As I read these studies I keep it in the front of my curious mind that the funding is coming from government agencies determined to find something nefarious about cannabis that’ll allow them to keep up the pretense that they’re telling the truth and protecting us from a dangerous drug, when we all know our cannabis policies are based on lies.

A research scientist has to get funding to get paid. To get the funding you are strongly encouraged to play the biased and judgmental language game.

Flawed science, beginning to end, and yet intrepid scientists like Meschoulam managed to manipulate the system to fund things like discovering we have primary signaling systems that cannabis can augment to help us stay healthy and productive.
@Amy Gardner and @Alafornia, that was some good conversation I missed while out agonizing over the narrative of my next article. :laughtwo:

In the end it always comes back to finding the personal sweet spot, which is the simple and gentle process of starting low and thoughtfully increasing doses until you find relief. It’s helpful to know what receptor to target for the relief you seek, but almost all the cannabinoids are anti-inflammatories. Since inflammation is at the root of all disease states and the associated pain cycles, it seems most prudent to start with a 1:1 balance and work from there.

I also remind myself that we managed as a species to use cannabis for millennia without all this science behind us and no one died from it. Show me another powerful drug of this caliber you can say that about.

Terpenes may be more important choices, and as far as I can see growers have the advantage in that respect. For all the talk about the value of terpenes I don’t see the market responding by including testing of them in the labs at a reasonable price, or in letting people smell the product before purchasing.

Of course, those limitations are, in great part, built into the authoritarian way we’ve allowed cannabis to be made available to the public, and those powers are based on the lies. :straightface:

It’s a viscous cycle that’s keeping cannabis from those without easy cash flow. It’s only temporary. :circle-of-love:
Good points all around, Sue
Since inflammation is at the root of all disease states and the associated pain cycles

Sue, I am on board with most of you what you’re saying about cannabis here and in general (you now that), but this is just too strong a statement for me!

Yes, it’s now known that various forms of inflammatory response are a common underlying factor in many disease states and many pain cycles. That’s what we currently know, and it isn’t absolute or accross the board. Things start to take a problematic turn when we absolutise our knowledges. It’s part of what leads that study to the probs I have w their language. Hard claims that are too strongly stated - making it sound like the knowledge is more than it is. The science on all this is so young, both on cannabis and on chronic inflammatory disease states, it’s evolving. We do it and ourselves a disservice with absolute statements IMHO.

Since you sometimes like to re-rehearse the way you say things, let me try...

”Since we know that inflammation is very often involved in chronic disease states, ...” leaves room for future knowledge and current situations that don‘t fit the scenario ☺

then there’s this whole aspect...
or in letting people smell the product before purchasing.
Exactly. Commercially available cannabinoid medicines (through medical channels) often have no terpenes or flavonoids (not that the nose or tongue can detect anyway), at least what’s available through the formal medical avenues. (Flavonoids Sue! :D that’s somewhere else to explore too :nomo: )

I saw some infused oil recently that came through supposedly good legal sources here, about 8mg of THC and CBd (1:1) and it had no aroma at all. Mine is very fragrant :)

I wonder what product studies like this use. My understanding is that to have any sway it has to be with approved products, and they’re not often good quality. I didn’t read the details of that study tho - only what sue put here so I’m also shooting from the hip a bit!

I dont mean to be snippy and i can tell it might seem that way sometimes. I am actually just trying to modulate ;) the language to be less dramatic, less strong and more ongoing-conversational (a clumsy compound but I’m sure you get what i mean - @HashGirl ;) ). Very little, almost nothing, is certain.
double post o_O

but seeing as i did lol!, here’s another start. There’s certainly incredible flavour in my Bubba Hash Starbusrt carob treats I made (using dynamo and SweetSue’s guide to making canna chocolates) and everybody says so, so I assume that’s flavonoids :drool: .

I don’t know if any correspond to anything in the paper linked below on flavonoids and pain, but I will give reading it shot to try and find out. They are superb for pain. I sleep 7hrs straight every night, sometimes more and rarely less. For decades that didn’t happen :)

Connects nicely with what Sue and others talk about elsewhere, about also thinking of cannabis as a food. I think food is medicine, so that kinda fits too. (I already do this with food - proactively maintian a lot of colour in the diet.)

