Volksball's Critically Purple Ride On The Red Dragon, 2020

Good morning.

So I woke up to this this morning. Any ideas? They got topped two days ago and everyone seemed happy. Not anymore. It seems to be affecting the kush plants worse, but I see it coming to the RDs too.

If you can't clearly see it, new growth is showing mottling spots on edges for some leaves and in the middle for others. Older/lower growth seems unaffected. Some new leaves even curling upward. They were topped two days ago. It all seemed to happen overnight.

The tent is at 27c/50%. The light isn't so close to be burning and clip fans lightly blow over them. They twitch lightly. They were fed 3g of MC last Saturday. They seem ready for another feeding in the next day or two.






could it be too bright of light? Those leaves are crinkling for some reason... if its not light or heat I would look very closely for bugs.
I cant think it's the light, as they're getting about 25k lux, so definitely not overdoing it. The heat seems good, too. Never more than 27-28c in the tent. As well, before topping, they were alot taller and closer to the light, with no issues. Again, this seemed to happen overnight. I'll have a look for bugs. Any specific ones that might cause that mottling and crinkling? It doesn't resemble a deficiency to you?
no, doesnt look like a deficiency... something is physically upsetting these leaves, and it looks like too much light to me... remember that a young sprig can only take about 7k LUX, and then it slowly builds up from there. Try reducing the light a bit just to see what happens.
just to be sure though, pry open that one leaf that has crinkled shut and confirm that there are no webs in there pulling it closed like that

Ok, will do. I'll also raise the light to see if that helps. Is the plant recoverable? Or have these young sprigs, which will make large kolas later too damaged to make for a viable plant
I'm with Emilya regarding the light. Remember that those leaves got much less light before you topped the plant and now they are getting a full dose. Just like moving indoor plants outside, new leaves take time to get used to increased lighting.
you are far from being unrecoverable. I burned my plants many times as I learned how to best use my 6x COB array... looked just like your leaves. Just turn it down and realize you don't really need all those photons, and keep on truckin.
Thanks guys. And here i thought they were ready for a full dose of it. You live and learn (and burn, apparently!).

Hoping for happy plants soon again.
Morning growers,

I'm happy to report that the Christmas break is upon me and, the girls are recovering nicely from the few days they had under the desert sun.

I dimmed the ballast from 75-50% and all seems good again in the tent. The affected leaves are what they are, but new ones have shot and seem to be taking then reigns.

Thanks again, @Emilya and @InTheShed for saving these girls. I was running by the same methods from my last grows and never dimmed at this point, but new strains, new behavior.

Enjoy the season everyone..

Day 31





heya friend,, looking oh so much better this morning, your plants,,

good thing you got good info from folks here,, cheers

looks to me like perhaps there was some moisture on the leafs with lights on. quite a drastic reaction to whatever the issue was

karma sent to em

i posted my critical purple kush with post #2 actually,, ha

anyhooo, this her now

P1170960 (3).JPG

my leaves showing stresses as well,, but not the buds

they gonna be lookin like this friend,, :thumb:
heya friend,, looking oh so much better this morning, your plants,,

good thing you got good info from folks here,, cheers

looks to me like perhaps there was some moisture on the leafs with lights on. quite a drastic reaction to whatever the issue was

karma sent to em

i posted my critical purple kush with post #2 actually,, ha

anyhooo, this her now

P1170960 (3).JPG

my leaves showing stresses as well,, but not the buds

they gonna be lookin like this friend,, :thumb:
If they end up this way, I'm a happy grower!

Thanks for checking in!
Good morning, growers...

The girls seem to still be doing well and on the road to being the plants I knew they could be.

I LSTd them this morning and am holding off of watering as long as possible. The pots feel dry, but I still feel a bit down low. I'll check back this evening.

I'm a bit gunshy on lowering the light or even intensifying it. Theyre getting about 12-15k lux right now and I suppose given my troubles last week, that may be just right, right now.

Day 33

Merry Christmas, everyone..

I've carefully increased light intensity to get light into the thickening interiors. Leaves are growing and blocking alot of the new sprouts. With some training and light intensity up to 75% on the ballast, the tops are getting between 17-21k lux after raising the light up to a level that distributed that lux range.

Lets hope they've gotten used to their new environment and can handle the height of summer approaching.

Day 39

I did. I actually tried that first, but found that with the more concentrated light footprint, the outside of the plants dropped in lux quite a bit, while the interior got alot brighter. I had to spread the plants out a bit to give them some elbow room. By raising the light up and intensifying it, it spreads the lux a bit more evenly, over a wider circumference, if that makes sense. And yeah, a bit more expensive, too.
Hey again,

So, the girls were just growing too fast and if I'm going to be able to relax for New Year's Eve and nurse a hangover for the day, this had to be done tonight.

The girls are now in their 7 gal forever homes and LSTd right down. They still get about 20k lux and I'm waiting for the numbers to level out in the tent.

The soil was moistened with 3.75g of MegaCrop at a pH of 6.4.

Day 40






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