Anyone ever use Dr. Earth?

Dead Cthulhu

New Member
Hello Everyone!

I'm preparing to start my first grow! Woo:cheer: But the only soil and nutes my local nursery has are Dr Earths and the cost of shipping makes the prospect of buying nutes online unattractive, and i've actually seen a lot of positive comments on Dr Earth. They sell the black POTting soil bag at my nursery and it's pretty big. They also sell a full line of nutes. I'm also planning on growing Autoflowers i know that makes a big difference nute wise, especially the first week or two.

So my questions with the POTting soil,

I've found a grow schedule thats suppose to be from the owner of Dr Earth, it says to mix some nutes into the soil before planting, would that be too much for a baby autoflower?

Would i need to let the POTting soil sit for a while before growing to let the bacteria start eating away at the nutes put in the soil so they can feed the plant?

Should anything be mixed into the soil before planting, I.e perlite, vermiculite, guano, sand? I know autos like light soil.

Any help you can give is greatly appreciated
Hmm, I grew one autp in my life, but that's not my cup of tea. Guano won't even start breaking down with an auto plant if you didn't cook your soil for at least a month before planting, which you always have to do anyway.

I'm interested also DC

I read a little about the Dr. Earth products , will do more, but I saw one type of the organic soil is designed for cannabis, or so it says...
I need to go back and read more .....l8tr.....:passitleft:

be well

I use Dr Earth products that my local nursery stocks, not the soil tho. I use the Kelp meal and the Alfalfa meal, you can purchase the soft rock phosphate if thats all you can find. I don't use bone meal or any sort of animal byproducts. I use the Alfalfa, kelp, neem cake, rock dust, azomite powder, crab shell meal, worm castings, my own vermi-compost, Calcium Carbonate (limestone dust) - mix all these ingredients together in some quality top soil (no fertilizer added), some sort of Micorhazae (great white is good), add water and let that sit for a few weeks while the seedlings are getting going. Put this soil mix into your final container and plant your seedlings in that final container and you're good to go all the way to harvest. I also water with ACT (aerated compost tea), and SST (sprouted seed tea) all during veg and flower. Thats it - no need for any special fertilizers. You soil will become a living soil or LOS (living organic soil) and your buds will taste exceptional and your plants will be 100% healthy all the way thru to harvest. If you need specific amounts of what I listed above just ask - there's many many recipes that folks use, I like Clackamas Coot's recipe and use that as my guideline.. You don't have to be super precise as you can adjust amendments and top dress with dead leaves and also plant companion crops in the same pots as your cana plants. It's a living soil so you want to encourage all sorts of living organisms, the best way is thru diversity. Diversity is a beautiful thing, and so are plants grown in LOS soil!

i also like 'down to earth' products, they have a 'vegan mix' that's 3-2-2.
the only place with in a couple hours drive to me that has a selection of organic nutes, that aren't miracle grow or scott's, is a brew and hydro store, and they overcharge like mad. so almost everything i've gotten has come from online sellers.
kelp meal, cotton seed meal, crab shell, ground oyster shell, guano, neam seed meal, azomite, ect. ect.
The Homegrown POTting soil is amazing! I swear by the stuff. All I use is the soil straight out of the bag, along with FF liquid nute trio.
Hello Everyone!

I'm preparing to start my first grow! Woo:cheer: But the only soil and nutes my local nursery has are Dr Earths and the cost of shipping makes the prospect of buying nutes online unattractive, and i've actually seen a lot of positive comments on Dr Earth. They sell the black POTting soil bag at my nursery and it's pretty big. They also sell a full line of nutes. I'm also planning on growing Autoflowers i know that makes a big difference nute wise, especially the first week or two.

So my questions with the POTting soil,

I've found a grow schedule thats suppose to be from the owner of Dr Earth, it says to mix some nutes into the soil before planting, would that be too much for a baby autoflower?

Would i need to let the POTting soil sit for a while before growing to let the bacteria start eating away at the nutes put in the soil so they can feed the plant?

Should anything be mixed into the soil before planting, I.e perlite, vermiculite, guano, sand? I know autos like light soil.

Any help you can give is greatly appreciated
I like it. Drains well and plants love it. I add roots organic's bloom and grow dry to top of soil. Love the soil. $8.00 for a med bag
Pro mix bx
Hello Everyone!

