40x40x80 with AC Infinity T6 Setup Help


Well-Known Member
Noob here looking for a little advice as to how I would set up my AC Infinity Cloudline T6 with the AC Infinity carbon filter inside or outside my 40X40X80 tent. I have the rope clip hangers but can't figure a good way to hook to the infinity T6 and the carbon filter inside the tent. Also would it be better to have passive or add my Cloudline S6 to the tent as an intake. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I use the T6 in my tent, 48x48x72, and have the luxury of NOT using a carbon filter (legal here) and I find the CFM is fine, however, with a CF I'm most certain you wont get enough circulation if you have it on the intake. Set it up on the exhaust end and it should be fine, but I never tried it.
I use the Smart mode for the most part and it works well, and I have a 6" intake fan for makeup air. So don't go passive..hook up the S6 as you'll probably find that fan just doesn't take the heat out as much as you would expect. LED's will be fine, but over 600W HID and you're gonna have troubles. The S6 should be able to bring cool air in from the floor if you have that type of setup or favorable conditions.
And yes the filter can sit outside the tent.
I greatly appreciate the help. I just can't find a good way to mount the t6 inside the tent and that's why I was asking for advice on how I can set it up. I am also going to be using a full spectrum 1000 watt led inside this tent, which will be for flowering. I have another 24x48x60 that I plan on using for seedlings and vegatative. Does that sound as if it will work as well. Like I said I'm new to this and just want to do it right and I'm just trying to get a decent setup. Thanks
Well the T6 should hang nicely from the top corner of the tent. I ran those ratchet type hooks around the T6 frame and around the top posts. I used two for balancing. The exhaust hose goes out the top of the tent and you can hook up your CF somewhere outside at that point.
Use a small section of intake duct so you don't go accidentally placing your hand inside the moving fan, but make sure it doesn't get sucked to the tent wall either preventing air intake.
You would probably need a seperate system for the veg tent as you wont have enough CFm from the T6 to supply both effectively.
Thanks that make a lot of sense. For the veg tent I was planning on purchasing another t6 or s6, maybe even both if needed. I also purchased a Hydrofarm FLT22 EnviroGro T5 for veg tent. This is my first time doing this and been purchasing as I'm reading and learning, hopefully I'm doing ok with the set up. Once again thanks for the help and advice
MrSauga, just wondering if you could share a pic of the attached T6 and how you have it set to the frame. If so great and if not, thanks anyway.
Sure, it's not a great pic but it's one I had available. I'll try and take a better shot tonight when lights go on.
So you can see the ratchet hooks go around the base frame and around the top cross supports(2), one strap for each cross member.
My intake hose is long in this pic as it was initial setup, but it's just the same length now to the reflector on my hood. You don't want it too short that you can't drop the light. This only applies if you hook your duct to the HID hood, which you don't have, being LEDS. So you would just put about a 12" piece on the intake side of the fan and run your duct out the top.
Hope that helps and if you have any more questions go ahead.

What you don't see is the 6" intake fan in the bottom front right corner. It sits outside my tent and has a duct feeding inside the lower passive vent. I speed control it based on the temps inside the tent.
I also add filter material on all the ducts to try and filter out most of the dirt being sucked into the tent. You can see a piece of the blue media in one of the upper passive vents.

Fianlly, my controller to the T6 is mounted on a stud outside the tent so I can adjust and regulate speeds handily and monitor temps easier.
Thanks so much for sharing. I have Started setting mine up as the picture shows . I set up the carbon filter inside the tent at the very top with it running to the left side. What it work for me to have the T6 pulling from outside the tent mounted on left side where the vent hose goes through the top left inside the closet, that's roughly 3 to 3 1/2 foot from the carbon filter itself. I plan on taking the S6 Pushing in from the bottom right front. Do you think that will work or do I need to rethink my setup. I'm sorry to keep bugging you for answers, just don't wanna mess it up. Once again thanks and greatly appreciated


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There's nothing wrong except I think you may encounter issues drawing the air out of the tent once the filter starts getting dirty.
Do a quick test..turn the fan on with the filter hooked up and feel the amount of blowing out the other side. Then take the filter off and feel the difference. This will drop more once your filter starts to get clogged. If you can, mount the fan inside the tent and keep the filter outside. Just reverse it. You have a better chance blowing out through the filter than trying to suck through it. If you have a prefilter over the carbon filter it really becomes useless, so you want to remove it and try and use that material on the air makeup, the S6 you have hooked up to bring fresh air in.
That's a definite, I need all the help I can get. Do you think the filter will last maybe 6 months the way it's set up with the filter inside the tent. The reason I'm asking is that I would like to exaust the vent into the attic. The carbon filter only has one collar for the vent to hook to, which means I wouldn't be able to exaust into attic if I change positions, am I correct. If it would last 6 or so months without hurting the t6, not a big issue as the filter is only $55. Also should I use the carbon filter without the prefilter. If you really think I need to change the set up I will. I would just like to vent to attic to push some of the heat out of the room. Opinion please
Right, well the optimal solution is to have the carbon filter in the attic if you can get access. The filter hooks up to the end of run duct wherever you finish it off.
So the way you have it is fine. It's not efficient but we work with what we have. The filter is something you need to check yourself. A good way to know is keep an eye on how much the tent sucks in when clean, so when you see it's not sucking in as far, it's a sign the fan is clogged somewhere.
If its more efficient I will definitely move the carbon filter to the attic as I have access inside the closet. It will just be a little more difficult as I'll have to remove the shelf H Tom, but not a big deal. Would you suggest leaving the pre filter on or off.
So the prefilter is designed to filter out larger micron debris in the air prior to getting to the carbon filter. It's basically just that, a pre-filter. Since you are now blowing out the filter, the pre-filter does nothing at this point, so yes remove it. You want to keep the air coming into the tent as clean as possible so try and work that material over the INTAKE of the S6 you have in the bottom. This will act as the pre-filter for the carbon filter to some degree.
Finally, as I mentioned before I use the Smart mode, so the fan ramps up and down according to the temperature inside the tent. With a carbon filter you may need to run the fan at full speed all the time. I don't have the carbon filter on my setup, but I do know how low the fan speeds go. It's something you need to experiment with and find what mode works best for you.
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