The Shaivite Temple of Colorado

Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV, THV) is a homologue of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) having a propyl (3-carbon) side chain instead of a pentyl (5-carbon) group on the molecule, which makes it produce very different effects from THC.[1] This terpeno-phenolic compound is found naturally in Cannabis, sometimes in significant amounts. The psychoactive effects of THCV in Cannabis preparations are not well characterized.

THCV is a cannabinoid receptor type 1 antagonist and cannabinoid receptor type 2 partial agonist.[5] Δ8-THCV has also been shown to be a CB1 antagonist.[6] Both papers describing the antagonistic properties of THCV were demonstrated in murine models.

Unlike THC, cannabidiol (CBD), and cannabichromene (CBC), THCV doesn’t begin as cannabigerolic acid (CBGA). Instead of combining with olivetolic acid to create CBGA, geranyl pyrophosphate joins with divarinolic acid, which has two fewer carbon atoms. The result is cannabigerovarin acid (CBGVA). Once CBGVA is created, the process continues exactly the same as it would for THC. CBGVA is broken down to tetrahydrocannabivarin carboxylic acid (THCVA) by the enzyme THCV synthase. At that point, THCVA can be decarboxylated with heat or UV light to create THCV.

GW Pharmaceuticals is studying plant-derived tetrahydrocannabivarin (as GWP42004) for type 2 diabetes in addition to metformin.

And THCv makes the Perfect National and International Religious Marijuana Breeding Target, because...

It is not scheduled by Convention on Psychotropic Substances

THCV is not scheduled at the federal level in the United States
And I am Breeding it Religiously, so according to USC Title 42 Chapter 21C, it is Religious Exercise.

And since I am the only one in America, maybe the World, Breeding to raise THCv content, if they make a THCv law, they will be Covertly or Overtly Banning Religion. So they can't Ban THCv just because I am doing this, according to the law.
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