Small spots on new leaves/help


Well-Known Member
Re: small spots on new leaves/help

need help since spots are only on newer leaves, i don't think it is a pest problem. but maybe a ph or over watering .. what do you think.? thanks
Re: small spots on new leaves/help

i checked good with magnifing glass. do not see anything. can hardly even see spots on bAck side. it looks like the new leaves are forming with spots already on them.
Re: small spots on new leaves/help

Those spots are the first sign of a PH problem.

You should provide us with more info about your grow.
Re: small spots on new leaves/help

thanks i have a cheep meter showing 7 or a little above.. it is a 8x8 greenhouse with 12 plants half in pots half in ground.I will be getting better ph test and chemicals to fix thursday while in town... i just ordered 1500 lady bugs.. will they hurt to release if no mite problem? thanks so much for help
Re: small spots on new leaves/help

I had mites, and it looked exactly the same way. Any "silky" coverage on some parts of your leaves ?
Re: small spots on new leaves/help

nothing but whats shown... have 1500 ladybugs coming in 2 days ,hope to stop any damage/also i like the tobbaco spray idea. how did you handle them?
watching them lady bugs run around eating is almost as good as wtching the plants grow. they run all up and down the leaf ,all the way to the tip,then they go under the leaf. they are having a ball. sometimes they will almost fight over a spot.remindes me of when a bigger deer will chase the smaller ones off the feed pile.i can always go to the spray later if needed, but real lady bugs are even cheeper that liguid lady
ok thanks i have bought 5 gal of liquid ladybug in case real ones fail. not a bad price when you buy 5 gal .
I was told that these were called" sweet and sour", but i have never heard of any such thing. any one ever heard of that strain?
I have a 40x magnifier and see nothing and new groath is clean...But i have ants and no one ever told me that ants "FARM APHIDS" They store the eggs and in summer bring them out and plant them on plants .Then they come back and eat eggs and larva.. I lay awake all last night after i read that on line and was at farm store at 8 am and got ant traps...I did not think they were hurting anything..Never thought about them farming.. On line says, control ants ,may control aphids
i have taken a half dozen spotted leaves and looked good with 40x magnifier and see nothing but fibers of leafs i will keep checking all day
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