New Grower

I'd be surprised if that light drew more than 100W from the wall. It's probably closer to 60W. It's enough for now, but you'll need more once the plants get larger. You're in good company. Most of us with LED lighting didn't buy a powerful enough light to start. Hopefully you've got a good income tax refund coming, and don't have plans for it yet.
So it will be ok for my setup. My tent is approximately 8 square feet? I'm so new to this been watching videos and reading articles and journals.. I've learned from past experience whatever somebody says is good double lol
For sure I run four plants in a 5x5 with a 750 watt
The only way to really know is getting an amp clamp? Sorry for all the questions and not like I said I'm new and just learning about all this stuff
Questions if l can’t answer it I will find someone that can ! Keep them coming!
The only way to really know is getting an amp clamp? Sorry for all the questions and not like I said I'm new and just learning about all this stuff
At the bottom of my post I have a link For new members. You can learn how to get your journal started !
Is it helps this is the light I got for now. I will eventually get better.
Is it helps this is the light I got for now. I will eventually get better.
I’ve never seen this one before, worth a try for the start . Check with the sponsors and go through there sites for big discounts for members of 420 .
I was wondering about that 3600W in the description. There are 48, 6W LEDs in that light, for a total of 288W maximum. They are probably driven at 1/6 to 1/3 of that, so it probably draws 48 - 96W from the wall.

Take a look at our LED sponsors, and some of the high end manufacturers' websites. They will give you a reasonable idea of what to look for. Lights are probably the most expensive piece of equipment new growers buy. With all the crap out there, and the bloated claims by manufacturers, most will spend a fair amount of time researching their second light. Search these forums, and ask. Chances are someone here has bought one that you will consider.
Welcome to 420mag! If you don’t want to upgrade your lights right now I wouldn’t worry about it. If you do then you will definitely increase your yield. If you want to get this grow under your belt then just roll with the one you have. Or if you just wanted to double up on this same light, then 2 of them daisy chained together will help a lot. I’m sure you’ve seen some pretty expensive lights out there by now. In my opinion there are some that are in the mid range of cost that perform just as well as some of the really expensive ones. If you stick around here for long you will see the impact of different types of lights on grows.

For now what I would do is raise your light up to about 30 inches above your seedlings. They don’t need much light right now but can be harmed if the light gets them too hot.

As for your RH...if you can get it up higher than you are right now, your plants will like it very much. Maybe a small humidifier in the corner of the tent.

I also use a 2x4x5 tent. Training is a must. I use the quadline method which spreads the plant out similar to a scrog without using a screen. It has worked great with my grows so far. No height issues with decent yields. Here is a pic of a G13 Haze from my current grow. You can see how keeping her trained helps with height but doesn’t sacrifice yield.

Where did your White Widow come from?
Welcome to 420mag! If you don’t want to upgrade your lights right now I wouldn’t worry about it. If you do then you will definitely increase your yield. If you want to get this grow under your belt then just roll with the one you have. Or if you just wanted to double up on this same light, then 2 of them daisy chained together will help a lot. I’m sure you’ve seen some pretty expensive lights out there by now. In my opinion there are some that are in the mid range of cost that perform just as well as some of the really expensive ones. If you stick around here for long you will see the impact of different types of lights on grows.

For now what I would do is raise your light up to about 30 inches above your seedlings. They don’t need much light right now but can be harmed if the light gets them too hot.

As for your RH...if you can get it up higher than you are right now, your plants will like it very much. Maybe a small humidifier in the corner of the tent.

I also use a 2x4x5 tent. Training is a must. I use the quadline method which spreads the plant out similar to a scrog without using a screen. It has worked great with my grows so far. No height issues with decent yields. Here is a pic of a G13 Haze from my current grow. You can see how keeping her trained helps with height but doesn’t sacrifice yield.

Where did your White Widow come from?
What would you suggest for lighting for that tent then that would be enough but another one of those daisy-chained be enough or should I get a stronger one and the one I have I'm getting really confused now because I thought wattage didn't mean anything to LEDs so I'm a little confused on how that worked what would be my best bet for lighting that's not too expensive since I'm on a disability pension
I was thinking of getting this with the other one running in my tent.. Would this be sufficient or should I be looking at something else

@SmokeSara lets see if she is online bet she can fix you up , she works for Mars LED one of our sponsors !
Yeah I just want to have a decent grow I use it for my neuropathy and the pain that I get and it would be a lot cheaper if I could grow it at home
I hear you , we want you to get the best product for the best price . You came to the right place ! You’ll get into these journals and learn what you want to do with a grow .
I hear you , we want you to get the best product for the best price . You came to the right place ! You’ll get into these journals and learn what you want to do with a grow .
what would you think my best route would be to go for lights there's a bunch that I've seen at decent prices.I can use the light I have now and add to it I would like to get something that's a little bit better that I know I can get a good crop off of I know it's my first time probably won't be perfect but if I can get most of the stuff right at least it'll be a learning curve and I can improve after
What would you suggest for lighting for that tent then that would be enough but another one of those daisy-chained be enough or should I get a stronger one and the one I have I'm getting really confused now because I thought wattage didn't mean anything to LEDs so I'm a little confused on how that worked what would be my best bet for lighting that's not too expensive since I'm on a disability pension
There is a direct correlation between the amount of watts a light actually pulls and yield. That’s why you see LED companies say things like “1000 watt equivalent “. They are saying their light is just as good as a 1000 w light but with more efficiency. My light pulls 450 watts at the wall. Let me see if I can find it on amazon.
One way I like to think about it is this...if I’m growing my own MJ then I’m not buying it. There is quite a bit of cost up front with growing and when we upgrade things as well. But I like to think of it in terms of “its paying for itself”! Lol. Helps me sleep better at night! For example and just using round numbers...So let’s say you pay 100 for a light that allows you to yield up to 1oz per plant if you only grow 2 at a time. Or you can pay 400 for a light that allows you to pull 4oz per plant consistently. Costs more up front but the money you save by not buying weed comes soon enough. Lol. I don’t know what kind of yield to expect from your light. But just looking at it, it seems like it would be more suited for a 2x2 space. That’s what made me suggest just getting 2. I would either just use the one you have or add another one to it if it was me. But I would be planning to upgrade my lights for my next grow or the one after that.

Growing is a lot of fun! I’d just get this one under my belt and learn more about lighting from some of the growers here over the next few months and decide what you think will get you the results you are looking for. I would put far more value in what you learn here than what you read on a manufacturers website or on their amazon page. Same with seeds and nutrients. They say things that tend to be exaggerated. Lol. But this place is full of great growers that have a lot of experience with just about everything out there. Once I found this place I stopped looking around the web and just started asking questions here. It’s a very friendly place full of people who enjoy helping other growers no matter what their experience level. I’ll tag a few active members that enjoy meeting some of our new folks. @MrSauga grew a white widow during his first grow here at the Mag. @Dutchman1990 has had a big impact on our community since his arrival. Both of those guys are Canadian as well. @InTheShed is a veteran grower here and not to mention Member of the Year last year. I’m sure they will be by to say hi soon! But what I recommend is starting a grow journal and let us know here in this thread when you do. There is a link in my signature with good info for new members. I’d also recommend checking out these guys threads and subscribing to them. You will meet some cool people there and you can usually find links to their grow journals in their signatures as well. I’ve learned a lot just reading the grow journals of the friends I’ve made here!
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