatever. But that’s just how stupid and useless bureaucracy is.
In my understanding, which may be wrong as I make a point of ignoring this $hit as much as possible- under the new law$ Canadians are now only allowed to buy seeds from government approved sources. So while seeds have always been legal for us in the past, it would make $en$e for them to start setting an example by seizing people’s seed orders like the US gov. does, thereby diverting more dollars into Canadian government approved pocket$

As well as ‘protecting the public’, no doubt, of course.
In my understanding, which may be wrong as I make a point of ignoring this $hit as much as possible- under the new law$ Canadians are now only allowed to buy seeds from government approved sources. So while seeds have always been legal for us in the past, it would make $en$e for them to start setting an example by seizing people’s seed orders like the US gov. does, thereby diverting more dollars into Canadian government approved pocket$

As well as ‘protecting the public’, no doubt, of course.

Of course. What else could it be. It’s always money.
I would like to hope that such an idiotic move could be struck down in court.

I can think of no excuses for it other than outright greed. If they do go with the usual safety argument and try to claim that they’re protecting us by controlling the flow of ‘dangerous unregulated seeds’- well that just sounds laughable, though not in a happy sort of way.
I can’t think of any other excuses they could come up with.
Ugh... getting a tummy ache and a headache just thinking about this. Gotta go....

Grown from unfuckingregulated seed, cheers. :passitleft:
In my understanding, which may be wrong as I make a point of ignoring this $hit as much as possible- under the new law$ Canadians are now only allowed to buy seeds from government approved sources.

That's my understanding too, just like here in Oregon according to them you can only buy them from "Dispensaries" in State and they have to track where they got them from and a bunch of other crap which makes them priced at twice the price you can get anywhere online (think they raised the number to 10, before it was 5 seeds in your possession which is a FREAKING JOKE). Though in the US makes a bit more sense (even if I don't agree with it) as it is still illegal on the Federal level and one can't use the Postal Service even for seeds, so all the Dispensaries and Growers have to have their Flowers/Extracts/etc... taken by Courier (car) to the Labs to have it tested to make sure it meets State guidelines baloney (as UPS and Fed Ex not allowed to transport it either).
In Canada in the province of Ontario you are legal to grow 4 plants per household. I don't get why the seeds are a problem
Who makes the law?

The border crossings seize seeds ( not just cannabis, but also vegetable , flower seeds & grain ) to stop the spread of diseases & bugs :rolleyes:
Anything crossing the border has to be inspected & approved by the federal gov't
Well you know what we've got to do, folks. Make our own. I don't like keeping males around but we can start swapping pollen when we get them. And you know I buy perennial plant seeds from Australia and Britain and funny how no one wants those at the border. To be honest, some of the perennial plants could actually become invasive let out in the wilds here. That is what those laws are intended to stop, either invasive species or virus laden materials. But no. I get them easily. I'm still annoyed, sorry.
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