opinions please

Purple Goose

New Member
Okay had a bunch of friends all give me different advice on my flowering room and how many plants will fit and how large so really need you experienced growers to give me an opinion I will post a pick after I put in the dimensions and a bit of explanation on what I had in mind.

Okay going to flower in 3 gallon pots after I transplant rooted clones that have been vegging under 2 150w cfl tube lights actuall wattage is 300 but was told its equivalent to 450 or skmething like that. Anyways after they are 2 weeks old and there predecessors have left the room I will move them in and give them another week under mh 1000w to get them well rooted and a bit more growth then flipped to 12/12.

The room is 9 x 7 x 6' when my light is at its maximum height there is 5' 4" from the floor to the glass of the reflector which is a yieldmaster classic 6" cooled with a 350cfm exhaust.

The actual flower area is 5 x 7 x 5'4" to the light but when you see the pic take into mind because of my back I decided to put my plants on a table for when they are smaller and when they have gotten as tall as they can on it without getting to close to the light I will removed the table and lower them down 18" . So take a look at the pic and give me an opinion of how many plants max you would attempt in here and how tall.


I have had one friend tell me I can do 25 plants in here but I was thinking 20 would be max as the area is only 35 sq' sorry the pic isnt so great as my camera isnt very good but on the right side there is actually about another foot from the last row of pots to the wall.
Re: [opinions please

20 should be fine.

Stop telling people you grow though. Since you've already told a bunch of friends you have a bunch of reasons to quit.

Not a problem with my friends we are all in a co-op together we all take care of each others plants its just my friends all grow hydro but I prefer the taste of pot grown in soil. So as they wont sell there pot I know they wouldnt rob me or speak about it to anyone else especially when you consider we all share our crops equally with each other and we all work to clean them up together. Its just with them growing with ebb and flo tables they are all doing 4 plants per sq' just putting clones in and flowering them but I prefer a bigger plant and the taste of soil so I am giving mine 2 weeks veg after rooting under cfl's then another week or so under mh before I flip to 12/12 and hps. So my plants are going to be substantially bigger then theirs so I didnt really trust there judgement on the space especially when you consider they have 50-60 plants in the same space one of my buddies is actually running 100 plants on a 4 x 8 ebb and flow table but as I said they put there clones on the table and flip right away so there plants are just single buds that dry weight is about 30g per plant
30 grams a plant @ 4 per sq. foot. What strain and size are those clones? esspecially if they are going stright into flower?

After his clones root he gives them 2 weeks under 300w 6500k cfl's so they are around 5-8" tall each as far as strain has no name but they are sativa dominant strains about 70/30 and the flower time is usually 10-12 weeks. The original seeds actually came from a QP he bought and in it he got 10 seeds total as it was kick ass he grew out the seeds got 6 females and 4 males kept the 2 nicest plants as parents crossed them in an outdoor grow and ended up with a shit load of seeds. Oh when I said about 30g each I had meant to say 20-30g per plant the largest cola was 29" long and weighed 39g
you can grow that many, but why would you want to? Is your goal more plants, or more bud?

Also, it seems really crowded in there with all those buckets. Are you going to need room to get in there and do some maintenance.
With a room that only has enough room for plants about 4'6" tall comfortablly without bending them over with a sativa dominant strain how big would you think i should let them get before I flip I only ask as I know the one strain I have can grow plants 3m + tall so I was thinking maybe 6" tall would be the maximum before flip?
you can grow that many, but why would you want to? Is your goal more plants, or more bud?

Also, it seems really crowded in there with all those buckets. Are you going to need room to get in there and do some maintenance.

Oh in the room what you see is just part of the room when I go to work in there I have to move plants out from under the light but I have another space about 5 x 5 to work in the whole room is 9'6" x 7 but there is a closet so it makes the room sort of an L shape I guess you would say. Once I have more money I may actually get a 600w switchable ballast and fill the room up some more as my licence allows for 50plants total what I was planning on for now though is to do a normal long grow and get some mothers from the new strains I have picked up and then I will switch to a perpetual harvest Idea using clones get them rooted under 2 300w cfl's in bright wing reflectors and then veg them for 2 weeks move to flower room give them one more week of veg after transplant to get the roots spread out more then switch to 12/12 so I am hoping I will be putting in 10" or so tall clones. And with my sativas I will clone them 1 week before harvest and move them in as soon as they have roots with the indica strains I figure this should prevent them big bastages from shading out everything else if that doesnt work great then I will have to do sativa's seperate from indica's but that will kinda suck because I am hoping to have a 2-3 strains to smoke so I dont build up much tolerance.

Was wondering though If anyone has ever grown Armaggedon or Super Crystal I only ask because I have not seen anyone ever mention these strains before but I do know Super Crystal was a CC winner that is described as being hit in the head with a gold brick
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