TimHomeGrow Fastbuds Bluedreamatic Auto In Soil


Well-Known Member
This will be Blue Dreamatic Auto Fastbuds 420 version 2.0.

My first grow as a first timer is still drying/curing. I over dried the two I hung, so the 3rd one is in the fridge for the low and slow dry. Buds were pretty airy on them all so hoping to do better job this time around with everything I learned from the first grow. It's good to start this one with a plan! Feel free to offer advice :) Light one up and be a back seat driver!

The Setup:
Blue Dreamatic Fastbuds 420 auto seeds (3 plants)

32"x32"x64" tent with 4" exhaust fan in my finished basement with HVAC control

220 watt from the wall Oneo LED full spectrum light (will probably add my second light during flowering)

3 gal. Smart Pots

Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil mixed with 30% perlite


fans inside the tent along with temp/humidity gauge

Temperature: mid-70s with one light, hit's 79-81 with both lights so I may not add the second light in flower

Humidity: last grow it was 48-58% which is not ideal for vegetative stage. Will this be an issue and how should I raise humidity?

Techniques to be tried:
Back Budding: clipping the very tip of the bud during the last few weeks of flowering so it will back fill and make the bud more dense (or so I've read)

Quadlining: Starting in early veg, in hopes of increasing yield and bud density

Will put in the dark for 48 hours prior to the chop
Most likely will dry in the refrigerator although may do some in paper bags
Cure in jars with 62% humidity packs

Ultimate Goals:
1. Grow good and dense buds
2. Dry and cure them to perfection
3. Have fun again in my quest to the perfect home grown buds :)

Seeds will be going into Jiffy seed pockets today.

Please let me know if there is something I'm missing in this plan. I learned with the first grow that the more prepared one is from the start the better the end result.

Thanks for following, the 420 community has been awesome and helpful. And thank you to the ones who followed my last journal and were helpful: @013 @13goody13 @multiVortex @Stunger

Picture is from a month ago and my last grow, just wanted to show the setup.


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Awesome! Looking forward to the ride. Wise choice with the light, I have been beyond impressed with the performance of mine (I have 3 now) for a budget light. Best of luck here.

You're the one who gave me that idea for that light , it's worked well!
You're the one who gave me that idea for that light , it's worked well!
Thank @carcass for that! I was down at his house last year and saw that light in action for the first time. After going through 4-5 different brands in the past 7 years and being only mildly impressed with them all, this one is the last cheap light I need to buy. If I can pull 7 oz + each harvest with each light, I’m ok with those results.
I was down at his house last year and saw that light in action for the first time.

And being able to move plants directly into full sun with no adverse effects is another neat feature of these particular cheap lights- my Gelat.og spent the last 3 days outside after never having seen the sun, and it
never even noticed the change.
I even bought a second one to have as a spare, and you know how cheap I am... ;)
And being able to move plants directly into full sun with no adverse effects is another neat feature of these particular cheap lights- my Gelat.og spent the last 3 days outside after never having seen the sun, and it
never even noticed the change.
I even bought a second one to have as a spare, and you know how cheap I am... ;)
Can confirm that- 3 different strains I have moved right into direct sun without any transition problems. But if you’re staying indoors it has a great spectrum, though occasionally (like with this current GelatOG) moving them into a much more RED light for a few days seems to help kick them in the ass to flower.
There's always that one that is behind the rest haha. Welcome my three baby girls into the world. I'll love them and care for them until I viciously kill them ha


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I use MegaCrop. And though I do some supplements now (sweet candy, silica blast, terpinator) it is a fantastic product on its own. Not sure how it would do with other nutes, it’s meant to be an all in one, so you may be giving it too much of something unknowingly if you mix. If you were going to start adding it in, start slow until you see how they react. It may turn out MC is all you need.
I use MegaCrop. And though I do some supplements now (sweet candy, silica blast, terpinator) it is a fantastic product on its own. Not sure how it would do with other nutes, it’s meant to be an all in one, so you may be giving it too much of something unknowingly if you mix. If you were going to start adding it in, start slow until you see how they react. It may turn out MC is all you need.

And you use megacrop in every watering?
Day 13

The last watering I upped MG to 4gr/gal as directed. I started with 1g/gal, the. 2g/gal, and 4gr/gal on the last watering

I think color looks good (partially colorblind), but what's up with the wavy/twisted leaves? I don't recall seeing that with the first grow.

Definitely looking better this time around


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Anyone use Mega Crop? I was going to give Mega Crop every other watering but have seen alot on the internet about using it for every watering. Thoughts?
I use megacrop with FFOF soil. I have a grow going now, but I used it on one of my Blue Dream'matics last grow and I give megacrop with every watering. I start with 1g/gallon and slowly increase based on the response from the plant. My current grow I have one plant that is showing signs of too much N at 2 g/gal and a slightly younger plant that is ready for 2.5 g/gal and a third plant that is going to go up to 4g/gal on the next feeding.
Day 13

The last watering I upped MG to 4gr/gal as directed. I started with 1g/gal, the. 2g/gal, and 4gr/gal on the last watering

I think color looks good (partially colorblind), but what's up with the wavy/twisted leaves? I don't recall seeing that with the first grow.

Definitely looking better this time around

Personally, I think 4gr/gal is a bit much at this point. I'm going up to 4g on my next feeding on this plant:

It might be the reason for the twisted leaves, but I'm not sure. Just watch your plant closely for signs of over fertilization.

Best of luck!
Sounds like I may have gone too much too fast with the MG. I'll dial it back, also raised the light a bit more. Was 24" and now 28".

Thanks all. @Rickstertp I'm going to read your old journal, first one I've been able to find on Bluedreamatic ha
Day 19

I had been feeding 17oz of water per pot, with 2.5g MC. I noticed this yellowing....not sure if it's too little or too much MC. I had the same trouble with this strain last grow.

Water PH is 6.3-6.4. I did do 34oz of water per pot today as it seems to be drinking more and upped MC to 3gr and will see how that does

At what age should I start watering to run off? With fabric pots and better soil and drainage I'm wondering if I'm under watering and starving the girls.

This one has the most yellowing veins


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