Stardawg17, Hempy, SIP, Clones, Seeds, Indoors & Out - 2023 Circus 1

good fences make good neighbors,
Yeah that's what I'd always heard, but, my neighbor decided to take down a section of my privacy fence and replaced it because she didn't like the way it looked. And while she was at it decided to paint the walls of my sheds that face her yard.
Here's pics of the transplants from the bubbler to the SIPs.

Looks like they're wicking up from the res just fine.



PQ 1.1



Transplants continued...




Here they are all plugged into the feed system

I'm seriously thinking of replacing the lights. They have performed well but generate too much heat in the tent. I think it's causing my stress issues and probably what triggered the hermies last grows. I definitely don't want that again.
Yeah... another grow not of to an ideal start. I'm actually considering scrapping these girls and starting over... IDK

I just trimmed up NL1 from the last grow and I'm very disappointed. Only got 42g of decent buds and more seeds than you can jump over. Lots of work for little return. I know I need to step up my game. Seems like each of my grows has been a little worse than 1 before. You'd think after 2 years at this I'd be getting better results [SMH]

I wish I had pulled the trigger on those @ViparSpectra lights while they were on sale. Guess I'll have to watch them and catch the next sale 🤔
Lots of things come into play for a good grow like environment, light, nutes, medium, etc. Maybe treat one round as a big experiment and try different combinations with different plants and see what you learn.

Kind of like the scientific method without any controls. ;)
Yeah... another grow not of to an ideal start. I'm actually considering scrapping these girls and starting over... IDK

I just trimmed up NL1 from the last grow and I'm very disappointed. Only got 42g of decent buds and more seeds than you can jump over. Lots of work for little return. I know I need to step up my game. Seems like each of my grows has been a little worse than 1 before. You'd think after 2 years at this I'd be getting better results [SMH]

I wish I had pulled the trigger on those @ViparSpectra lights while they were on sale. Guess I'll have to watch them and catch the next sale 🤔
Sorry about your frustration Stardawg.
Have you thought of Veggin them longer? You will definitely get more yield bro. Maybe, couple extra weeks then you normally do and see the difference.
Bigger plants=bigger roots=bigger fruits.
Cheers bro
As a species, we've been at this gardening thing for a well-recorded 5000 years, and collected knowledge from every season since.... and yet we are still fucking up, species-wide, globally. Personally, I would infer from this that your own difficulties should not be taken too personally, StarDawg. I see a lot of intelligent work underway over there, a lot.

Now, you may be doing this already, so ignore me if so, but I think one of the best ways to improve results is to accept a slightly higher opportunity cost by high-grading, it's a very powerful tool because genetic strength is not equally distributed to every individual in every family. So, for a final requirement of 3 plants, I will originally plant 6 seeds and high-grade as late as possible (in your position I'd say at transplant) for 3 final plants. The same goes for clones, but you can and should raise the initial cohort's numbers over that of seedlings due to a cutting's lower comparative costs and, most importantly, the clones' wide range of initial quality and final yield. In my experience, they have a slightly lower production yield per plant. So for clones, if I decide on 4 final plants (to match the yield of 3 from-seed plants) I try to root 12, and high-grade the survivors after a couple weeks growth. This tool's power actually is actually more powerful for those growing the fewest plants and yet commercial growers still insist on utilizing the method regardless of crop size. We should be doing the same.

I think we micro-growers would also benefit from grouping together and assigning seed-growing duties to members in the group. It'd make for a pretty cool club but you'd need to be in the same country I think.

Anyway, hang in there, don't stop! You're on a good looking path...
I'm very disappointed. Only got 42g of decent buds and more seeds than you can jump over. Lots of work for little return. I know I need to step up my game. Seems like each of my grows has been a little worse than 1 before. You'd think after 2 years at this I'd be getting better results [SMH]
Don't let the bastards wear you down stardawg! I've harvested 56 plants and they range from 0.67g/day to 2.6/day in nothing like a straight line up from first to last. As a matter of fact one of my two last harvested was the 0.67 one, so I know what you're feeling.

I find the best thing for me is to go back through the grow and see where I hit bumps that set my yields back.

Hang in there! :green_heart:
I feel like I had an entry removed from this thread. But it's probably my cross-wired brain kicking off again.

I just wanted to say (weeks ago, and thought I had. lol) that rigging up a Dutch Bucket system to a SIP is genius, glorious and... g..g..g.. ah, genetic... hmmm, no.. well, genius and glorious!

Oh man, that's so ideal. I really think that a fertigated SIP could grow like a constant-drip 3-gallon coco plant, monstrous - but bottom-fertigated! I reckon that the area to focus, ie where the SIP will be comparatively weaker when used this way is the amount of dO2 in the water.

