Canadian Growers Group & Friends

Cannabinoids. This plant has little very little branching right from seed and wasting no time making lots of stonage. Once again no cuttings. 4 plants only really makes a nuisance out off backing anything up.


Does that help you sleep? I would love 5 plus hours but can't med on a work night. My indica is good but falling asleep before I can finish the dang thing. I need the whole dang thing for 5 hours!! :lot-o-toke:

It looks like a weed I have plenty of on my lawn.

Hey Scotty lack of sleep has plagued me all my life. I find if I take a small spoonful of canna butter just before bed I sleep for an extra hour or two. If I take too much I wake up tripping balls and can't sleep, so titration is the key for me. And strangely it's sativas that are all I grow and use for sleep meds; it just works for me, so Indicas may have a more intense sleepy effect which is the rule of thumb.
So how many bottom nodes do you take off before main-lining?

Will be trying one in my next grow jounal for @SeedsMan comparative very soon. Would appreciate your comeback as |I do it.
Cheers, Chungo!
Bigger Buds with Nebula's Easy Manifold (Cannabis Main-Lining Tutorial) | Grow Weed Easy This is the template I have followed to mainline or quad a plant. Its easier than trying to write up how I do it. It's pretty easy. What you end up with is 8 bud sights and then you are done trimming the plant. I have have in the past trimmed to have more main bud sites but find no real advantage and it occupies to much time. I usually let them grow out then to about 2 ft. in height and switch them to flower mode. This year I plan on letting these 2 plants go to the end of the month and then flip to flower and they will be smaller in height. However I am curious how the plant flowers and the size of the colas with a earlier flip. The main reason I am trying a shorter plant at the flip is these KA5H and my GT3 stretch a lot.
there is an entire main line and quad lining thread here.

wondering where torries would go on a federal level

squinty and friends would like to put the genie back in the bottle.

they won't repeal legal but they want to get rid of home grow entirely in favour of corporate interests.

they also do not believe medical access should be allowed under any circumstance and want to repeal all medical grow licensing. they simply don't believe there is any medical use for cannabis at all.
big pharma wanted to be the dispensary source, when they got passed over in favour of a separate system, they started lobbying squinty's guys to get rid of it entirely instead.

squinty's vison for the industry is the same as the corporate liquor industry, where everyone buys commercially produced cannabis from a private retailer, and all other sources are illegal.

it remains to be seen how they plan on pulling it off. the law is up for review and change every two years. it does not require a vote to change or repeal. it's up to whatever the gov't wants.
Bigger Buds with Nebula's Easy Manifold (Cannabis Main-Lining Tutorial) | Grow Weed Easy This is the template I have followed to mainline or quad a plant. Its easier than trying to write up how I do it. It's pretty easy. What you end up with is 8 bud sights and then you are done trimming the plant. I have have in the past trimmed to have more main bud sites but find no real advantage and it occupies to much time. I usually let them grow out then to about 2 ft. in height and switch them to flower mode. This year I plan on letting these 2 plants go to the end of the month and then flip to flower and they will be smaller in height. However I am curious how the plant flowers and the size of the colas with a earlier flip. The main reason I am trying a shorter plant at the flip is these KA5H and my GT3 stretch a lot.
That is an awesome link, Chungo! Thanks so much. Mine may have to be outdoors. My indoor flower space hase my Cafe Racers which will need another 7-10 weeks. Great weed but takes 10-12 weeks in flower.

May need to do it in my veg rooom, which is basically my 2x3 foot closet in my play-room. I prefer man-cave. lol

Hey Scotty lack of sleep has plagued me all my life. I find if I take a small spoonful of canna butter just before bed I sleep for an extra hour or two. If I take too much I wake up tripping balls and can't sleep, so titration is the key for me. And strangely it's sativas that are all I grow and use for sleep meds; it just works for me, so Indicas may have a more intense sleepy effect which is the rule of thumb.
Oh boy, brother! I feel your pain.
Can't take meds without feeling groggy so forget about a work night.
On a good night, I may get five hours if I smoke a full joint of indica or more. Problem is that it can knock me out and I fall asleep on the couch. Once that happens, my wife can't wake me. My first 2-3 hours are deep. It would take a bomb to wake me. Then I wake 2 hours later and make my way to bed. My deep sleep is done and end up tossing untill I need to get up at 4 am.
Its a freaking curse, my friend. I I was to be buried, it would say on my tombstone "Finally!! A GOOD night sleep"!
Tried my wifes' clamazopan. Puts my brain in neutral with little gogginess.

