Tucson Man Caught With 210 Pounds Of Marijuana Faces 7-Year Sentence


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A Tucson man was sentenced to seven years in a federal prison Monday for possessing more than 200 pounds of marijuana with intent to distribute and carrying a firearm.

Scott Wayne Tomlin, 24, pleaded guilty to the charges on June 29, according to a press release from the U.S. Attorney's Office.

In the course of his guilty plea, Tomlin said that a U.S. Border Patrol agent stopped a vehicle he was driving on March 13, according to the release. The agent noticed burlap fibers on Tomlin's sweater that appeared consistent with burlap sacks often used to transport marijuana from Mexico to the United States.

The agent also saw a large knife on the passenger seat and asked Tomlin if he had any weapons in the vehicle. Tomlin admitted to having a gun in the glove box, according to the release.

Tomlin refused when the agent asked to look in the vehicle's trunk, and a drug detection dog was called to the scene. Almost 210 pounds of marijuana wrapped in burlap was found in the trunk, according to the release.

Tomlin said he picked up the marijuana on the side of the road and that he was waiting to receive delivery instructions via cell phone, the release said.

He admitted his intention to deliver the marijuana to another person, that he would be paid for his involvement and that he had the gun for protection.

According to the release, Tomlin also admitted to carrying six similar loads of marijuana during the previous year.

Newshawk: 420AM&PM - 420 Magazine
Source: Arizona Daily Star (Tucson, Arizona)
Pubdate: October 18, 2006
Copyright: © 1999-2006 AzStarNet, Arizona Daily Star
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Is it legal for customs to search you like that? well it also depends on if he had a permit for the gun or not, and im guessing not... but im guessing somebody tipped them off on it, because thats normally how the joint rolls
I think just by the burlap on his shirt and a knife on the seat, they had probable cause to search and the dog sealed the deal. I just can't believe the guy rolled like that and admitted to everything, sounds like he's gonna' help them put someone else away. 7 yrs fed. time is a bit short of what he could have gotten, I friend of mine did a 6yr stint in OK. Fed for conspiracy and all they did wrong (or at least what they could pin on her) was refuse to drop a dime on her brother for his activities. The fed's are not who you want to get nailed by for any illegal activity, you WILL do every last day of your sentence.
You have the "Right to Remain Silent" Hello wake up Fuckwit. To be spilling beans about the 6 trips is stupid. But carrying a gun while transporting goods is a NO NO. Bringing in Weed from Mexico, hey dumb shit that was cool 30-40-50 years ago.
Yeah this Fuckwit does deserve jail for Stupidity. Pure plain & simple stupidity. What is to be grown with in ones borders should stay in ones own Borders. Keep out the fucking Canadian and Mexican weed. Fuck that Cheap Shit. Keep it where it belongs. IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY>
i love how they said the burlap sack shit on his shirt and the agent automatically knew it was consistent with burlap sacks often used to transport marijuana from Mexico to the United States. That was bullshit.. i really doubt that agent jumped to that conclusion just from seeing burlap on his shirt
HighOnLife420 said:
i love how they said the burlap sack shit on his shirt and the agent automatically knew it was consistent with burlap sacks often used to transport marijuana from Mexico to the United States. That was bullshit.. i really doubt that agent jumped to that conclusion just from seeing burlap on his shirt

Actually, a good friend of mine, who is a US Border Patrol agent in San Ysidro, told me after I read him this article, that it is one of the things they look for. Burlap is one of the main ways it is smuggled via courier across the border. Totally not bullshit.. Burlap is not widely seen in the US much anymore... When was the last time you had a burlap sack, or burlap anything else for that matter?
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