Jay Bird

Well-Known Member
So I’m coming near the end of my girls life and I’m getting ready to chop in maybe 9-14 days and my main question is to flush or not to flush?

And I don’t mean the typical flush of dumping loads of water through the pot, unless in certain circumstances that is needed.

But I’m talking either straight water or light nutrients until the end.

I have read lots of articles similar to this

And would like to know from some of the more experienced growers there views and methods

Here’s a few pics of my girl - a norther light auto

With light on and off

Any opinions or debates are very welcome! Thanks people and I hope you have a great day!


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The consensus around here now is the final flush thing is a myth and may only hurt your overall yield in the end.New science shows that flushed cannabis is no different than plants fed till harvest.Blind taste tests done by high times shows people prefer the not flushed to the flushed.I myself used to flush stopped flushing and found no difference.If you dry and cure properly your end result without flushing is perfectly fine to smoke.
The consensus around here now is the final flush thing is a myth and may only hurt your overall yield in the end.New science shows that flushed cannabis is no different than plants fed till harvest.Blind taste tests done by high times shows people prefer the not flushed to the flushed.I myself used to flush stopped flushing and found no difference.If you dry and cure properly your end result without flushing is perfectly fine to smoke.

Hey man yes exactly what the article above says. So when you do it BTF do you taper down or go to a light feed or just keep the Nutes the same?

I’m going more with the not flush the more I’m reading into it. As Something else I’ve read say flowers are sinks which mean they just use Nutes , there not sources like leaves which use Nutes and supply , so flushing could not possibly reduce nutrients built up in flowers - I think flushing is a myth. Like if you use manure are you going to taste shit I don’t think so
Cannabis is an accumulator meaning whatever it takes in it keeps there for you cannot flush it out.They use cannabis to clean up nuclear accident sites because it accumulates the toxic metals and that way they can remove them from the soil.Another reason why i now think flushing is total nonsense.

Haha really I never knew that - what an awesome plant eh - the plant that keeps on giving :) thanks for your input dude . Appreciate it
So I’m coming near the end of my girls life and I’m getting ready to chop in maybe 9-14 days and my main question is to flush or not to flush?

And I don’t mean the typical flush of dumping loads of water through the pot, unless in certain circumstances that is needed.

But I’m talking either straight water or light nutrients until the end.

I have read lots of articles similar to this

And would like to know from some of the more experienced growers there views and methods

Here’s a few pics of my girl - a norther light auto

With light on and off

Any opinions or debates are very welcome! Thanks people and I hope you have a great day!
Fantastic, fantastic job. I'm in the no flush camp but it's up to you
Couple of days later - definitely ripening up nicely - halved the Nutes and she is taking longer to get through her water - good girl :)


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If I run a DWC then I flush with ‘Flawless Finish”. If I run any kind of soil, I never flush. If you’re growing for the 1st time, try it. It won’t be your last grow... so next time don’t.... and see what you like. If you’re a daily grinder like I am... I can tell you what I’m smoking without looking at it... so I can tell the difference. Others say weed is weed or there’s only two kinds... Sativa or Indica...
If you’re not into the ‘connoisseur’ of weed, I would flush for the simple fact that your saving one week of nutrients that you could use on your next grow.
And it’s not so much as FLUSHING your plant or RINSING it. What happens when you starve your flower of it’s daily nutrients? It uptakes sugar/resignstored in your plant.
Be patient and cure your harvest properly. Don’t be so quick to smoke it. Curing is possibly the best thing you can do for your weed. Let’s face it. You’ve spent all this time growing and watching it flower and now you’re reaping your rewards and weighing in on your harvest.... WOW, you have lots of weed now... SO it means you’ll be smoking it for quit some time. So take the extra week or two to cure that new harvest of yours! That above all is more important than flush or no flush!
But again, try both! Just do everything the same... and then you can be the expert on using an extra week of nutrients or not.
Happy Smoking
i run hempy. passive hydro. i feed til the end. i will go straight water maybe three days or so before chop.
my hang times and conditions can be hard as well. i work most everything out in the cure.
Maybe we could eliminate all the confusion by only calling a flush what it was called for centuries, before youtube came along, and insisting that it is simply the act of flushing out the soil by running 3x the container size in fresh water through it. Calling giving only water at the end of the grow, anything other than forced starvation is a misnomer, because it flushes nothing. No one until recently called the starvation diet at the end a flush, but the abuse of the term caught on, and now everyone is confused. Starvation at the end is a technique used to stress the plant into putting its all into the final act of finishing out the buds, but we have found that there are better stressors to use in accomplishing this goal, without starving the plants of the very nutrients they need to finish out correctly.

Flush the soil when you have a build up of salts or wish to clear out the old nutes that have been used in your soil, but forget this idea of being able to "flush" something out of the plant... you can only starve a plant, you can't flush it out.
Connoisseur or not.... Open all the bottles of nutes that you have fed your plants, take a deep whiff of each of those products, All of that plus any foliars or funky scents from the environment are absorbed / uptaken into the plant material, now how is water only gonna wash that out? It can’t. Flushing soil has a purpose to remove salts but no amount of flushing cleans the stuff absorbed and uptaken into cells and biomass. Now if you want to save nutes or run water only that’s fine but the science appears to be rock solid.

Welcome to the forum!
Well I haven’t gone just straight water for the last week - I was at 2.5 ml a litre (she was a light feeder got Nute burn at 3ml) so for this last stretch I have just halved the Nutes and going to let her go until I see that she is ripe.

I’m struggling with when to chop so any help with that would be great
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