Urgent help! Over water? Under water?


420 Member
Any idea if this is a sign of over watering or under watering? Help a sister out would you? 😭😭😭
Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 12.42.21 AM.png
Hi blackices, sorry about the issue your having there.... I have a couple of questions to get a proper idea of what's going on.

How often are you watering?

Is there holes in the bottom of that cup?

Have you fed the young plant anything yet?

What is the temperature inside the grow space?
Hi blackices, sorry about the issue your having there.... I have a couple of questions to get a proper idea of what's going on.

How often are you watering?

Is there holes in the bottom of that cup?

Have you fed the young plant anything yet?

What is the temperature inside the grow space?
i just started feeding nutes last week. the lady seem to love it, it has been blooming after i feed it last week. the droopy leaves only started this morning before lights off. thought it was just a light cycle thing but when lights came on 4 hours ago, it was still droopy.
That one needs to be fed to runoff everyday to have a chance of survival. Lift it off the floor so it doesn't sit in runoff/stagnant water.

You only spray with sprayer the first few days. This plant looks to be 2 weeks old and needs to be fed accordingly. With that small pot it needs to be watered/fed everyday.
is there a chance to revive the lady by any chance? 🥹
These plants are super resilient.... They bounce back great with proper treatment.

And from the "20-30 spritz" you said.... I would water indefinitely until you have a good run off as @Wastei mentioned above.

And I never asked what your growing in....soil or some coco blend? It makes a difference in how you feed and water.
These plants are super resilient.... They bounce back great with proper treatment.

And from the "20-30 spritz" you said.... I would water indefinitely until you have a good run off as @Wastei mentioned above.

And I never asked what your growing in....soil or some coco blend? It makes a difference in how you feed and water.
I have water it and hopefully she'll bounce back soon. she's growing in soil.

guess i've been quite "discipline" to not water it too often since my first plant before this died of dampening. I was afraid so i've been holding off to not water it.

i'm glad i found this community. thank you all for your great help. Couldnt thank you all enough. if she survive and flower. this would be my first harvest ever. wish me luck all. Again, thank you so very much!
i was gonna transplant her to a 5 gallon by the end of this week. Should i do it asap or should i put it on hold and let her recover for a few days?
Definitely thirsty. I would water until runoff, then repot as soon she bounces back (within 24 hours). Shes ready to take off 🚀
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