Stolen pc = stolen grow pix


New Member
OK.. haven't been here in too long for reasons which were beyond my control. a good friend of 8 years crawled through my kitchen window when i was gone for thirty minutes and made off with all my belongings November. So along with my life/music he got my only copies (besides what was posted here)of my grow pictures! the lucky bastard. How worried would you be if you lived in a non-medical state and this were to happen.. especially after reporting said computer stolen? i feel like i need to apologize for not viewing this site in so long i love it so much. I'm still without PC so I probably wont be responding to posts but will eventually get to see them. Love you 420mag i missed you! *hug*:yahoo:
That's why I upload everything to the internet, and also have 4 passwords before my PC will even get to the Windows logon screen. Then again, I dont have a MMJ card yet, so I dont grow; it's illegal.
oh man that sucks, If i could get my HP laptop to work i would send you one of my spare dells.. there is nothing/no body i hate more than thieves. they are the lowest of the low lifes.. hope you can get every thing back..
im not the violent type, unless otherwise unavoidable. karma got them about a week after i was robbed, they were beaten, robbed of what they stole, and arrested for unrelated shit then beaten again by police; for what its worth. seems the two of them turned on each other, one set the other up for what was stolen from me, and the other called the police when that happened. couldn't make it up if i tried.
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