Sure, sativa will work if you take enough. The higher the high, the bigger the down.
Good luck with your sleeping issues. I read that people that get less than 5 hours are at a much higher risk of dementia ffs.

Cheers Z!
there is an entire main line and quad lining thread here.

squinty and friends would like to put the genie back in the bottle.

they won't repeal legal but they want to get rid of home grow entirely in favour of corporate interests.

they also do not believe medical access should be allowed under any circumstance and want to repeal all medical grow licensing. they simply don't believe there is any medical use for cannabis at all.
big pharma wanted to be the dispensary source, when they got passed over in favour of a separate system, they started lobbying squinty's guys to get rid of it entirely instead.

squinty's vison for the industry is the same as the corporate liquor industry, where everyone buys commercially produced cannabis from a private retailer, and all other sources are illegal.

it remains to be seen how they plan on pulling it off. the law is up for review and change every two years. it does not require a vote to change or repeal. it's up to whatever the gov't wants.
Getting an endorsement from Alex Jones sure is a feather in his cap :rofl:. Time for me to watch my lip because I know I'll piss somebody off. Age has made me good at it and i really don't mind either.:laughtwo:
Hi Canucks! Hope all is well.

Got my old Cafe Racers into play from seed. Bitch is that when I put them to flower downstairs, little early on purpose, I forgot to change the light schedule so they got big.
They are 10 days apart and I am running outta ceiling.


Decided to turn my work shop into a grow room. Never do actual work there, just get the tools that I need. :)


I LST'd the right one well enough but the oldest on the left is stretched to the max, The base of the quad-line split at the base so I tied the base and raised my trainer strings higher o the branch for more flexabiliy.

Yet I stll couldn't keep up withg its bushiness. Gonna have to crop tomorrow.

At least here, they can grow another 2-3 feet and its cool enough to make the heat waves manageable. Lost all my last year grows due to PM. Indoor and out! Grrr. lol

Cheers and have a great rest of the week-end. :Namaste:
Cannabinoids. This plant has little very little branching right from seed and wasting no time making lots of stonage. Once again no cuttings. 4 plants only really makes a nuisance out off backing anything up.

How is it flowering in May, my friend?

Or is it an old picture? lol
Hi Canucks! Hope all is well.

Got my old Cafe Racers into play from seed. Bitch is that when I put them to flower downstairs, little early on purpose, I forgot to change the light schedule so they got big.
They are 10 days apart and I am running outta ceiling.

I LST'd the right one well enough but the oldest on the left is stretched to the max, The base of the quad-line split at the base so I tied the base and raised my trainer strings higher o the branch for more flexabiliy.

Yet I stll couldn't keep up withg its bushiness. Gonna have to crop tomorrow.

At least here, they can grow another 2-3 feet and its cool enough to make the heat waves manageable.
Good luck with her @scottreid1966 , the Cafe Racer is a big girl 😆

I topped and trained sideways and she still took all the room I have !

Cafe Racer is 5' 2" tall, Malawi x Panama is 4' 4"...

19 May The Girls Two.jpg


Killer A5H poped out Mar 15th and with these 2 I have I will manifold them. They have one more trim hopefully in the next week or 2 and flip June 1st. Hopefully I don't have to chop early this time.
Did the flip to flower 11/13 his am of these 2 Killer A5 Haze. Now I have to wait 90 days for the chop. The canopy is pretty flat hopfully that helps with enough light through the canopy even with the stretch.

Good luck with her @scottreid1966 , the Cafe Racer is a big girl 😆

I topped and trained sideways and she still took all the room I have !

Cafe Racer is 5' 2" tall, Malawi x Panama is 4' 4"...

19 May The Girls Two.jpg

Just gorgeous, my friend!
Not much trimming.
Looking forward to trying the main-lining.
Please take my invite to my new grow. I can really use your input.
Not seeing many posts my Canadian friend!
So sad, no postings.
So here is one:

Good luck with her @scottreid1966 , the Cafe Racer is a big girl 😆

I topped and trained sideways and she still took all the room I have !

Cafe Racer is 5' 2" tall, Malawi x Panama is 4' 4"...

19 May The Girls Two.jpg

Nice colas!

View attachment 3603659
Did the flip to flower 11/13 his am of these 2 Killer A5 Haze. Now I have to wait 90 days for the chop. The canopy is pretty flat hopfully that helps with enough light through the canopy even with the stretch.

Nice canopy going on. Room to breathe and the inner buds should do nicely.
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