I'm preparing to start my first grow! Woo:cheer: But the only soil and nutes my local nursery has are Dr Earths and the cost of shipping makes the prospect of buying nutes online unattractive, and i've actually seen a lot of positive comments on Dr Earth. They sell the black POTting soil bag at my nursery and it's pretty big. They also sell a full line of nutes. I'm also planning on growing Autoflowers i know that makes a big difference nute wise, especially the first week or two.

So my questions with the POTting soil,

I've found a grow schedule thats suppose to be from the owner of Dr Earth, it says to mix some nutes into the soil before planting, would that be too much for a baby autoflower?

Would i need to let the POTting soil sit for a while before growing to let the bacteria start eating away at the nutes put in the soil so they can feed the plant?

Should anything be mixed into the soil before planting, I.e perlite, vermiculite, guano, sand? I know autos like light soil.

Any help you can give is greatly appreciated
Promix Bx with half compost and extra Perlite with Dr. Earth green bag homegrown and orange bag all purpose and pink Flowergirl...mis half pro mix half compost and 1/3 perlite ..then for a 5 gallon pot u want 3 tbs veg the green homegrown bag the 2 orange bag to even out the nitrogen nutes of first
Bag then 5 of flower girl...mix good and your good for 17-25 days with just rainwater...true Organics...this is an auto I got goin right now and it's 8 days from. Sprout in final 5 gallon pot...water rain water when completely dried out... 10 tbs per 5 gal. Of soi/soiless mix...Critical xGG4 by homegrown cannabis Co.
Dr. Earth is the best and cheapest Organic nutes you will ever use...

lol are you sure you're sure?

I'm an organic farmer we make our own vermi-compost best soil you can make and its free. Well I do pay for CSPM. 4 cubic foot bail for $12. Save my money to buy seeds!
Hello Everyone!

I'm preparing to start my first grow! Woo:cheer: But the only soil and nutes my local nursery has are Dr Earths and the cost of shipping makes the prospect of buying nutes online unattractive, and i've actually seen a lot of positive comments on Dr Earth. They sell the black POTting soil bag at my nursery and it's pretty big. They also sell a full line of nutes. I'm also planning on growing Autoflowers i know that makes a big difference nute wise, especially the first week or two.

So my questions with the POTting soil,

I've found a grow schedule thats suppose to be from the owner of Dr Earth, it says to mix some nutes into the soil before planting, would that be too much for a baby autoflower?

Would i need to let the POTting soil sit for a while before growing to let the bacteria start eating away at the nutes put in the soil so they can feed the plant?

Should anything be mixed into the soil before planting, I.e perlite, vermiculite, guano, sand? I know autos like light soil.

Any help you can give is greatly appreciated, Is a very fine product. An is not a real hot fertilizer. Like chemical shit! Have had real good luck with it. An now that I-190 passed in my home state of Montana. I'll be having better luck. Since I'll have a more controlled grow. Because i have alot more access to it. Instead of breaking the law, which I will miss. an finding a spot to grow, where my presence wasn't too suspisous.
I use Dr Earth products that my local nursery stocks, not the soil tho. I use the Kelp meal and the Alfalfa meal, you can purchase the soft rock phosphate if thats all you can find. I don't use bone meal or any sort of animal byproducts. I use the Alfalfa, kelp, neem cake, rock dust, azomite powder, crab shell meal, worm castings, my own vermi-compost, Calcium Carbonate (limestone dust) - mix all these ingredients together in some quality top soil (no fertilizer added), some sort of Micorhazae (great white is good), add water and let that sit for a few weeks while the seedlings are getting going. Put this soil mix into your final container and plant your seedlings in that final container and you're good to go all the way to harvest. I also water with ACT (aerated compost tea), and SST (sprouted seed tea) all during veg and flower. Thats it - no need for any special fertilizers. You soil will become a living soil or LOS (living organic soil) and your buds will taste exceptional and your plants will be 100% healthy all the way thru to harvest. If you need specific amounts of what I listed above just ask - there's many many recipes that folks use, I like Clackamas Coot's recipe and use that as my guideline.. You don't have to be super precise as you can adjust amendments and top dress with dead leaves and also plant companion crops in the same pots as your cana plants. It's a living soil so you want to encourage all sorts of living organisms, the best way is thru diversity. Diversity is a beautiful thing, and so are plants grown in LOS soil!

What the ratio per gallon thanx sounds interesting and photos look mouth watering
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