EDIT: I need to find a good science journal is article on the flavonoids therapeutic applications/properties. That paper starts way deep in technical language I have no desire to absorb - not enough space in here for that! I’ll keep aiming to understand the summary sections tho :nomo:

I know I saw an article recently referring to it in the headline that I meant to go back to but of course... can‘t locate it on the ‘net now :nomo:

we very often find ourselves back at the entourage effect :thumb:
I know that this is an oil thread, but I asked my wife to mix Candida with whatever she was smoking tonight (turned out to be IIP), and her sense is it deadened the high. This was an approximately 50/50 blend by weight rather than by CBD/THC content, but I don't know if Sue is accounting for that when putting the CBD/THC blends in her bowl.

I can also tell you my wife felt nothing at all when smoking the claimed 2:1 CBD:THC CBD Lemon Potion Auto.
I know that this is an oil thread, but I asked my wife to mix Candida with whatever she was smoking tonight (turned out to be IIP), and her sense is it deadened the high. This was an approximately 50/50 blend by weight rather than by CBD/THC content, but I don't know if Sue is accounting for that when putting the CBD/THC blends in her bowl.

I can also tell you my wife felt nothing at all when smoking the claimed 2:1 CBD:THC CBD Lemon Potion Auto.

Man, I don’t stop here nearly often enough anymore. So much going on..... :hmmmm: I’ll figure that out later.

I mixed mine by weight every time I experimented, but not every time I just combined them in the bowl Shed. Cannabis..... she be a tough gal to tie down to consistency, eh? Lol!

And thank you for sharing that. :hug: May I ask if she was disappointed to not feel the lemony CBD or pleased? Also, does the taste live up to the name? :battingeyelashes: I seem to be drawn to the lemon chemovars, although the only one I’ve tasted was yummy Lemon Haze.

I stopped to leave some info on beefing up one’s immune response. :love:

I found this in my email today, from Chris Wark. Chris is a man on a mission to teach people how to overcome cancer with nutrition.

I keep tabs on Chris because I believe he’s right, and I don’t want to forget he’s a resource we can offer to members in need. Nutritional support will help your body overcome more than cancer.

Today his mail message offered ways to support your immune system, something foremost on all of our minds right now.

I learned recently about those happy peptides the body makes that also support your immune system. Laughter is the best medicine, and I see Chris agrees. :laughtwo:

I think we're all clear on the value of frequent hand washing, not putting your fingers in your nose, eyes, or mouth, keeping your distance, and wearing a mask when necessary. Beyond that...

The most powerful things you can do to support your immune system are very simple things.

1) A whole food plant-based diet. Too many anti-inflammatory and immune boosting compounds to list!
2) Exercise 30-60 minutes six days per week. No marathon training. That depletes immune function.
3) Get lots of fresh air and sunshine.
4) Give your worries and fears to God. Stress suppresses your immune system. The news and social media are flooded with fear-inducing content right now. Don't get sucked in!
5) Spend quality time with your loved ones.
6) And laugh! Laughter boosts your immune system. Watch comedies and stand-up.

If you are stuck at home, make the most of this time! Use this unique opportunity to create something you've always wanted to create (I'm writing another book). I posted a video on Facebook all about this with encouragement and ideas for you.

And finally, I have a three articles on the blog I want to share with you on vitamin C, vitamin D and beta glucan, three supplements that I take year round and that are essential right now. I cannot overstate their importance. They are more important to me than toilet paper. ;)

The High-Dose Vitamin C Protocol for Cancer and Viral Infections

Vitamin D: The #1 Anticancer Vitamin

How Beta Glucan Supercharges Your Immune System

Those articles will arm you with powerful practical knowledge and I think you will really enjoy them, especially the interview with A.J. Lanigan on Beta Glucans. He's a hoot!

