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Cannabinoids. This plant has little very little branching right from seed and wasting no time making lots of stonage. Once again no cuttings. 4 plants only really makes a nuisance out off backing anything up.


Does that help you sleep? I would love 5 plus hours but can't med on a work night. My indica is good but falling asleep before I can finish the dang thing. I need the whole dang thing for 5 hours!! :lot-o-toke:

It looks like a weed I have plenty of on my lawn.

Hey Scotty lack of sleep has plagued me all my life. I find if I take a small spoonful of canna butter just before bed I sleep for an extra hour or two. If I take too much I wake up tripping balls and can't sleep, so titration is the key for me. And strangely it's sativas that are all I grow and use for sleep meds; it just works for me, so Indicas may have a more intense sleepy effect which is the rule of thumb.
So how many bottom nodes do you take off before main-lining?

Will be trying one in my next grow jounal for @SeedsMan comparative very soon. Would appreciate your comeback as |I do it.
Cheers, Chungo!
Bigger Buds with Nebula's Easy Manifold (Cannabis Main-Lining Tutorial) | Grow Weed Easy This is the template I have followed to mainline or quad a plant. Its easier than trying to write up how I do it. It's pretty easy. What you end up with is 8 bud sights and then you are done trimming the plant. I have have in the past trimmed to have more main bud sites but find no real advantage and it occupies to much time. I usually let them grow out then to about 2 ft. in height and switch them to flower mode. This year I plan on letting these 2 plants go to the end of the month and then flip to flower and they will be smaller in height. However I am curious how the plant flowers and the size of the colas with a earlier flip. The main reason I am trying a shorter plant at the flip is these KA5H and my GT3 stretch a lot.
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