Wake up people

I LOVE THIS PLACE....... thanks for making it and improving it and , and, and,,,,
I want to just thank everyone for commenting your feelings whether you agree or disagree. We all know that we just can't please everyone. The site has been around for almost 20 years now and we have been dealing with the situations for that long. There has been a learning process on our part and all of our rules are in place for a reason that some may understand and some that won't.
Most of us belong to multiple sites, I searched for years until I found 420mag, the mature people,threads, staff and all the info around the site has kept me coming here daily for about 5 years now, not including the years I was lurking here before I registered...
There is a lot of time spent behind the scenes trying to keep this place in the front of the war, It would be pretty shitty to be shut down because people wanted to talk and BS about the things that give our fight a bad name. We all have different reasons for being here, whether it is to learn about the laws, to grow, or just to talk with people that have the same passion for the plant.
Instead of focusing your anger on us, why not focus it towards the plight of our beloved plant and medicine?
The site is gaining more and more popularity by the day, I haven't seen a drop off in members since I have been here, it is actually growing quite steadily..
Forget about the small things, there is a much bigger fight that we all need to focus on.. Once we take care of that then we can work on the little things....
OVERGROW the World.......
Please do Understand, I trully love this forum. This is by far the best family social group Ive ever communicated with. I also fully respect all the MODERATORS for doing an outstanding job. I trully dont feel like I had broken any rules, and I even went back and have read through them the past couple days, I just wanted to make the point that all of have got to start standing up for what we believe, or nothing ever changes. I love all the members of this forum as well. All members have always been wonderful about helping Me and others I see on here with questions and problems. I believe that the medicinal community is deffinately a better place, with a forum and site like this to help promote awareness and Edcucation.
To the overhead @ 420.... have you given thought to dropping a "Keyword weight based spam detector- or similar" into the site code. There are quite a few really good ones.
Since they auto censor posts w/a list of "staff predetermined" words/phrases, this would cut down the amount of time the already overloaded staff spend on checking posts for references/words that are not allowed per 420forum rules... Like I said, I'm sure you have already entertained this idea... it's just a thought!

PS... I will close out in this thread by saying... like the rest of you reg. members, I can't see under the hood here but... in my experience, this forum is in excellent shape, very clean, well organized and very well run!
....I trully dont feel like I had broken any rules, and I even went back and have read through them the past couple days....

High datrippp -

Thanks for your understanding and support.

I noticed your comment about not breaking any rules, and just for clarification, the 3rd paragraph of the Personal Security and Grow Journals portion of the Posting Guidelines, clearly states:

"Please refrain from discussing Cannabis strains that are named after illegal drugs. We do not host grow journals that refer to any of these strains by name. We find it unfortunate that breeders have made the decision to associate our favorite harmless flower with these dangerous substances, and we do not wish to participate in the furtherance of this trend. We reserve the right to alter or remove any of these references, without notification, to avoid "hits" from search engines. "

I think this is what you were looking for. :cool:

:peace: and :Namaste:
What the point is to everyone is submit to the rules or do not post on this site.
Submission is the first step to socialism. Having a free will is not beneficial to the group. I agree with some of the post as far as stupid names for strains but there is a lot of other issues this site could fix and make this site even better. The social side of this site is one dimensional and is not beneficial to all users. Why is it not allowed to meet and socialize with members of this site if you find you live in the same area. Why can a member not seek growing friendships with staff members when you live in the same town and agree with each others grow philosophy. One would think that would strengthen the group. I notice a lot of cliques on this site and they always have at least 2 or 3 staff members in each clique. I enjoy this site and I will continue to use this site as a tool and not let it be any more than a tool. I enter the contest just because I like to put my stuff out there with no expectations of winning since I have seen how the contests work. But I know how well my ladies are since I have no complaints from my patients and from the people I consult for.

I don't think this type of submitting would fall into the same category of submission as would a group who is forced into something; that is what I think I heard in part of the last post.
I also don't agree w/you on the social aspect here as I believe this site is very healthy in terms of social interaction and the building of relationships, here, just like anywhere else... it is what you make it!

Your point on cliques and about the contests (getting votes and winning) I think we are in complete agreement, I too feel that those w/many friends here have a clear advantage in the monthly's.... of course... all of this is just my opinion, nothing more!

