Autos v. Photos - A 5x5 No Rules Fight for Yield: A Jon & NickHardy Gig

Skywalker organic

Ok finally down to only the Apple Fritter left in the contest part of this journal. The BB#3 and Skywalker are hanging, Shed has three finished yields, and the AF finishes the contest out, assuming I don’t lose her to bud rot. I just can’t see it NOT happening. Or even if I do actually , lol. She’s the last one. However, I do have one trick left up my sleeve. Now this tent is the AF and one tiny organic that isn’t a contest plant. Plenty of extra space. So in the name of the almighty fight against the evil bortrytis, I am gonna fire up the big dehumidifier. This piece of infrastructure is emergency only. Lol. But it kicks complete ass too. I will have this damn tent at 30% Rh easy. Between that and a world of moving air we will see who wins this battle.

Personally I’d throw in the @Bill284 SNS for additional protection but I’m always looking 👀 for something to be able to say that I did everything I could. I don’t like thinking 🤔 maybe I should have done more. Just a psychological thing I have. lol CL🍀
Here’s my first offensive shot in this battle between good (buds) and evil (bud rot). If bortrytis wants my plant it’s gonna have to work for it.

This should give you the complete infrastructure package. The silly looking cardboard serves two vital functions.

- shields the rest of the tent and plants from direct heat
- focuses the heat exhaust up to the extraction fan

I now crank the extraction fan which is usually set on one. Now it goes to 8. Max extraction. In theory this should draw most of the heat out of the tent with minimum dissipation into the tent.

Let’s try that a few hours and come back and see how it’s working. My guess is this does it. Dehumidifier is set at 30% and max power (it has a setting for how hard you want it to work). Hose (water runoff) out the hole in the tent. The first picture also shows how easy and effective my hula hoop support is. Holding fans now too!





Personally I’d throw in the @Bill284 SNS for additional protection but I’m always looking 👀 for something to be able to say that I did everything I could. I don’t like thinking 🤔 maybe I should have done more. Just a psychological thing I have. lol CL🍀
Totally get it but it’s way too late for the SNS to have any impact at this point. Also a hydro situation and I don’t know how that plays. It’ll be okay.
Totally get it but it’s way too late for the SNS to have any impact at this point. Also a hydro situation and I don’t know how that plays. It’ll be okay.
I have those same psychological issues as well. We may need a pot therapist. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Strawberry Banana

Hers how she looks today from a few angles. She has no issues, deficiencies, or flaws and looks perfect. This plant gets only water pretty much. My data so far on the California Super Soil is that it’s awesome. Lmao.





Edit: I’m becoming a big fan of plants that grow sparsely in the fan leaf department. This is one. Skywalker is another. So goddamn easy.
If all one ever shares is successes and such, for me at least, one is not necessarily sharing the entire story. Unless that person never ever makes a mistake. Anyone that applies to please see me in DMs so we can work out a trade for the secret.

Here’s the damages and the burned stuff off the Bruce Banner. This is all quite smokeable. But wouldn’t make a jar in a million years. I still say I had several strains and had to fit them in one light reality. A burn or two was inevitable.

But to call myself out completely, was it really inevitable? You sure? Or could you have simply raised the light, lowered the plants, or done what you had to so as to maintain the grow as a whole at a lower PPFD that wouldn’t have burned anything?


The problem, as usual, has nothing to do with the plants, my infrastructure, growing styles, or level of experience. The problem is me. When the grow turns out compromised, to however much the extent, the problem is always me.

Reality. It fucking sucks at times. Mine has been sucking for days now in a big way. Just some non related shit I wish was different. But I’m glad we finally have the tent in a position to actually finish and not be lost.

Anyone want this? Lol. I’ll pay you to take it.

If all one ever shares is successes and such, for me at least, one is not necessarily sharing the entire story. Unless that person never ever makes a mistake. Anyone that applies to please see me in DMs so we can work out a trade for the secret.

Here’s the damages and the burned stuff off the Bruce Banner. This is all quite smokeable. But wouldn’t make a jar in a million years. I still say I had several strains and had to fit them in one light reality. A burn or two was inevitable.

