Concerned, rather worried about this plant

right. i forgot.

you're not actually using a cannabis media or nutes. it can work but it's not really something most folk here would use. as far as the nute line all we can really do is tell you to try sticking to their schedule.

the plant is just large and hungry. it would eat some leaves no matter what you did. it's simply balancing the nutes for that plant, it's not far off. would be a little easier if you were using straight up cannabis nutes. gets hard to advise otherwise.

personally i'd just feed it a little more overall, but my nute choice is totally different.

your rh and temps don't seem that bad to me. i'd watch for mold as it matures.

let's see if @Ash4twenty chimes in.

i think they want to be viewed as something a little more versatile. they don't concentrate their products on the cannabis market, but it can be used. sort of a budget alternative. it's always easier when using nutes and media focused for our plant.
I get involved in loads of this type of conversations and in the back of my mind I'm constantly thinking 'Coco, CaMg, A/B and a bit of pH down - that's it, zero complications
I get involved in loads of this type of conversations and in the back of my mind I'm constantly thinking 'Coco, CaMg, A/B and a bit of pH down - that's it, zero complications

i know. i grow so simply now it get's hard to understand how it gets out of control. after a while you anticipate issues and correct as a normal part of the grow.
let's see your other plants. there's always a problem plant in the grow. don't stress over it lol.

you're mostly just underfed and it's gonna be crowded in the bucket for the size of the plant.
Here are the other plants.

If its really just underfed... the one question I have is... would these pistils turn brown so early? Remember, some colas are white with zero brown pistils and those which turned brown some are 50% turned some are 40% turned and some are like 90% turned. All in ONE day. Well, not totally true. 2 of the 33 large colas were slight brown pistils the day before. Then the following day, the day I told my roommate if he spins the plant to spin it back to the same position... that was the day they all turned on the side he kept toward the fan for 3 weeks every day.
And if True... if you were 4 days from requiring another feeding... which is every 2 weeks would you just feed this one plant early with a NORMAL dose (1/4 cup) and then on feed day with the rest of the plants four days from now give it another nice big heaping tablespoon?(4 heaping tablespoons equal 1/4 cup. I tested that theory.

Here are the other plants...
Included is ONE cola (a very minor cola) on one of the plants in the basement, which are all still very immature flower wise. This occurred after using the CAL MAG with Iron from TPS solutions and Worm Casting Tea. Again, i under did those numbers for how to use it. And the Cal Mag said you can stack it with other organic nutes.

For some reason my camera decided to take true color photos this time. ONE photo is a bit off. The rest are dead on. Except the little browned up cola from one of those plants in the basement. Maybe its a sign of things to come. Who knows. But these plants are NOT light green or yellowing anywhere.










the other plants are near perfect. they are just starting a pk ask and they definitely weren't overfed. i'm not so sure i would stress over just the one when the others are tracking so well.

i'd still download the dr earth cannabis schedule and give it a study.

edit : the problem plant is really just a big heavy feeder. you get them sometimes. i think some of the other parts of the dr earth schedule would likely deal with that. they include some amendments.
edit : the problem plant is really just a big heavy feeder. you get them sometimes. i think some of the other parts of the dr earth schedule would likely deal with that. they include some amendments.
You mean other amendments I dont have? Or just more Bloom Booster?
I asked Geoflora if I could switch over the Geoflora mid grow. If their stuff doesn't burn then maybe its the way to go.
You mean other amendments I dont have? Or just more Bloom Booster?

download the dr earth cannabis schedule. you'll see it calls for a couple more things.

What does this mean? I dont want to sound stupid. But I am because this is my first grow. So I dont know what that means. Id rather look stupid and know something than not ask and be blind sided.

the plants needs change in flower. you feed it more pk and usually reduce the n a little. it's all in the schedule i told you about.

n - nitrogen
p - phosphorous
k - potassium

the basic macro nutes needed to grow anything. there's a pile of micros as well, but those are the important ones.
My immediate thought when seeing those brown pistils is roots. That pot should be more than enough space.
I dig up flowering plants pretty often and, all branches get different severity. Some are fine (did not damage the root) , some a couple more, and so on. I've had buds go 90% brown and then the branches die. I know I damaged certain roots.
Anyways, the damage looks identical
She is a beauty
download the dr earth cannabis schedule. you'll see it calls for a couple more things.

the plants needs change in flower. you feed it more pk and usually reduce the n a little. it's all in the schedule i told you about.

n - nitrogen
p - phosphorous
k - potassium

the basic macro nutes needed to grow anything. there's a pile of micros as well, but those are the important ones.
I thought that stuff was for people who knew more.