At any rate, I like your style M8, keepin it real, we need more of that!
I am gonna send a FR to you, if you aren't into it... that's cool... I'm just doing a lil of that networking I was talking about :)
See ya on teh mean streets... Capt K :peacetwo:

What the point is to everyone is submit to the rules or do not post on this site.
Submission is the first step to socialism. Having a free will is not beneficial to the group. I agree with some of the post as far as stupid names for strains but there is a lot of other issues this site could fix and make this site even better. The social side of this site is one dimensional and is not beneficial to all users. Why is it not allowed to meet and socialize with members of this site if you find you live in the same area. Why can a member not seek growing friendships with staff members when you live in the same town and agree with each others grow philosophy. One would think that would strengthen the group. I notice a lot of cliques on this site and they always have at least 2 or 3 staff members in each clique. I enjoy this site and I will continue to use this site as a tool and not let it be any more than a tool. I enter the contest just because I like to put my stuff out there with no expectations of winning since I have seen how the contests work. But I know how well my ladies are since I have no complaints from my patients and from the people I consult for.

We're working on it, thank you.
To the overhead @ 420.... have you given thought to dropping a "Keyword weight based spam detector- or similar" into the site code. There are quite a few really good ones.
Since they auto censor posts w/a list of "staff predetermined" words/phrases, this would cut down the amount of time the already overloaded staff spend on checking posts for references/words that are not allowed per 420forum rules... Like I said, I'm sure you have already entertained this idea... it's just a thought!
A couple of answers to the posed questions:

SSNUGS asked, "...Why is it not allowed to meet and socialize with members of this site if you find you live in the same area. Why can a member not seek growing friendships with staff members when you live in the same town and agree with each others grow philosophy. One would think that would strengthen the group...."

Due to possible legal and personal repercussions to this site and it's valued members, 420Magazine.com does not allow any member to discuss meeting another member in person. This is the Internet, and unless you already know the person you're talking to on here in real life, there is no way to know who you're actually talking to. The person behind that screen name could be anyone, regardless of who they say they are. You can make a post that says you're attending a certain Cannabis or Hemp related event, but you cannot suggest or imply that you want to meet up with someone from here. This is our policy, and we do so in an effort to keep our members safe and secure.

Additionally, we're a reference site, not a market and we work very hard to ensure nothing read on our site could reasonably be interpreted as a hookup. This essentially means that any language that goes toward revealing who you are in real life is not allowed.

SSNUGS also stated, "...I notice a lot of cliques on this site and they always have at least 2 or 3 staff members in each clique. I enjoy this site and I will continue to use this site as a tool and not let it be any more than a tool. I enter the contest just because I like to put my stuff out there with no expectations of winning since I have seen how the contests work....."

I'm not sure what you are referring to as far as the cliques or how the contests are run. Maybe I'm too new to realize I'm not "part of a group." As to the contests, I know it took me 5 or 6 entries to finally win the Nug of the Month - and honestly, I don't think it was even close to the best looking nug/nor best photo I had submitted. Just seemed to be the whim of the members voting.

I hope the helps to clarify your questions or concerns...

:peace: and :Namaste:
Wow, so I came to this thread expecting to have to explain where we come from with our rules and such, but was pleasantly surprised that there is no need for me to do so. It seems that the majority of you "get it". You understand the reasoning behind the strict rules. And there's really not much more I can say that hasn't already been said. So I'm just going to insert my two cents here and there to comments I felt I needed/wanted to address. :blushsmile:

Now, I will say that the moderators in my opinion made an error. They need to take into context the use of these words. If I start a topic called "Marijuana found to assist treatment of cocaine addiction." (or in this case a strain called lsd), the moderators need to use common sense to decide if it should be deleted.
I respectfully accept the moderators decissions in these matters but ask that they edit using common sense not a system wide rule that can not be bent.


I believe we do actually have an article posted here about Cannabis being an aid in the recovery of addiction. Now as for a specific strain (namely one named after a hard drug) being an aid, the name would probably be edited as it is in every other mention. This is a rule that I do not believe will be changed or bent. It's not that we don't allow any discussion what-so-ever of the strains, we just don't allow those names to used. You are allowed to discuss the strains as long as you use the alternate names for them. Green Crack has an alternate name of Dream Queen and we have most recently begun allowing the use of the L$D strain's alternate names of either Mazar Skunk or Lucy, preferably Mazar Skunk. ;)

I don't think it's an issue of speaking openly. It's a question of word searches for non-cannabis drugs being linked to 420. That's my understanding. :)

