OK to re-pot a week into 12/12?


Well-Known Member
hey guys, is it ok to repot a plant when it's about a week into 12/12 or will it be too much stress in which case i need to bite the bullet and just keep it stunted and flower as she is? any quick answers are appreciated since im sitting here staring at it now ready to go...heh

I think most would agree that the general rule of thumb would be to not do anything once our plants are "flipped to 12/12" so that the ladies can "transition" into the flowering cycle with the least amount of stress as possible, or none at all would be best case scenario.
But in all honesty I've done it twice... one time at one week into flower, and another at4 weeks into flower. My reason was root bound plants with bad PH issues so it needed to be done. Didn't really notice a big difference but you all know how it is. Who really knows what I really lost out on.... Just my two cents worth. Good luck...

thanks...was contemplating just keeping it stunted due to space since i think i waited to long to flower and if it dbles or triples in size height, then i may have some height issues. i shouldve set up some sort of scrog or something to fan things out but i just dont have the experience nor time. but then the other side of me just says let it grow out naturally and see how it goes. heh:volcano-smiley:
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