But to call myself out completely, was it really inevitable? You sure? Or could you have simply raised the light, lowered the plants, or done what you had to so as to maintain the grow as a whole at a lower PPFD that wouldn’t have burned anything?


The problem, as usual, has nothing to do with the plants, my infrastructure, growing styles, or level of experience. The problem is me. When the grow turns out compromised, to however much the extent, the problem is always me.

Reality. It fucking sucks at times. Mine has been sucking for days now in a big way. Just some non related shit I wish was different. But I’m glad we finally have the tent in a position to actually finish and not be lost.

Anyone want this? Lol. I’ll pay you to take it.

Same vein:

Here’s the Cherry Pie yield that didn’t meet my jar standards and was not included in the yield report to Shed. Maybe 3/4 ounce or so.

Same vein:

Here’s the Cherry Pie yield that didn’t meet my jar standards and was not included in the yield report to Shed. Maybe 3/4 ounce or so.

This bowl is not really flarf, if I trimmed it there’s a small dense nugget in the middle of most of those. But they are single big bong hit size. Way too much work for that and that’s about where my line is, lol. Work vs Reward stuff. Heh. But that said I smoke the crap out of this and it’s actually cool to peel them as you need them like bananas. Lmao.

Last useful point on training this. Deflarfing.

Quad Sombrero makes the path clear. The towers WILL light block anything in the lower ring you keep in the center. This is not the training style to fill in the middle of the bottom part. It’s a ring, not a canopy if that makes sense. Any middle shoots that would end up in the middle get snipped. You now have the requisite clean and empty middle down low.
Here’s an example of those:

Then I attend to each cola of the ring on an individual basis. This is as easy as answering the how low you gonna let growth stay question. So you can’t really screw that up, but for me, there’s a cutoff point. I remove below that. When I Sombrero train, that ring IS lower and gets lower ppfd, no way around that, so I take more vs less. I might leave the top two or three growth nodes down from the colas, but less than usual. That way the lowers get nice and dense despite getting less ppfd. Cuz you made it so those colas can actually produce what you want. Here’s a branch and you can see or imagine what I mean when I trim it out. It’s a post stretch thing when you know what you have, this final deflarf, in my world.

So that’s all I got for now on this now that I’ve put the audience to sleep with it….sleep….sleep….sleep….

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Here’s my first offensive shot in this battle between good (buds) and evil (bud rot). If bortrytis wants my plant it’s gonna have to work for it.

This should give you the complete infrastructure package. The silly looking cardboard serves two vital functions.

- shields the rest of the tent and plants from direct heat
- focuses the heat exhaust up to the extraction fan

I now crank the extraction fan which is usually set on one. Now it goes to 8. Max extraction. In theory this should draw most of the heat out of the tent with minimum dissipation into the tent.

Let’s try that a few hours and come back and see how it’s working. My guess is this does it. Dehumidifier is set at 30% and max power (it has a setting for how hard you want it to work). Hose (water runoff) out the hole in the tent. The first picture also shows how easy and effective my hula hoop support is. Holding fans now too!





It works. 32% RH. It does raise the tent temperature a few degrees, I’m at 81 F and after the sun stops hammering the garage door it will get lower. So it probably ends up at around 32- 35% RH and 78-80 F ranges. Close enough. Should be okay. Better than it was. I’m betting that 10 point difference is significant.
It works. 32% RH. It does raise the tent temperature a few degrees, I’m at 81 F and after the sun stops hammering the garage door it will get lower. So it probably ends up at around 32- 35% RH and 78-80 F ranges. Close enough. Should be okay. Better than it was. I’m betting that 10 point difference is significant.
Awesome I knew you could do it getting bud rot would suck
Awesome I knew you could do it getting bud rot would suck
Thanks con. May still but at least I know I’ve done all I can. They’re just mutants. It’s crazy and my hydro experiment is over. Lol!! For now.
Strawberry Banana

Hers how she looks today from a few angles. She has no issues, deficiencies, or flaws and looks perfect. This plant gets only water pretty much. My data so far on the California Super Soil is that it’s awesome. Lmao.