Exactly. We are trying to get away from the stereotype's of Cannabis being a "gateway drug" and Cannabis being just as harmful as harder drugs. And if we allow mention/discussion of these strains by those names, what do you think is going to show up when someone does a search for those words? It doesn't matter that these strains have no actual connection to the hard drugs they're named after. Someone who has been drowning in the lies of reefer madness their entire lives will see the name of the hard drug and Cannabis side by side and use that to further their belief that Cannabis is dangerous and bad. Thank you for pointing this out, Hogdady. :blushsmile:

When it comes to that strain just call it another name or something like Barneys Farm L$* and we'll all know what you're talking about :Rasta:

EDIT: As for free speech...take a look around at what this site is about and what we talk about. We enjoy incredible freedom being able to discuss legalization, cultivation, and other various uses for cannabis. There's also sub forums for off topic stuff and creative expression! Try doing what we do here on this site in Libya, North Korea, or China my friends.

When referring to strains named after hard drugs, we prefer the use of their alternate names such as Dream Queen and Mazar Skunk. We've allowed the use of the name Lucy, but we'd prefer it if Mazar Skunk was used more. The further we can get away from these names, the better.

You make a good point about the free speech issue. People tend to forget when they complain about the strict rules here, that many, many people out there aren't even allowed the luxury of being able to view a website such as this. When you think about the restrictions imposed on the citizens of other countries, our rule against the use of a hard drug name doesn't seem so harsh anymore, does it? Thank you for pointing that out, Bandit420. We are certainly working very hard every day to make sure that this website stays up to help spread awareness and education to as many human beings as possible. Strict rules, unfortunately, are a part of making sure this website stays up.

I notice a lot of cliques on this site and they always have at least 2 or 3 staff members in each clique. I enjoy this site and I will continue to use this site as a tool and not let it be any more than a tool. I enter the contest just because I like to put my stuff out there with no expectations of winning since I have seen how the contests work. But I know how well my ladies are since I have no complaints from my patients and from the people I consult for.


As NCal-Cyclist just said, I'm not sure what you are referring to as far as the cliques or how the contests are run. You may see certain staff members only working in certain areas of the website, but that is because those are the areas of their expertise. For example, Jim Behr, stays mainly in the news section because that's where his interest lies and that's where he can contribute the most. Be IRIE focuses mainly on things in the grow room because that's where his interest lies and that's where he can contribute the most. But the common interest that all staff members share here, is the drive to spread awareness and education in whatever way they can do so to the best of their ability. As for the contests, I have no way of knowing what fuels anyone's decision to vote for one Nug, Plant, or Member over another but I can tell you that my votes go to whichever Nug or Plant that I feel looks the nicest and/or healthiest. This doesn't always mean the biggest Plant or Nug gets my vote, just the one that is most appealing to my eyes. I'm not a grower so I don't naturally go by what is the best strain or has received the most positive smoke report. But that's just me. Like I said, I don't know what makes anyone else vote for one thing over another.

You know its sad when a site dedicated to cannabis thinks theyve got to edit a thread name just because the 3 letters lsd are in the name. Until now I trully thought this site was different, But now see its just another hypocritical site thats scared to stand up for what it supposedly believes in. I got a message saying they changed the name of My post "LSD harvest, Paper or plastic" Because SOMEONE, might think Im GROWING a halucinogen. lol.. Im starting to think this site only cares about the $ side of it all. It dont matter how you label it, i.e. "medicinal", Cannabis is still illegal on a federal level which trumps state every time. Every one of my social sites and profiles had direct links to this site, and its sponsors, Now Im thinking about removing them, I dont want to be a hypocrit who says this is ok, but not that. When realistically they are the same damn thing. Im sure Ill get blasted on this, But Atleast I have the balls to stand up for what I believe in, instead of making it appear Like I do but then change at the drop of a hat just so I dont MAYBE, offend some idiot who dont have a clue. Ill be surprised if this post even makes it on the forum, But I guess thats a good test to see where this site really stands, Do we really have freedom of speech, Because if I cant even say the name of a strain like LSD than Im saying NO, this site does not give you the freedom we were all Given By birthright. And I refuse to just laydown and let them dictate what I say and do. I wish this site could say the same. I havent Broken any rules, or even had any issues here until now.
So if people want to start bashing me for standing up for myself, and what I believe in, Have at it.

