My First Plant - Cookie Killer (Auto)

Terrapin Station

Well-Known Member
I planted an auto flower seed last month and I've read quite a bit about growing. All I know about growing cannibis is what I've read. I'm good with houseplants and vegetables so I'm hoping some of this is transferrable.

I know my grow closet is probably laughable to some, but so far so good and I'm having a blast growing weed. 🙂

Greetings and welcome to the mag. Your plant looks like it has not started to flower yet, am I right? It's great when autos decide to veg longer because you get more growth.
You grow in your closet and I am on my tabletop :) Needs must lol! I am also growing autos.
If you have any questions, shout and people here will have answers for you in no time.
What does your closet setup include? What is your grow medium, nutrients etc?
Thank you. It's covered with pistols now at 4.5 weeks old.

My grow medium is 70% reg Miracle Grow soil mix and 30% coir. I haven't used any nutrients yet.

I have wet towels and bowls of water for humidity, a 5" computer fan on the floor, a Spider Farmer SF1000D overhead and two small grow bulbs in the sides. During the day the closet is 50% RH and 76 degrees.

I've been afraid to use any nutrients because it is so dark green and is growing very vigorously.

I planted an auto flower seed last month and I've read quite a bit about growing. All I know about growing cannibis is what I've read. I'm good with houseplants and vegetables so I'm hoping some of this is transferrable.

I know my grow closet is probably laughable to some, but so far so good and I'm having a blast growing weed. 🙂

Beautiful lady.
Nice work my friend.
Welcome to 420magazine :welcome:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thank you. It's covered with pistols now at 4.5 weeks old.
Excellent! 😍
My grow medium is 70% reg Miracle Grow soil mix and 30% coir. I haven't used any nutrients yet.
I'm not familiar with that product. If it is a super soil or similar perhaps additional nutrients are not required. Is it a water only product?
I have wet towels and bowls of water for humidity, a 5" computer fan on the floor, a Spider Farmer SF1000D overhead and two small grow bulbs in the sides. During the day the closet is 50% RH and 76 degrees.
Very cool. You've done your homework.
I've been afraid to use any nutrients because it is so dark green and is growing very vigorously.

I planted an auto flower seed last month and I've read quite a bit about growing. All I know about growing cannibis is what I've read. I'm good with houseplants and vegetables so I'm hoping some of this is transferrable.

I know my grow closet is probably laughable to some, but so far so good and I'm having a blast growing weed. 🙂

Looks great for your first time as far as being in a closet? I’m using a tent and my closet. Both are great for growing weed. Welcome to the 420 Magazine family @Terrapin Station. Another Dead Head aye? CL🍀 :thumb: :welcome: :circle-of-love::party::circle-of-love::theband:
I'm not familiar with that product. If it is a super soil or similar perhaps additional nutrients are not required. Is it a water only product

Miracle Grow is a soilless mix with a time release fertilizer. It's sold in places like grocery stores and home improvement stores. I thought I would have to use additional nutrients but so far it's a water only product for me.
Miracle Grow is a soilless mix with a time release fertilizer. It's sold in places like grocery stores and home improvement stores. I thought I would have to use additional nutrients but so far it's a water only product for me.
Sounds fabulous, no wonder it is called Miracle Grow lol :)
Thank you. Yes, I love the Dead. 🙂☮️
Most of us members don’t use any Miracle Gro products. There are some many other brands that are just for cannabis. You won’t want to use any additional nutrients when using MG because you’ll fry your plant. CL🍀. :thumb: :headbanger:
Most of us members don’t use any Miracle Gro products. There are some many other brands that are just for cannabis. You won’t want to use any additional nutrients when using MG because you’ll fry your plant. CL🍀. :thumb: :headbanger:

I appreciate you sharing this. The MG bag shows 21-11-16. Even with me cutting it by 30% with coco coir I think this is borderline high for my plant in nitrogen. I ordered a bottle of 0-10-10 to use for flowering, but I hear what you are saying about not using any additional nutrients. Thanks man!

No laughing. My veg tent is almost 10 yrs old, and I have a "space" for flower. Lol. My reflectors are dollar store dashboard protectors, and I never finished getting all of them. Lol. No need for all that fancy equipment. Except maybe a good light. Plant looks good.
No laughing. My veg tent is almost 10 yrs old, and I have a "space" for flower. Lol. My reflectors are dollar store dashboard protectors, and I never finished getting all of them. Lol. No need for all that fancy equipment. Except maybe a good light. Plant looks good.
Never considered those dashboard dollar store reflectors before. That’s genius!
The Miracle Gro soil bag has those numbers on it? And you are mixing it with coco coir. Those numbers look more like what would be on bags of fertilizer and not on soil.
Yes, I'm mixing 30% coir and 70% MG and these are the numbers/analysis on the bag (see photo). I guess since this is slow release, like osmacote, it's not like a traditional synthetic granular or bottled nutrient that is pretty hot and absorbed all at once in one application.


Welcome to 420 Magazine @Terrapin Station

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Thanks for the links. I'm growing an auto called cookie killer from urban legends.

I started a grow journal so I can remember what I've done for next time. Here's the latest entry.

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