Roadside saliva testing (Drugswipe3) in UK


New Member
I drive to work everyday (56 miles round trip) and like to think I'm a good example of a civilised driver (pulled over once in 14 years, due to a fault of my own!). Apart from the odd bus lane fine, I have been relatively clear of any traffic enforcement action. I smoke at least once a day, in most cases when I get home from work, although sometimes I might have a toke before leaving for work. I'm not really a fan of smoking whilst driving (will admit it does get me through horrendous traffic), therefore either prefer to do it before or after work. I have been smoking for over 10 years.

Seeing as this new legislation has come into place as of today, I for one will be affected for sure. It clearly is aimed at the presence of drugs in your system, rather than the actual impairment or effects of drugs on your driving etc. Very unfair, but now it is law and will have to be lived with. My driving is very important to my career and like many I've a mortgage to pay (and a baby on the way!). I cannot afford to lose my license, jeopardise my employment or incur any sort of fine.

Anyone else affected by these new laws? In my experience, I've found MJ (in moderation - no bob marleys at 0500) to increase my awareness making me a more careful driver. Sure, I 'forget' to pick up my speed to the national limit after a restriction, but it is better than speeding right?

I've spent all morning researching how to pass such roadside tests, especially in a short window of time (3-6 hours). Regular brushing/oral hygiene and listerine strips seem to be the best bet, however, not always convenient in a driving seat. I will be carrying listerine strips on me from now on, but I am curious to know if anyone else is worried, concerned or has any experience with road side tests?

As careful and as safe driver I like to consider myself as, this legislation does not require reasonable grounds to authorise the plod to stop you.

Worried and concerned!

Yes yet another way of brain washing society into thinking cannabis is harmful and impares the driver in same way as class a drugs and alchohol.

You my friend are an example that you are capable and more careful driver whilst modestly partaking in a 4.20.

like myself i drove all over the uk whilst moderately using cannabis and that helped me.

I dont know about listerine but other mouth washes contain alcohol in which case might be drink driving.

wish u well in your search for a solution
In my neck of woods i'm sure that THC saliva testing was rolled out in 2014, i'm not to sure whether it was trial county/area or not ?

But is normally done at a scene of a RTA - road traffic accident pretty much like any standard breath test for alcohol at such a scene :thumb:

With alcohol is about a measurement of units which has been tried & tested over many years... unfortunately THC is a rather grey area at the present time in till further research is done.

I'm also aware of prescription based drugs aka over the counter from the chemist can even be tested by new methods & mainly the ones which may effect operation of machinery... gives ya something to think about !

How ever smoking mj whilst driving is matter of individuals opinion on safety but in general i do believe it is generally frowned upon as no clear guide lines are present...
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