What are the correct EC levels for each stage of growth?


Active Member
Ive seen charts online but they all seem to be way too high. i know they are just trying to push nutrients and I dont want to hammer my plant with nutrients.
Use your nutes feeding chart as a ruff guild.
All nutes will have different feeding schedules/ suggest levels.
Then watch your ladies.
My involvement may call for a heavier feed schedule.
Than yours I would start at 1/2 strength and build up from there.
Me in coco i get upto 1.5 and bring it back down
Close to the chop.

Hope that helps some.
Sure others will chime in. :)
For me I use shogun nutes and follow that chart.

Are you making your own or using something
Not meant for bud. :) As most nutes come with a feeding chart.
Im using Cutting Edge Solutions. There good but you have to dial it way back from what there grow chart says.
because most labels " Assume' your using a 1000W light, in a 5x5, with 12 plants, in 3 gallon containers.
Best rule of thumb is, start with Your PAR reading. If your canopy is getting 400 PAR, your nutes should be around that number. If your CO2 supplementing, add about 20% to that. So around 500 PPMs or so would be sufficiant. Also, DLI plays a role. If your at the high end, the plant will need more food because its exposed to the light more.

Like Skunksta said, he is around 1.5 EC, or, 750 PPMs at peak flower. So, id be willing to bet, his PPFD is around 800ish, which is intune with my recommendation.

Genetics play a role also.
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