Perth Man Grew Cannabis To Ease Arthritis

Truth Seeker

New Member
A 49-year-old man who grew cannabis in his flat to help relieve arthritic pain has been ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work.

Perth Sheriff Court heard police noticed a cannabis smell coming from Steven McKechnie's flat while they were carrying out an unrelated inquiry.

They found £3,000 of the drug in the property in the city's Stronsay Court.

McKechnie said he used it to help alleviate pain from arthritis and a frozen shoulder.

The court was told that cannabis leaves were strewn around the flat, with tubs containing the drug also being found alongside six cannabis plants.

The Crown accepted McKechnie was not involved in supplying cannabis to anyone else. He admitted producing the drug at his home on 11 April of last year.

Solicitor David Holmes, defending, said McKechnie had been using cannabis for pain relief for several years.

He said: "He has arthritis and a frozen shoulder which is taking a long time to clear.

"Rather than frequently attending to buy it, he thought he would try and grow his own. This was for his own use. The equipment and seeds cost him £200 to purchase."


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Contact: BBC News - Contacting BBC News programmes
Website: BBC News - Perth man grew cannabis to ease arthritis
They found £3,000 of the drug in the property in the city's Stronsay Court.

McKechnie said he used it to help alleviate pain from arthritis and a frozen shoulder.

The court was told that cannabis leaves were strewn around the flat, with tubs containing the drug also being found alongside six cannabis plants.

And herein "lies" the problem, while the victim may have paid a few hundred US on equip you can bet there was no where near 3000 pounds (or EURO's) worth of cannabis seized. He could have had a few plants, prolly only producing minimal amounts. The cops where we are qualify any plant (event clones/seedlings) as $1000. Catch you with 5 plants (mandatory minimum for which is like 6-9 months, yep in Canada to my great shame) even if they where cuttings in a small grow tent will result in a newspaper article destroying your life and reputation, saying crazy shit like grow op found in bla bla over $5000 seized in crop and equipment etc etc. The cops in their race to justify these busts have been exaggerating crops and yields and amounts for decades. This is now a rooted culture within police forces, which needs to change, regardless of the state/fed laws.
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