I'm building a small SIP planter (3gals) with a reservoir that I'll put airstones in to try and test the theory. But doing it with Dutch buckets gives you enough waterfall-effect to really bump up the dO2 also, but not so much you get rez root explosion in there (not the end of the world but... I don't want to pH the fertigation and don't have to for the Promix in the planter, wondering if I need to if rez fill with roots though. Didn't last time, but... but).

Because I fertigate to 1.0 EC, and have avoided any lockouts at that rate, I'll go up a tick or two with this trial. My fertigated SIPs are in Promix/SS#4 (buffered peat/perlite) and I'm wary of ppm's building too high, so I have a couple additives to boost cation exchange. It might even not get weed in it at first, I don't have any genetics, but I'll do a tomato and a pepper plant and take an average! :rolleyes:

I've done the airstone in the rez thing, hammered it with a 30w pump w/ two big stones and got a rez full of roots, but interested to see if a small pot size will replicate the drip-coco growth in a similarly small pot when fertigating (Jacks or MC2pt) and keeping dO2 up.

thanks for sharing, it cleared out a whole section of my brain I didn't realize was avail.

Also trying to find a CBG plant for the headaches... talk about a unicorn.
Wow...I didn't realize how long I've been away from the forum. 7 pages of updates :eek:

I'll respond to posts and then an update...spoiler...I didn't trash the grow and start over.

Maybe treat one round as a big experiment and try different combinations with different plants and see what you learn.
Yeah...I've been trying the tweak 1 thing at a time approach, but, I get impatient I guess and don't wait to see the full effect often times. I made 2 major changes this grow...SIPS and grow dots. As I get older it feels like I can't do as many things as I did when I was younger. And, the PsA really saps my energy. The hope with these changes was to simplify things and allow me to spend less time out in the shed. During the pandemic I grew really fond of just chilling out on the couch with the Mrs and our hounds.

Thanks for the suggestions! I've gone over the top with trying to control the environment and this grow I'm backing off a bit. Instead of chasing VPD I'm just setting a fairly constant temp and using an ink bird humidity controller. I've also changed placement of the lights and will be following the advice @InTheShed recently gave hash girl on lowering a little each day until I see negative effects and then revert to the previous days level.


Sorry about your frustration Stardawg.
Have you thought of Veggin them longer?
The last grow was 76 days before flip.
The current grow the clones are on day 108 days since cut and the seedlings are 50-78 days above ground.

Appreciate the encouragement :green_heart:
your own difficulties should not be taken too personally, StarDawg. I see a lot of intelligent work underway over there, a lot.
one of the best ways to improve results is to accept a slightly higher opportunity cost by high-grading, it's a very powerful tool because genetic strength is not equally distributed to every individual in every family.
Yeah...when I started growing seeds were $10 each so I was overly miserly. After the last grow I got more seeds than you can jump over 🤣 and I have the mother plants so this shouldn't be a problem. Thanks for the advice!

I think we micro-growers would also benefit from grouping together and assigning seed-growing duties to members in the group. It'd make for a pretty cool club but you'd need to be in the same country I think.
I like the sound of this but the logistics make things tough. I am working with the St. Louis NORML chapter about some sort of growers group and we are encouraged to swap seeds. I've even considered bringing in clones to share but with my spider mite issue I didn't want to spread the infection outside of my shed :thedoubletake:

Anyway, hang in there, don't stop! You're on a good looking path...
Thanks again...I really appreciate the support :green_heart:
Don't let the bastards wear you down stardawg! I've harvested 56 plants and they range from 0.67g/day to 2.6/day in nothing like a straight line up from first to last. As a matter of fact one of my two last harvested was the 0.67 one, so I know what you're feeling.

I find the best thing for me is to go back through the grow and see where I hit bumps that set my yields back.

Hang in there! :green_heart:
Thanks shed! I guess it's true that to compare is to despair. You look at all of these amazing grows on this forum and it's easy to feel inadequate. The truth is even though my last couple of grows were rough I did reap a harvest from each that provided my wife and me with the meds we need. I need to focus more on appreciating what I got instead of grieving what might have been.

Your kindness and wisdom is always appreciated :green_heart:
Now for the update
It is amazing what a difference a couple of weeks can make. I did shuffle plants around a bit. I put the 2 smallest plants into the 2 x 2 and moved the DBLs back into the 4 x 4.

Let's start with the 2 x 2 .

Mars Hydro TS 600 90w 2x2 quantum board led plant light​

In the back is NL 2.1 (Northern Lights clone - 108 days from clip)
In the front is GG1 (Gorilla Glue free seed from Herbie's - 50 days)

Sauga view

NL 2.1


So far these ladies are sipping very little. I'm not sure if I'll actually grow out NL2.1. She's looked troubled from the start and IDK if there's going to be room in the 2 x 2 for both of them.
Now the main tent...

