Please Tell Us About Your Experiences At 420 Magazine

I've been on here just a little while, although I did join a way back but wasn't active as such.
I find the good folks on here are so helpful and eager to share their knowledge. I was a member of another such forum, but I was quickly banned for... well, I can't even remember why, but it was a nothing thing. I never had a cross word with anyone. I think I asked a question, thats all.
It actually put me off these sorts of forums, but I'm glad I eventually started to write here. What a completely different crowd, night and day!

Thank you everyone.
I've been on here just a little while, although I did join a way back but wasn't active as such.
I find the good folks on here are so helpful and eager to share their knowledge. I was a member of another such forum, but I was quickly banned for... well, I can't even remember why, but it was a nothing thing. I never had a cross word with anyone. I think I asked a question, thats all.
It actually put me off these sorts of forums, but I'm glad I eventually started to write here. What a completely different crowd, night and day!

Thank you everyone.
Lots of outstanding people here that are willing to help you become an expert grower. Monthly contests where you can win 🏆 great prizes and accolades. Without question this is the best pro-cannabis/grower site on the internet . CL🍀. :cheer: :420::party:
I’m new here and I can tell you why I joined. The banter and atmosphere here is very friendly and without any of the bs you see everywhere else. Just a lot of people who are eager to help, learn and share. Who happen to be really good at growing. I’ve had more encouraging encounters here than anywhere else 420 related. And since everyone does their own thing it’s easy to pick up tips and tricks by just reading through journals. And the picture! That’s why I joined and I think I’ve only scratched the surface.
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