Edit: I’m becoming a big fan of plants that grow sparsely in the fan leaf department. This is one. Skywalker is another. So goddamn easy.
Btw - the way the plants grow in the California Super Soil setup is cool and sweet as hell and I understand now why they do it as they do. What you do in short is put just 1/3 the pot of CSS in first and 2/3 good pot soil. I amend that but to would work the same way if I didn’t. The CSS is 800x hotter than the soil above according to them. No typo. 800X. So not what you want the seedling in. So you begin and the plant grows and its roots grow. At some point they contact and then invade the bottom third. The CSS. When the roots hit the CSS the plant takes off. Like, a lot. You can almost see the exact day it begins to respond to it. And then the plant gets real shiny. Like you see here it’s not an effect. It is that shiny. Forget the beauty of it. It’s HEALTHY AS SHIT!!!! That’s the goal of any plant ever for me. Health. It’s pretty remarkable. And then it seems the plant gets better in color and consistency and rate of growth. They take the F off!! It’s really good premade organic soil. I can say from much personal experience that it is literally not worth mentioning Sohum in the same breath. It destroys Sohum. If that is anyone’s reference point. Anyway, two cents.
Btw - the way the plants grow in the California Super Soil setup is cool and sweet as hell and I understand now why they do it as they do. What you do in short is put just 1/3 the pot of CSS in first and 2/3 good pot soil. I amend that but to would work the same way if I didn’t. The CSS is 800x hotter than the soil above according to them. No typo. 800X. So not what you want the seedling in. So you begin and the plant grows and its roots grow. At some point they contact and then invade the bottom third. The CSS. When the roots hit the CSS the plant takes off. Like, a lot. You can almost see the exact day it begins to respond to it. And then the plant gets real shiny. Like you see here it’s not an effect. It is that shiny. Forget the beauty of it. It’s HEALTHY AS SHIT!!!! That’s the goal of any plant ever for me. Health. It’s pretty remarkable. And then it seems the plant gets better in color and consistency and rate of growth. They take the F off!! It’s really good premade organic soil. I can say from much personal experience that it is literally not worth mentioning Sohum in the same breath. It destroys Sohum. If that is anyone’s reference point. Anyway, two cents.
Your results with it shows it works good & sounds easy enough more or less just add water, it's available in canuk land for a mere $100 canadian for 2.5 lbs
Your results with it shows it works good & sounds easy enough more or less just add water, it's available in canuk land for a mere $100 canadian for 2.5 lbs
Cool and thanks. If you try it, I used a six pound bag for a seven. That was overdoing it a tad on purpose cuz I’m dumb like that. But for a seven, for example, one 2.5 lb bag *might* be enough? I don’t have enough experience with it yet to advise or elocute on this. Lol. But it works great at 6 lbs per 7-gallon pot. That actually makes it pricey for me. But it’s worth it cuz I compare the cost to any nutes. It’s way more expensive to grow a plant with any nutes than what this soil costs me.
Cool and thanks. If you try it, I used a six pound bag for a seven. That was overdoing it a tad on purpose cuz I’m dumb like that. But for a seven, for example, one 2.5 lb bag *might* be enough? I don’t have enough experience with it yet to advise or elocute on this. Lol. But it works great at 6 lbs per 7-gallon pot. That actually makes it pricey for me. But it’s worth it cuz I compare the cost to any nutes. It’s way more expensive to grow a plant with any nutes than what this soil costs me.
I got an 18 lb box. Comes in 3 6-pound bags.
I got an 18 lb box. Comes in 3 6-pound bags.
Also I can tell you that they advise the top bottom thing as described, but also a thin layer of “potting soil” between the top and bottom. That is nonsensical to me so I ignore that.
Also I can tell you that they advise the top bottom thing as described, but also a thin layer of “potting soil” between the top and bottom. That is nonsensical to me so I ignore that.
It's too pricey for me
To try ATM but I do buy lottery tickets so maybe one day
It's too pricey for me
To try ATM but I do buy lottery tickets so maybe one day
I’m still emotionally recovering from spending $300 on a set of Cyco nutes that last all of exactly two plants.
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