So, you are saying I should really be using that other stuff as well? For the advanced?
I thought that stuff was for people who knew more.

So, you are saying I should really be using that other stuff as well? For the advanced?

i'd definitely look at it. it probably recommends different amounts of even the base nutes for a cannabis plant in flower.

edit : what have you been following ? if you're not gonna look at what is recommended to grow cannabis then it's gonna be a short answer for help.
i'd definitely look at it. it probably recommends different amounts of even the base nutes for a cannabis plant in flower.

edit : what have you been following ? if you're not gonna look at what is recommended to grow cannabis then it's gonna be a short answer for help.
Im just now realizing I overlooked a bunch of things with this program. When someone tells you something and you have it stuck in your head you can see things that arent even there.

I was under the impression that bloom booster starts at the beginning of bloom.

I should have been giving them some completely different bag that I dont even have.

This is because again, my roommate told me Canuk only uses Veg and Bloom booster. So when I looked at the chart I assumed Bloom Booster for early bloom and it doesn't even call for Bloom Booster until the 9th week

Im now surprised the plants in the basement are doing fine. The plant in the closet should have gotten the orange bag and NOT the bloom booster. What a friggin oversight.

Then there are the other amendments which are liquid and I overlooked them because I figured advanced users would know what to do with those but maybe my yields will be screwed up because of this.

Well, this was a big spend on a huge learning experience.
Im just now realizing I overlooked a bunch of things with this program. When someone tells you something and you have it stuck in your head you can see things that arent even there.

I was under the impression that bloom booster starts at the beginning of bloom.

I should have been giving them some completely different bag that I dont even have.

This is because again, my roommate told me Canuk only uses Veg and Bloom booster. So when I looked at the chart I assumed Bloom Booster for early bloom and it doesn't even call for Bloom Booster until the 9th week

Im now surprised the plants in the basement are doing fine. The plant in the closet should have gotten the orange bag and NOT the bloom booster. What a friggin oversight.

Then there are the other amendments which are liquid and I overlooked them because I figured advanced users would know what to do with those but maybe my yields will be screwed up because of this.

Well, this was a big spend on a huge learning experience.

relax. everyone kinda flounders a bit at first. you won't even remember this in another grow or two. besides, the other plants are doing fine, and you should get something decent at finish no matter what happens to the problem plant.

in the meantime we can help you get the rest sorted.

download a copy of the dr earth cannabis grow schedule you want to use, then post it here so we can see what is really needed, you might only need that one other bag, or you might want to have a couple other things with it.
relax. everyone kinda flounders a bit at first. you won't even remember this in another grow or two. besides, the other plants are doing fine, and you should get something decent at finish no matter what happens to the problem plant.

in the meantime we can help you get the rest sorted.

download a copy of the dr earth cannabis grow schedule you want to use, then post it here so we can see what is really needed, you might only need that one other bag, or you might want to have a couple other things with it.
I was thinking about Geoflora and just buying a bag of the bloom. But, they wont answer in time so I will probably go with the Bloom booster since I am entering or into the 8th week or 4th week of bloom.

Do you mean this chart? I will buy whatever i need. I skipped the orange bag. Which sort of messes with me. But past that now. Onto better things.

Question out of the blue... Do you think this plant could be fortune cookie? I know its a crazy question to ask. But I have seen a few online which were autos and of course this one isn't., But the auto Fortune cookie had red stems and that red area where the stem hits the leaf. But none of them were this big though they were bushy. Even the autos in hydro.

edit : what have you been following ? if you're not gonna look at what is recommended to grow cannabis then it's gonna be a short answer for help.
If I need the other stuff then I will get it. But I cant tell what the heck they are saying about using that other stuff. Its in the list of things to use and says when to use it. But then when you read the application pages it seems like its saying something different.
If I need the other stuff then I will get it.

yeah you should use at least all three parts of the basic nutes for a successful grow. you'll see they combine in different amounts at different stages when following the feed chart. the plants have missed a bit and could probably have used it.

i would use the base 3 parts, and maybe some calmag on the next run. stick to the schedule, and you'll have a bit better grow. if you need to re-balance for a problem plant, you've got more tools, you can fine tune or customize the basic schedule to your needs.
yeah you should use at least all three parts of the basic nutes for a successful grow. you'll see they combine in different amounts at different stages when following the feed chart. the plants have missed a bit and could probably have used it.