Please do Understand, I trully love this forum. This is by far the best family social group Ive ever communicated with. I also fully respect all the MODERATORS for doing an outstanding job. I trully dont feel like I had broken any rules, and I even went back and have read through them the past couple days, I just wanted to make the point that all of have got to start standing up for what we believe, or nothing ever changes. I love all the members of this forum as well. All members have always been wonderful about helping Me and others I see on here with questions and problems. I believe that the medicinal community is deffinately a better place, with a forum and site like this to help promote awareness and Edcucation.

datripp, I've saved your posts for last because I needed to take my time in deciding how I was going to respond to you. I want you to know that we don't normally allow public threads such as this (we prefer to handle these issues in private via pm) because we feel that it takes the focus off of the mission at hand. The mission of creating and spreading the awareness of the positive aspects and uses of Cannabis and Hemp. But the issue you brought up is one of our most commonly argued rules. Until we explain our reasoning, people sometimes don't understand why we don't allow mention of hard drug strain names. So we decided to allow this thread just this once to get our explanation and reasoning out there. After reading the replies to this thread though, I am pleased to see that the majority of the people who have responded, already understand our reasoning.

I will admit, at first I was experiencing some strong emotions toward you, not because of this thread, but because of comments you made in your pm reply to NCal-Cyclist. As is the usual procedure for replies such as yours, it was discussed between the moderators so as to figure out the best way to respond to you. I'm not going to reveal the details of what you said here, because they are not for everyone to know. But I do feel I need to address some of it because it ties into one of the comments you made in your initial post of this thread. As the one who handles the accounting, I can tell you for a fact that some of the comments you made in your pm to NCal-Cyclist were false, and it upsets me that you would make intimidating and untrue comments like that. In reference to the comment in your initial post of this thread, I can also assure you that we are not running this website or this company for "the $ side of it all". This company was created to spread awareness of an injustice that is happening every day, all over the world, and to educate people on the truth that others have tried to hide and cover up with lies. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now, with that being said, I have read your most recent post and have come to the conclusion that you are at least beginning to understand the reasoning behind our strict rules. I agree with you that people need to start standing up for what they believe in more often, but when it comes to discussing the rules of this website, we'd prefer it if you kept that discussion to pm so as not to take the focus off of the bigger picture of what we're trying to accomplish here (spreading Cannabis and Hemp awareness). We pride ourselves on being open minded and accepting of the views of others and are always open to discuss any issues (via pm) that a member may be having. I thank all of you who have participated in this discussion but I think Be IRIE said it best in his post:
Forget about the small things, there is a much bigger fight that we all need to focus on.. Once we take care of that then we can work on the little things....
OVERGROW the World.......

Thanks for the great and well spokin response. That is one of the reasons I stay on this site because it is about passion and bieliefs and they can be exspessed in an adult manner and not get bent. I understand what you are saying and I know your a strong part of this website so I can also repect what you say but still I dont have to agree but I do respect you and the stff for what you do.

I just love this place!!! Things happen for a reason, and I for one am glad to have been able to be here to see just how passionate the members and staff of :420: really are about the issue of 'Cannabis Awareness' by upholding and protecting it from becoming something less than. That is a good mission. I'm grateful to have found this community and hope to give it as much as it has given me. :Namaste: to all you peace lovers
Thanks for the great and well spokin response. That is one of the reasons I stay on this site because it is about passion and bieliefs and they can be exspessed in an adult manner and not get bent. I understand what you are saying and I know your a strong part of this website so I can also repect what you say but still I dont have to agree but I do respect you and the stff for what you do.


SSNUGS, are you sure your not just here for the 420 Girls :kiss: and the 420 Bands :theband: !?!?...hehe...just making light and couldn't help myself lol...much respects to you!!! Now :focus:
Somewhere in the the mix there has to be ladies besides the ones in dirt. But I think everyone like a dirty girl. At least I like my dirty girls. Their names are Silver Bubble,Banana Kush,Sour Cream,Jah Kush,SweetKush,and my personal favorite is J Flash.
I appreciate that this thread has taken such a mature direction. It does my heart good to see the awareness and understanding of our community be so closely in synch with our intentions.

We don't have to all agree; we just have to choose where we spend our finite life energy. I choose to spend mine here ;)
High 52Firestone,

Sorry for the delay in action. The posts in your thread have been taken care of.

