Volksball's Critically Purple Ride On The Red Dragon, 2020

If your MC is 9-6-17 @ 6g/gallon, that puts you at 54-36-102. Add 2-0-0 @8ml/gallon and you're now at 70-36-107, which is beyond the preferred ratio of N:K. Look out for clawing and dark green on the leaves, along with lockout from the extra nitrogen.

If your MC is 9-6-17 @ 6g/gallon, that puts you at 54-36-102. Add 2-0-0 @8ml/gallon and you're now at 70-36-107, which is beyond the preferred ratio of N:K. Look out for clawing and dark green on the leaves, along with lockout from the extra nitrogen.

Ok. Thanks for the heads up. The regular feed is in the next day or two, so if any of that shows, I'll flood with a lighter mixture.

Fingers crossed.
Remember that a year ago you were at 5.5-6g/gallon on plants practically ready for harvest. The only thing you get by upping the feeding on plants that are not showing deficiencies is problems. You can't force-feed a plant.

Agreed. I found that each plant was yellowing down low near the end of their watering cycles, which looked a lot like the N issues you run into when under feeding. So, I climbed up in .5g increments until I continued to see the yellowing at 5g/gal, where I went to 6g. They just seemed hungry. I remember from my last grow, 6g was fairly safe, when I hit 6.5, I ran into issues.
Hey guys..

The three other ladies were fed 6g yesterday, two days after the one got her emergency feed. All are looking great. All are praying toward the light strongly. I lifted the light about 5". They all get around 35k avg, while the tallest takes 50k at her height. The outer perimeter gets around 20k. I rotate 180° every other day.

I've got one who really wants all the solos. Ironically, it's the same one I snapped down the middle last week. I've had her propped up and now she's grown insanely. 8-10" taller than the other plants. See pics. Maybe a stress response to the stalks that got split? I dunno.

The flip was planned for this Friday, two weeks after my last snips, but I'm not sure I have the headroom to let them grow 4 more days, then stretch. I'd say the tall girl should get 2 weeks recovery from last week's snap, but I'm not sure she's so hurt.

Thoughts on an earlier flip?

Day 68







In the words of the immortal Michael Scott:

"See you on the flippity-flip!"

High points getting 47k. Lower 35k. Outer edge around d 27k. Will lower the light when possible, but he tall girls are scary. Would love to get them 65k, but I suspect they'll grow into it. I Spread the pots out to get some light in between them and to make room for a growth spurt.

Fed the one whiny plant 1 gal of feed, no run off. Going to try to get her back on schedule with the rest who get fed Saturday-ish.

Day 69/1F



I'm finding it tough to regulate heat with the early part of flower. I'm still dialed up to 1000w, but the heat is up to 28-29c with only 50k at the hight points. I pulled the light up as high it can get.

I tried dimming the HPS and was getting this subtle flickering between spectrum colors. I didn't think it looked good, or that it would last very long doing that, so I dialed back up to where its rated- 1000w. I've read that dimming an HPS ruins the bulb. So, likely, the dimming of this bulb in the last grow did a number on it. Basically, if I'm going to dim a bulb (and I have to with a 1000w ballast) , it'll be a one-grow bulb. 1000w Hortilux EYE on the way. Once I get it, I'll likely have to dim it, making it post-grow disposable, or a career backup like the one in there now.

I've got the carbon fan on now to extract some heat until new bulb arrives and temps are ranging from 25-28c under the light. Buy they're growing upward.v The byproduct of that is the humidity has been stripped to 40%. Too low too early?


Oh, and the whiny one is showing some signs of lockout. They all get fed on Saturday night. Will flush and feed 5g rather than 6. Hopefully it doesn't spread too much by then.
Yeah that was happening when the lights were about 8-10" lower. Raised em right up this evening. See if that helps at all. Temps haven't changed drastically at the center of the foursome, but their proximity to the light has. Should help, no?

Race to new bulb Sunday. Then we can ruin it by dimming to 75%.
Dunno much about HPS and dimming so I can't help you there. What's the temps at the canopy?

28ºC is still fine. That's only 82ºF. It's the light burn I'm more concerned with. Window screen hung under the light will take that down a notch.
I woke up to the RH in my tent at 35% because the fan is sucking all the moisture out and the heat is drying the tent. Once we drop the ballast to 75%, the moisture should come up above 40% again.

My current humidifier just crapped out on me, so I'll have to replace it. I'm wondering if I can get away with these RH values for the rest of the grow, considering they'll have to be lower soon enough.
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