
Truth Seeker

New Member
To the Editor: –I have received from the American BioChemical Laboratories a circular letter urging me to use thymophysin, with the statement that it is far superior to pituitary extract and as an "AID FOR QUICK DELIVERY." The circular is accompanied by the reprint of an article published by Dr. Jarcho in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In reply, I have written the following letter, which you are authorized to publish in The Journal:"1 received your letter of March 20th in which you recommend the use of Thymophysin as an 'AID FOR QUICK DELIVERY.'"I am astonished that your company would propagate such dangerous practice. No doctor is justified, in my opinion, in giving remedies to aid and hasten normal delivery and your advertisements which say that such interference with the natural course of labor is safe and recommended by high authorities will lead the doctors into

Source: JAMA Network | JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association | THYMOPHYSIN
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