
Welcome to 420 Magazine @ted4152

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
welcome ted ! :welcome:

are you growing yet or just getting set up ?
I'm growing a northern lights auto and the seed popped now its in fox farm ocean forest soil. it's not good the tail of the seed doesn't seem to want to go down its only a 1/8 in long and the tip is brownish in color so I have light on it and I will see what happens I thought the tail would grow down but it's like it is not growing at all

I have a ph meter that I know how to use .the ppm meter I'm not sure about I have a grow light full spectrum but I'm using a florescent light right now because the issue with the tail I don't know if that the reason the tail of the plant is not growing and I haven't been water the plant
Rough start, but the plants are very good at staying alive.

Don't water for a day or so, she looks a little moist. How high is your light and what size?

It's the first time I use a full spectrum light I'm using florescent light now 12 in from the plant I won't water it I know how bad it can be for a plant sorry about the message I'm learning how to do this
I'm growing a northern lights auto and the seed popped now its in fox farm ocean forest soil. it's not good the tail of the seed doesn't seem to want to go down its only a 1/8 in long and the tip is brownish in color so I have light on it and I will see what happens I thought the tail would grow down but it's like it is not growing at all

Thank you for your help I will leave her alone for a while .and stop checking her every 2 minutes someday I hope to grow these beautiful plants people say it's a weed it will grow anywhere I'm learning it's I little more then that to it.
Hi and welcome to the forums! :welcome:

Good luck with your grow!
You can find a lot of knowledge in here - it's a great and friendly place! :ganjamon:
:welcome: to the forum @ted4152 :passitleft:
As said don't water again until that soil is dry, your little girl will be fine, she will go looking for water and that will make her roots grow, those little round leaves she has, are called cotyledons, and they are there to feed the baby what it needs, until it reaches the "veg" stage (about 2 weeks)
A lot of growers here have had problems with seedlings in Fox Farms Ocean Forest, myself included. Starting my seeds in Root Riot cubes, then pint size pots of Happy Froig works well for me. Seems to give them the edge they need before up-potting in the very rich FFOF in their final big pot.
Maybe try watering less :smokin:I've never had a problem with FFOF and seedlings, and mine is much stronger than store bought, I amend mine into organics, and my seedlings/babies love it...
Their beautiful thank you for the information I hope mine look like that someday
Thank you :passitleft: and they will Ted, just a learning curve, we all have them, when I started in '08 I killed 8 out of 9 seeds, and then it died a bit later...right from the start cannabis likes to have a dry period in the soil so oxygen can make it to the roots, which in turn stretch out to find water, I use a spray bottle when they're small and only mist them really good once a day, enough to make the surface wet, then let it set :popcorn:

You're definitely in the right place to learn, bunch of great growers here willing to share their experience with who ever asks :goodluck::snowboating:
Sorry but I'm having a problem the seed shell is stuck to the top of the plant their is no green showing and it is hard as a rock
Sorry to hear that :hmmmm: I use a spray bottle and wet the shell good, and let it set for 20 to 30 seconds spray it again, then I use 2 toothpicks to gently pry the 2 halves open a little at a time, spray again if necessary...on another note, next time try putting the seedling, after germination into at least a 3 quarter inch deep hole in a solo cup of dirt, this takes a little longer for them to sprout, but it gives them time to take that shell off for themselves :passitleft:
Sorry I planted it about 1/8 in soil now I have a watermelon auto coming up I got the stuck shell off yesterday and I have a full spectrum light on her about 10 in of the plant the northern lights auto I had growing the tail root looks like it just never grew now it has no tail root of it their are 2 leave but no root going down.could the fox farm be burning the tail root off
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