Giixer LED Grow Light 1000W Plus Full Spectrum High PAR Value Simulated Sunlight Plant Light (x4)​

Starting in the back left and going counter-clockwise...
ZK1 - Zkittlez (free seed from Herbie's - 50 days)
AL1 - Amnesia Lemon (free seed from Herbie's - 78 days)
PQ1.2 - Purple Queen (clone - 108 days from clip)
DBL3 - Double Black Label (CBG from cbgseeds - 70 days)
DBL4 - Double Black Label (CBG from cbgseeds - 70 days)




DBL3 - I had to tie her up because she keeps wanting to fall over o_O


Sauga Views


I am concerned about DBL3 wanting to fall over and I've observed the bottom 2-3" of the stalk is white on each off them.



I never noticed that before, but, after reviewing photos from my past grows this appears to be common.

Overall, I'm pleased with the main tent, however, every time I make that statement something goes sideways so buckle up :D

My biggest risk at this point is the zipper busted on the main tent. There are 3 velcro tabs that are keeping it mostly closed at the moment. I'm not switching out tents until this grow is complete so I'll have to come up with something to make do.

Pics are from yesterday.
All plants are in DIY SIPs using same Nectar for the Gods soil #4 and Grow Dots at 1 Tbsp / gallon.

I'll start with the 2x2. Mars Hydro TS 600 90W.
Reservoirs are topped off with RO water manually every couple of days.
Currently sipping about a cup to a pint every 2 to 3 days.

GG1 - Gorilla Glue - Herbie's bonus seed - 59 days

NL2.1 - Northern Lights - Clone - 117 days

Back NL2.1 / Front GG1

Onto the 4x4 - Giixer 1000W (x4)...
external reservoir
Hormex root hormone and GH Armor Si added to RO water
The feed pump pushes about 1/2 gallon to each plant every 6 hours which drains back to reservoir.

DBL3 - Double Black Label - CBG seed source - 79 Days
Topped and super cropped main stalk.

DBL4 - Double Black Label - CBG seed source - 79 Days
Topped and super cropped main stalk.

PQ1.2 - Purple Queen - Clone - 117 days
Topped and LST

AL1 - Amnesia Lemon - Herbie's bonus seed - 87 days

ZK1 - Zkittlez - Herbie's bonus seed - 59 days

Starting in the rear left and going counter-clockwise
ZK1 / AL1 / PQ1.2 / DBL3 / DBL4

Since I'm using Grow Dots the veg schedule is set to 4 weeks from up-pot. So, I've started turning out the lights an hour earlier each day until I reach 12/12 on 5/20 (just a month behind schedule). According to the elevated botanist, I should be flowering the Northern Lights on a 14/10 schedule, but, I'm uncertain how the Gorilla Glue will handle that. I believe @GainesvilleGreen runs his lights at 13/11 during flower so maybe I'll give that a go in the 2x2. I've got such a variety in the 4x4 that I'll definitely be sticking to 12/12 since I have no guidance on any of those strains. That would be nice data for the seed producer to supply.
The big tent may be a month behind but looks like you're going to be rolling in both THC and CBG come harvest time!
That would be nice data for the seed producer to supply.
That would take a lot of extra effort most folks wouldn't benefit from. Not only would they have to stabilize their variety but they'd also have to test all light schedules from 14/10 to 10/14 in 1 hour increments!

Only person I ever saw run 14/10 was @Rider509 who ran far red pucks after lights out to put his plants to sleep faster.
The big tent may be a month behind but looks like you're going to be rolling in both THC and CBG come harvest time!

Maybe there's something to these SIPs after all 🤔

That would take a lot of extra effort most folks wouldn't benefit from. Not only would they have to stabilize their variety but they'd also have to test all light schedules from 14/10 to 10/14 in 1 hour increments!

Only person I ever saw run 14/10 was @Rider509 who ran far red pucks after lights out to put his plants to sleep faster.

I skimmed through that blog post again and the 14/10 was only for the first half of flower. The remainder was 12/12 to ripen the flowers.

Pics are from Sunday.
All plants are in DIY SIPs using same Nectar for the Gods soil #4 and Grow Dots at 1 Tbsp / gallon.

I'll start with the 2x2. Mars Hydro TS 600 90W.
Reservoirs are topped off with RO water manually every couple of days.
GG1 sipping 1/2 gallon every few days. NL2.1 barely sipping.

NL2.1 - Northern Lights - clone - 124 days - 14/10 3 days

GG1 - Gorilla Glue - Herbie's bonus seed - 66 days - 14/10 3 days

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