i would use the base 3 parts, and maybe some calmag on the next run. stick to the schedule, and you'll have a bit better grow. if you need to re-balance for a problem plant, you've got more tools, you can fine tune or customize the basic schedule to your needs.
Im considered a very intelligent person. But I noticed that when someone tells you something about something and then you go read it, its like your mind is blinded to the truth if you trust that person. So I trusted what the roommate said about Canuk and then just X'ed out the orange bag of Dr Earth and used Bloom Booster. Then when I realized I should not have given the plants bloom booster until pretty much mid stretch period I still defaulted to "Well I just should have waited" instead of," Hey moron, you forgot the orange bag!"
I can only think of how stupid that was in hind sight and I am always getting on people for believing what they are told about articles before they read them for themselves. Or told what to think about what someone else said before they go look for themselves and then seeing what they were told a person stated instead of being able to see the truth staring them right in the face.

It sort of makes me think i just got lucky with the 3 plants in the basement. But that doesnt mean they wont start showing bad signs shortly. I hope not. But I didnt expect this one to either. One friend of mine kept saying, "Stop stressing its a weed and recovers easily even if you do mess up."
That didnt help me stop stressing and what would have is if someone did what you did back weeks ago and said, "Hey smart idiot, go get the right stuff and feed these plants before they stress out on you."
the plants needs change in flower. you feed it more pk and usually reduce the n a little. it's all in the schedule i told you about.

n - nitrogen
p - phosphorous
k - potassium

the basic macro nutes needed to grow anything. there's a pile of micros as well, but those are the important ones.
I thought that stuff was for people who knew more.

So, you are saying I should really be using that other stuff as well? For the advanced?
The N-P-K is basic info and not stuff intended for advanced growers. It is so basic that how to read the N-P-K numbers is one of the things taught in the first day of classes for new growers. And for those who already have taken the beginner classes they will get a reminder of the importance of the N-P-K on their first day of a second level class.

The link you provided for the Dr Earth fertilizers saw the N-P-K as being so important that they included more space to explaining it and then the primary and secondary nutrients and another page on the micro nutrients.

Best thing to do is read up on the macro nutrients from several sources. Even if they seem to be saying the same thing it is how they explain why each is so important that reinforces the importance of each nutrient. With just a bit of time you can realize the importance of Nitrogen in basic plant growth and the necessity for photosynthesis to take place in both the vegetative stage and flowering stage. And why Potassium is so important to the overall health of the plant from day one to the harvest.

Nitrogen and especially the Potassium are so necessary even in flowering that I have always felt that shortages are the #1 reason so many growers experience a yellowing of the leaves in the first couple of weeks of flowering. Even long time member @Emilya Green in her last message before taking a break from being actively involved mentions the importance of more Potassium and not less.
Nitrogen and especially the Potassium are so necessary even in flowering that I have always felt that shortages are the #1 reason so many growers experience a yellowing of the leaves in the first couple of weeks of flowering. Even long time member @Emilya Green in her last message before taking a break from being actively involved mentions the importance of more Potassium and not less.
So is it important to up those without the rest of the nutrients? Fert?

Edit: I ask because I am about to give it another dose of Fertilizer in two days. Which will be a day early but I think it needs it. I may also give it one tablespoon of the veg mix and 4 of the bloom booster just because I think this plant needs more than the others based on all the info gathered from @bluter and others. I also ordered some blackstrap molasses.
@bluter Do you think its possible this plant is an auto and accidentally got sent along with some other freebie seeds?

I mean, its rate of growing flower is really fast. I mean, its only been in flower since Oct 10th (26 days) and its way ahead of the other 3 as far as flower productio
n. I mean WAY ahead. The other 3 were 6 days younger but during the stretch I dont think those 6 days matter at this point since they all got switched to 12/12 on the same day. Unless I'm wrong and those 6 days of veg time did matter.
This "problem plant" is 16 to 18 inches away from the light (the others are 12 to 14 right now because the lights wont go any higher without a lot of work) and IF it is getting LESS nutrients than the others in the basement by virtue of being so much larger(it gets the same feeding amount as the others) and is so far ahead of those in flower... I cant see any other reason unless I cant see because of my own ignorance and the stress caused it to try to flower faster.

By the way, the photo below is the good side of the plant.

I cant believe I can draw a line down the center of this plant and its stunted on one side and good on the other.

But either way the leaves are not as dark as they could be except on bud sites. Which now seems to be maturing too fast. IF its not an auto.

So, the plant date is August approx. the 27th.


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