Ravenplume's @Seedsman Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Journal - 2024

2024-04-20 / 16:20


SPT +5 Weeks (38 Days)

Blinky: 2 1/2" / 63.5mm
Inky: NM
Pinky: NM

Well, this is rather anticlimactic, considering it is the update on 4/20 for the girls; but there really hasn't been anything of any significance to post about; at least nothing warranting more than a single group photo.

Blinky has gained some respectable height, and Pinky has as well, plus Pinky has gained notably more "mass" for lack of a better description than either of her sisters. She is the one that is in all Miracle Gro soil. Inky is becoming the runt of the three. Not sure if it is because of zero "good stuff" content, just yard soil, not getting the ideal lighting spots, or perhaps a few too many sunflower guttersnipe companions. At any rate, I will go ahead and get rid of all of them. Don't really need sunflowers sharing resources. Other stuff still companions nicely though. In fact, they may each be getting a garlic butt soon. If so, it will be revealed in next week's update.

Okay, so 2 pictures for the 4/20 update then...


Hopefully that will give her some breathing room. And FWIW, the habanero companions for Inky and Pinky are struggling real bad, and may get replaced with the tabascos that have finally sprouted. We will see. The scallion companions are doing great all around.

Not much else to report. Going to hopefully give them all some outside time tomorrow. A little too windy now, and a bit too late in the day to bother for today.

Now to go enjoy a bowl of Feyleaf on 2024-04-20/04:20...
2024-04-25 / 16:20


SPT +6 Weeks (44 Days)

Blinky: 3" / 76.2mm
Inky: NM
Pinky: NM

Sadly, the past week has been largely uneventful for the girls, thanks to Ma Nature giving us the seemingly unending middle finger, with the next a 3 night stretch of freezing and slight subfreezing temps starting Monday night...


Once we are done with that bullshit, then hopefully the girls can spend much more time outside, perhaps even all nighters now and then in hopes getting au naturale time might spur their growth.

Blinky has gained a half inch since last week's update, but she is otherwise looking rather puny and anemic. Hopefully upcoming better days will kick her into high gear before she gets planted end of May or 1st of June.


Inky is coming along slowly as well. She is the one in mostly yard dirt with a thick layer of Miracle Gro planting soil. Whether the soil is a factor or not, I still have no idea. It could just be the environmental conditions (slow Spring, so to speak, and mediocre lighting. We will see, of course, if she fares better once warmer days come.

Her scallion companion is growing nicely, and the greens are even nommable if I wanted. The morning glory and zinnia are struggling along, but aren't dead yet; unlike the Habanero. Will replace it with something else soon.


Pinky is doing much better than her sisters; and I think the All Miracle Gro soil content for her may in fact be a factor. She still hasn't cleared the lip of her bucket yet, so no measurement to take.


Her habanero companion also bit it. The scallion is doing fine though, as is the garlic that is being grown from a bud sprouted in water.
Still not sure how our forecasters are coming up with it being in the high 50s right now, when stepping outside, it feels much closer to freezing. Starting to think most forecasting is just more pseudoscience with about the accuracy of mere guessing.
We are getting there...I think...

Have a 32 coming up Tuesday night, then it swings back up from freezing after that. Not certain if that 32 will harm the plants if they are outside in it...or that 33 the next night. Stuff will be migrated back indoors ion the freeze night just in case though, and cannabis plants are staying inside until Wednesday. So close to planting, I am NOT going to do anything to fuck these babies up.
2024-05-30 / 17:00


Blinky is planted out in the cage now, along with my Feyleaf, Bubblegum Lite, and Birthday Spanking primaries.

Here she is in her honored spot in the SW corner.

SPT: +11 Weeks (79 Days)


Meanwhile, Inky and Pinky are now getting regular outside time, and will likely remain outdoor girls through most of the season.


Inky seems to really be struggling. She is the one that is in almost all yard. Probably going to have to add Miracle Gro soil or something similar once she is tall enough to where I can actually fill in the rest of the bucket; if she ever does.


Pinky is faring better, though she is still a long way from clearing the rim of her bucket. Hopefully, the girls now getting proper sunlight will get them growing finally, though I have very little confidence that Inky will survive. No idea why she is still so tiny. Only difference is the mostly yard dirt for one vs all MG soil for the other.
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