To support my immune system I am taking the following daily:

-10-20k IU of vitamin D3 per day with food
- 2-8 grams of vitamin C per day on an empty stomach
- Beta glucans (500 mg per 50 lbs of body weight per day) on an empty stomach

To your life and health!
May I ask if she was disappointed to not feel the lemony CBD or pleased? Also, does the taste live up to the name?
My wife smokes to get high and because she misses smoking cigarettes, so smoking the Lemon Potion auto was a disappointment because she didn't get high! And she can't taste the difference between one strain and another, so I'd ask BeezLuiz about that, since he also grew one last summer. It's why I never write smoke reports!
My wife smokes to get high and because she misses smoking cigarettes, so smoking the Lemon Potion auto was a disappointment because she didn't get high! And she can't taste the difference between one strain and another, so I'd ask BeezLuiz about that, since he also grew one last summer. It's why I never write smoke reports!

I believe I am one of those that can't really distinguish the high on a new grow. I have my GF do the testing.
It’s as important to help the neighbors have peace of mind as anything, but knowing how ineffective the homemade masks really are as protection I’ve been resistant to do a mask until it fulfilled some of my personal basic requirements.
  1. no cost
  2. easy to clean and reuse
  3. easy to make
  4. didn’t make me look like a freak
After looking around I found one that met them all. I found my DIY design. :cheesygrinsmiley:

So I made some. :cheesygrinsmiley:

View media item 1765596
View media item 1765597
I now have four strips of shirt cut for masks, and enough material from that shirt to make a few more. I’ve decided a little sewing won’t be such a bad idea. A little hand sewing and I’ll have some that look designer-made. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Then there’s this one to take with me when I travel to the legal states. :green_heart:

I have some other shirts I won in past contests that look like candidates for legal state masks. :slide:

Easy to make, and fun to boot. :thumb: I’ve been practicing putting it on and off so I can do so with ease when I leave the house. Once I get some stitchery done they’ll be even easier to use.
It seems this thread is something I need to keep an eye on. Thank you for the insightful words and inspiration toward better health. My ailments are a source of frustration, anxiety, depression, and the list goes on. For example, the short few sentences I've typed here, I have had to put my phone down because of my hands going numb. Urghhhh... if the forum had that emoji with the angry face and symbols covering its mouth because it's cussing, that's what I would want to put right now!

I enjoy making my oil infusions but I know I need to approach a little differently and find new ways to medicate so that I can heal. I know that inflammation and stress are killing me slowly. Just not sure how to fight it sometimes. This morning... I'm heading outside to garden and ease my mind a bit. Good day!
It seems this thread is something I need to keep an eye on. Thank you for the insightful words and inspiration toward better health. My ailments are a source of frustration, anxiety, depression, and the list goes on. For example, the short few sentences I've typed here, I have had to put my phone down because of my hands going numb. Urghhhh... if the forum had that emoji with the angry face and symbols covering its mouth because it's cussing, that's what I would want to put right now!

I enjoy making my oil infusions but I know I need to approach a little differently and find new ways to medicate so that I can heal. I know that inflammation and stress are killing me slowly. Just not sure how to fight it sometimes. This morning... I'm heading outside to garden and ease my mind a bit. Good day!

Gardening is an excellent way to support your Endocannabinoid system BakedARea. Welcome to the study hall. :hug:

May I ask, what type of formulation are you using for your oils, and how are you administering? We’ve come up with so many ways to help members manage chronic pain that I’d take heart if I were you. Somewhere in our massive stack of data and experience is the answer that’ll be the right fit for your pain management.

Were it not so you wouldn’t be here. :battingeyelashes:
Gardening is an excellent way to support your Endocannabinoid system BakedARea. Welcome to the study hall.
Thank you! I'm excited to have found this thread and be in a place mentally prepared to start back from ther beginning and eventually being caught up. It will be a slow process knowing me though!
I LOOOOVE gardening! I can truly get lost in time, enjoy some music, and slowly get work done. I'll be feeding my garden and fruit trees with some compost tea! Picked up a couple new fig trees and another blueberry bush today.

May I ask, what type of formulation are you using for your oils, and how are you administering?

I have a few different formulations that have evolved over the years. Initially, it was decarb in the oven in a foil covered roasting pan. Then a double boiler infusion with butter or coconut oil for a few hours. Those times, it was an unknown strain and potency. I estimated the percentage at 10% if I remember correctly. From there I was able to have an estimated mg/mL.

