Please help my auto GG#4


Active Member
Hello all this is my second grow and am having trouble with one of my seedlings. She’s stunted. It’s a auto gg#4 . Day 8 of sprout. I am thinking the ffof is a bit hot or maybe due to low rh until I bought a humidifier today. I have a green crack auto that is 13 days old from germination, only difference with the green crack is I germinated it 3 days prior in a Pete pellet and the gorilla glue was planted directly into the final pot.
Light:300w led ufo.
Light height:26in from cannopy.
Soil:70%fox farm ocean forest ,20%-royal gold tupur,10% nature’s super soil amendment for autos mixed in 1/3 bottom of a 1 gallon pot for flower stage.
Humidity was 23% until I went out and got a humidifier now it’s steady @ 45-50rh


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Hello all this is my second grow and am having trouble with one of my seedlings. She’s stunted. It’s a auto gg#4 . Day 8 of sprout. I am thinking the ffof is a bit hot or maybe due to low rh until I bought a humidifier today. I have a green crack auto that is 13 days old from germination, only difference with the green crack is I germinated it 3 days prior in a Pete pellet and the gorilla glue was planted directly into the final pot.
Light:300w led ufo.
Light height:26in from cannopy.
Soil:70%fox farm ocean forest ,20%-royal gold tupur,10% nature’s super soil amendment for autos mixed in 1/3 bottom of a 1 gallon pot for flower stage.
Humidity was 23% until I went out and got a humidifier now it’s steady @ 45-50rh
Get it out of the FFOF it is way too hot for beans, my buddy made the same mistake, he killed 1 and I nursed the other back to health...get some seed starter mix with no nutes for beans for the first 2-3 weeks....

And BTW :welcome: to the forum and :goodluck:
Get it out of the FFOF it is way too hot for beans, my buddy made the same mistake, he killed 1 and I nursed the other back to health...get some seed starter mix with no nutes for beans for the first 2-3 weeks....

And BTW :welcome: to the forum and :goodluck:

i never have had a problemt starting in ffof, but maybe you are right and it stunts the plant for the first couple weeks while it gets adjusted to using the ffof nutes.
just leave the plant alone for a week or two ( water it of course) and it will grow out of the stunt.
but yes next time use some seed starter like he suggested
Get it out of the FFOF it is way too hot for beans, my buddy made the same mistake, he killed 1 and I nursed the other back to health...get some seed starter mix with no nutes for beans for the first 2-3 weeks....

And BTW :welcome: to the forum and :goodluck:
Not necessarily man. The soil that I am in is far hotter and far more loaded with nutrients than ffof. Seedlings are usually fine in a really hot soil, clones are usually a whole different story. I think a lot of people's problem with starting seeds in Fox Farm ocean forest soil has a lot to do with their watering habits which can cause them pH issues.
Part of your problem is that you now have your humidity up to 47% which is better but at only 73 degrees with the lights on a plant's metabolism is going to be very very slow. Try to get your temperatures up another four to five degrees at least.
Not necessarily man. The soil that I am in is far hotter and far more loaded with nutrients than ffof. Seedlings are usually fine in a really hot soil, clones are usually a whole different story. I think a lot of people's problem with starting seeds in Fox Farm ocean forest soil has a lot to do with their watering habits which can cause them pH issues.
I've had the opposite happen, babies leaves turn yellow and whither and then die, and my clones leaves get green as fuck and they turn into monsters...
Here's a pic of my 2 WW babies, and the 1 WW of my friends that almost died in hot soil is in the middle (and 2 weeks older than mine), and you can see some clones in the back in my hot organic soil...Soo, I guess what works for one doesn't always work for all...
my plants are doing pretty good at 20% hunidity and 76*
maybe his plant is just a runt and he should leave the thjng alone for a week or two instead of watching and worrying about drying paint.
itll be fine leave the plant alone
76 at a canopy is a whole different deal. 73 is simply too low no matter what. I run 76 at the canopy sometimes when I cant get humidity high enough but that 3 degrees will make a BIG difference.
I agree though, treat it right and let it be.
I guess what works for one doesn't always work for all..
That's cool however there is no disputing that freshly rooted clones are far more sensitive to hot soil than seeds are.
Maybe I should have specified freshly rooted in my last post
whats the beam angle on a qb ?
I believe the beam angles are pretty darn wide unless using focusing lenses. People usually try to say that's okay because of reflective walls and such. I don't quite fall into that category of those people.
Thanks for your reply’s fellas, I’m in the process of stabilizing my temps, I also put the stunted plant under a 6500k cfl and she perked right up, does this mean my led is to intense? Another thing might I ask, should I be ph’ing my water while growing organically? I have ph down but my ph meter broke. Ffof is buffered to 6.2-6.8 and my water from the well is 7-7.3 After it has sat a couple days. The run off test was 6.8
Thanks for your reply’s fellas, I’m in the process of stabilizing my temps, I also put the stunted plant under a 6500k cfl and she perked right up, does this mean my led is to intense? Another thing might I ask, should I be ph’ing my water while growing organically? I have ph down but my ph meter broke. Ffof is buffered to 6.2-6.8 and my water from the well is 7-7.3 After it has sat a couple days. The run off test was 6.8
Here’s some pics with the led off. Some sort of spotting on the leaf or light bleaching? Cheers!


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The leaf tips on the green crack on the 2 first true leaves are starting to turn yellow, could this be caused by ty much nutrient uptake from intense lights? Sorry for the 20 questions. I really appreciate it and so do my lady’s.
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