Just so this thread doesn't keep drifting off topic and so we can keep the focus on the mission, if you guys have any other issues with anything outside the topic of this thread, and you haven't seen or received a response for 42.0 hours after reporting the issue, please feel free to contact myself or any one of the moderators via pm. Again, I apologize for the delay. With our limited staff, it sometimes takes a little longer to get an issue resolved. This is why we've requested in our posting guidelines to wait 42.0 hours for a reply before requesting further assistance. ;)

Thank you all again for contributing your thoughts and opinions to this subject. Communication is the key to success! :Namaste:
Well put Stiletto and may others. This is silly it's like dropping the F bomb or saying FRICK. You point is well made datripp I do understand your rights I defended them . But don't get so upset 420 didn't screw you they just changed the way it was posted. Don't think that the rules were there to piss u off. They have a load of rules they must follow so they can keep this in operation weather it is government or sponsor related.
Well put Stiletto and may others. This is silly it's like dropping the F bomb or saying FRICK. You point is well made datripp I do understand your rights I defended them . But don't get so upset 420 didn't screw you they just changed the way it was posted. Don't think that the rules were there to piss u off. They have a load of rules they must follow so they can keep this in operation weather it is government or sponsor related.

Hmm, I don't think you quite understand the big picture of why the name was changed. It has nothing to do with freedom of speech. 420 Magazine encourages freedom of speech, strange of anyone to think they do not imho. It's only trying to protect cannabis from being associated with negative names by keeping it as far away from other drugs as possible. Bandit420 and a few others made a good point about the names as well. When you connote these negative names such as LSD, Blue Crack, AK47, Auto Assassin, Holocaust, you get the idea, with cannabis, the general public that is not aware of the benefits see it as just another bad drug to deal with. Those are negative names in my book. It's unfortunate that these names are used for such a chill medicinal drug.

Let's elaborate on the connection a little. No one smokes a joint or takes a bong hit and grabs their AK47 and goes to rob a liquor store. At least I've never heard of that. Maybe someone that smoked some crack, or pcp, and is all pumped up and ready to go. You don't hear about a guy beating up his girlfriend/wife after smoking some pot. But someone who was drinking a little too much, yes. We've all heard of that. Cannabis is not a violent drug and should be named to express the positive attributes. Maybe it's just cool for someone to name it with those hard counteractive names. I honestly don't think they really think about it, or are even aware of the negative impact that these names have on the issue as a whole. There are a lot of other great words in the dictionary that can be used to name a strain.

Sadly, people who are not so well informed about cannabis will judge just by a name and we must be responsible to promote cannabis in a positive light so it can be accepted by the vast majority, ultimately the world! Must think big!! 420 Magazine is taking part in that responsibility to keep the cannabis name free of negative connotations and it does so by changing those names accordingly. It's important that we all be a part of this mission to bring cannabis and hemp to where is should be, which is, in our homes for us to enjoy, and being used for its other many useful resources. Not only should you take responsibility on this site, but also on the other sites you visit until cannabis has widely been accepted. Then name it whatever you want if you still think those names fit. It may seem extreme to some of you but it really is common sense imho. Little by little and one by one we must make decisions and take responsibility to move this fight in the right direction of legalization.

It simply comes to this, this site is defending 'its right' to remove all negative associations that it sees fit to promote 'it's mission' as follows...

420 Magazine - Mission Statement

The 420 Magazine community exists to support the repeal of all Cannabis prohibition laws and penalties throughout the world. Not another person should suffer incarceration or stigma because of these unjust laws.

The 420 Magazine community believes Cannabis prohibition will end as more people become aware of the true benefits of the plant. 420 Magazine is the vehicle that provides you with the scientific and anecdotal advice of Cannabis experts in the areas of cultivation, medical, social and legal matters. Our community provides support to those bringing Cannabis awareness to the world.

Believing each human has the right to consume a plant in his or her own body. Believing government should repeal all laws violating this right. Believing those incarcerated for Cannabis offenses should be set free.

Cannabis is a medically wondrous plant. It provides a safe alternative for pain relief, anti-nausea, appetite-inducement, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammation medication. It’s properties have been demonstrated to fight cancer, and provide relief to the seriously ill and dying as well as those challenged with anxiety and depression. Millions of people have shared the medical benefits of Cannabis throughout the centuries.

The 420 Magazine community believes farmers shall have the right to grow and profit from Industrial Hemp--one of the strongest, environmentally friendly substances on the planet. Industrial Hemp is a natural fiber found in everything from rope to the finest clothing designs. It shows benefit as both a food form and as a health and beauty aid. Hemp is the environmental answer to the elimination of our dependence on earth-destroying fossil fuels. The Hemp bounty will end oil wars, deforestation, pollution, acid rain and global warming.

The Mission of 420 Magazine is to repeal Cannabis prohibition by promoting international Cannabis awareness to the masses.

Find out how you can help 420 Magazine create Cannabis awareness to the world.

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