Since then, I have upgraded to a Nova decarb machine. I can also use the machine to do micro batches of simple oil infusions. I have also incorporated a T- Check device to aid with a more accurate dosage process. I also have a magical butter machine for large batches of oil.

I have administered my oil via straight from the jar (estimated and measured) sublingual, capsules, tinctures, and with food. Butter I use in various baked goods and cooking.

We’ve come up with so many ways to help members manage chronic pain that I’d take heart if I were you. Somewhere in our massive stack of data and experience is the answer that’ll be the right fit for your pain management.

Thank you for the encouragement! :thanks:
I sincerely appreciate it and I'll be sure to reach out here often. I'm due to make more oils soon and would like to try different carrier oils and processes. Dosage and effects have been an interesting thing to navigate over the years. It is my favorite way to medicate. I'm currently growing some CBD flower to hopefully harvest enough flower to incorporate it into micro dosage capsules.
Hey all!
It’s been a while since I last visited with various life stuff going on but I’m back and keener than ever on plant products.
It’s been over a year since I smoked but have been working with vape and edible oils/butters.

I have been using coconut oil and lecithin so far to make an edible canna infused butter which works really well but I want to do some more experiments with other oils...

Now I am keen to find out what the best carrier oil to use is for cannabutter?
can anyone share a research paper or personal testing that shows which oils or types of fats best absorb thc and the rest of the terpene crew?
Made this a few weeks back using Sweet Sue's InstantPot method.
Did not use all the product but made me around 70 or so caps. Just did two and about to head out to my son's.
I bought him an early Bday present, a Pastor Machine for making Tacos El Pastor. Today is his first time using it. He has been making them for years without the Vertical machine.
Some have been in the fridge longer than others.

20200523_140646 (2).jpg

20200523_142303 (2).jpg

Y'all have a wonderful Memorial Day. I want to give a shout out to my brothers and sister who I served with in the conflict, not the war. They never did declare Vietnam a war. We "only" lost around 60,000 Americans. No parades for that one. We did our job the government didn't do theirs.
Just cruising thru the study hall, I’ve read a ton of Sweetsue’s many ongoing projects and wanted to tip the top hat to her and also to retroactively say “Thank You” for your service to this great nation! - to gr865 and any other veterans reading.

Your sacrifices have ensured my freedom, Thank you sir!!!
take your oilz up to 240°f
just below the first noid/terp bp of 248ish thca

i believe it is

multiple strainz

single aok

as well

verify the diffz

broke the 6 day publishing

8-9 days straight psychotic

no visuals

bye bye pain

simpsonites all learned from the same videos n written procedures as EVERYONE else

go beyond

do something new


Made this a few weeks back using Sweet Sue's InstantPot method.
Did not use all the product but made me around 70 or so caps. Just did two and about to head out to my son's.
I bought him an early Bday present, a Pastor Machine for making Tacos El Pastor. Today is his first time using it. He has been making them for years without the Vertical machine.
Some have been in the fridge longer than others.

20200523_140646 (2).jpg

20200523_142303 (2).jpg

Y'all have a wonderful Memorial Day. I want to give a shout out to my brothers and sister who I served with in the conflict, not the war. They never did declare Vietnam a war. We "only" lost around 60,000 Americans. No parades for that one. We did our job the government didn't do theirs.
tell ur boi

multiple strain to 240

Simpson taught us all to stop at 212°f

multiple strain

complete the wheel

stop targeting


one shot

man it's LSD psychotic strong

no pain we cannot dissect


stop targeting

u can choose to sleep r tweak

what do u have to lose

here's what it looks like

take everything to neg 60f

buchner funnel

u can trick out the pot

leaving the lid ajar

babysit with ir thermom

johnny on the spot at 240

wash it with iso


coconut oil 50%

to the liter

sunflower lecithin to keep from separating months later

breaking surface tension


i work in decigrams

no opioid withdrawal

#7 tapering

240 daown to 90mg morphine equivalent




as u say

store em in fridge

Simpson's pound per quarter

$60ml/gr day diet

multiple strain


lasting 33-66+yrs


make some noise



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