Current Goings-on

Got my closet cat-proofed. Four plants going: A bagseed plant that is doing wonderfully, a month old, vegging, but showing lots of flowers already; a White Widow regular seedling, by Seedsman, about a week old or so; the remains of #3 from my third journal, a bagseed in a 3-liter DWC, and is revegging nicely, but odd-looking; a clone from stated "#3," about a month old or so.
This photo is from 10 December

Today's pics (23 December)
The re-vegging 3 liter DWC

The crazy bagseed gal

Overall view

Lights are on 14/8 right now, tapering to 12/12 in the next few weeks. Hoping I'm gonna have room for the crazy gal in the big soil pot.


Ought mention: Not bending, cutting, twisting, tying, or anything to the crazy gal in the big dirt pot. Just letting her grow as naturally as possible, under fluorescent light, anyhow. She is growing crazy-fast, twice as big now as on 10 December. So, doubled in size in two weeks. Very vigorous. I am tempted to get clones off her, but again, this is my "untouched" plant. Letting her go 'au natural.' What I am able to adjust/modify, with her, is the light cycle. Currently tapering down for a couple more weeks, I instead could take her outside and let her get as big as she wants, whatwith the soltice past. She wouldn't really start budding till summer then, so would have six months of vegging. Monster? That would allow me to veg everything else out, without her getting too big for the closet. *Sigh* No place to bring her out there yet, and of course there'd be logistical problems to solve. Her pot is a little big, and a little heavy. She can stay for a while. Thing going against me going outdoors here is that it is currently "Season" where I'm at--whole bunch of seasonal travelers come here to stay all winter, then go back to holes they crawled out of, in Spring. So, the population doubles in winter. Too many people about in the little town I'm in.

Anyway, going to go get some more coffee, and hopefully medicine. Later.:peace:
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Hardly added any fertilizer at all to the gal in the big pot. You can see some of the leaves showing deficiency, but that's not stopped it from going all out, especially compared to all of my previous plants, that I DID fertilize. Going to use flowering nutes very soon, as soon as the soil dries a bit from the last watering. Going to be using "Orchid Better-Bloom" 11-35-15, at half-tablespoon per gallon. Bag says to use 1 tablespoon per gallon.
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do you mind giving me the list/info of your nutes, soil, light and what else you are using....

im just starting and yours look way better than mine
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Sure! For my 3 liter DWC, I've actually got soil in the top of it, above the reservoir. For the big gal, well, not sure about her soil, because it's used, and was a little hot, but I flushed the crap out of it, 3 weeks into vegging. She's been vegging about a month now. The WW and the clone of the hydro plant, are both in plain organic composted cow manure, with nothing added. I wish I had added at least some perlite, because it doesn't drain worth a crap. For nutes, I'm out of veg nutes at the moment, so have been using my flowering nutes, which is "Orchid Better-Bloom" 11-35-15, from home depot. It's got minors, and no urea, and has seemed to be doing my girls good. For lights, I have 12x 23w 2700k CFL's. They each put out about 1600 lm max. I've got some aluminized bubble wrap on my walls. Very simple, and barely adequate ventilation includes fans scrapped from various appliances and electronics, and a 24" box fan blowing in through a vent I cut in the door of the closet. The closet is most definitely NOT light-proof, and during the early mornings the room the closet is in just glows, lol. Good news is, is that the glow can't be seen from outside, save for IR, probably.
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And.....Thanks for stopping by! :)
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Oh, and since the 23, when the last photos were taken, the big gal has gotten even bigger. Pics tomorrow if I remember.
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moberged, have you checked out my grows? You can see them in my signature, at AscendedMasterKief
There you can see, I'm still no pro, lol. But I have learned a lot from where I started. Check out the grows, and try and learn from my mistakes. My biggest mistakes are my repetitive impatience.
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WW seedling

Hydro gal (bagseed, revegging) and her clone,


and big dirt pot crazy bagseed lady
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Are normal (non-auto) supposed to bud so much in veg? My crazy bagseed gal has been budding like crazy. Though, I have been tapering down the light schedule, but only slightly, and very slowly. Is it possible she's an auto, or has auto genes in her?
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I have a funny feeling, that when I do get my lights down to 12/12, my crazy bagseed gal is going to explode with flowers, and is going to have an incredible yield. She is the best-looking plant I've had, I think.
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Oh, and, she's ~31" high, from the bottom of her pot.
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Just accidentally broke the damned box fan that was pushing air into the closet. :( Hoping the gals survive a few days without it.
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Fixed the box fan! A little superglue, and some hot-melt glue worked great, re-affixing the plastic fan blade to its hub again. Only running it on low, though, so centrifugal force doesn't sling the blade off at its new weak point. Balanced the weight of the glue with more glue opposite it, so the fan doesn't rumble or vibrate. Temps dropped from high-80's to high-70's at top of plant.
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The DWC went hermie on me, took it out the closet.
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The crazy bagseed lady is getting pretty dusted with trichomes. Since this is only Day 8 of flower, I'm beginning to seriously think this gal's an auto.
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I think I'm beginning to see a few white hairs on the WW.
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I was wrong. White Widow plant is a BOY. Little bugger started flashing his balls at me this morning. Took him out the closet, but not doing anything drastic to him till I snap a few pics. I wish someone would take this little fella off my hands, I hate to kill him.
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Here he is


Still not really hoping, but wishing he could live. Anywho, gonna cut him, then diltute the soil with new stuff, because I really never added much nutes at all to it. So, probably not even going to flush it. Gonna plant either a Kerala Krush (Kerala x Skunk #1) or a Northern Lights x Skunk #1 Feminized. Might veg it outside, then bring in to flower, since I don't have my proposed vegging area set up yet.
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Ascended Master Kief
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