Who Wants To Be An Official Sponsored 420 Magazine Grow Journalist?

That whole marriage thing is like eating at a fancy restaurant....You think you got a good dish until you see what the next guy ordered! :rolleyes:
That’s true though. And, Ok. This subject is not that amusing... I was quipping. But anyways.

I’d like to know who wins the comp! Hopefully soon??
I have a vote, based on what I’ve seen- @warezaholic @InTheShed @PK1 @oldsmokey .and that member that had those plants outside that had some kindve bionic stem (freaking monster stem) The first time outside grower... had a trellis at the stem. ?

I know there are more who should get it, but those are my votes.
Look under Mr. Krip's user name, above and to the left.
FYI, this thread was started AFTER I was put into the position. @420 will be adding additional grow journalist(s) at some point and, when needed, will be referring back to this thread.

I'll add that the ability to grow cannabis is only one of the criteria, so the ability to grow great plants doesn't necessarily mean someone will make a great Grow Journalist. Having a good grow journal, being able to demonstrate some literacy in your writing, and ability to take good pictures will all end up being considered, among other things. :Namaste:
FYI, this thread was started AFTER I was put into the position.

Thank you. In that case, we should minimize the "chatter" in the thread, and I'll try to remember that in the future.
I would definitely like to try this out. I would need to purchase a nice camera for the pictures/videos. Besides that, I definitely would like to do this.
I’ve been growing for over 3 years. I have good commentary skills. I am a very good grower as well! I can definitely do some work with this opportunity, and make this come out as best as possible. I usually grow outdoors, but I can definitely do Indoor grows too. If I were given this opportunity, I can make extremely great grow journals, plus tips, and guides for everyone else during the videos. I have plenty of time, and experience. So this catches my eye!
We are currently seeking product reviewers to test and showcase our sponsor's LED lights, nutrients, seeds & miscellaneous grow supplies. Please tag your friends, share this and spread the word.

If you can produce semi-daily updates with photos and/or videos & commentary, this may be for you.

Please link us to your best grow journals; showcasing your photographic, video & commentary skills.

Why do you want to be, and why do you think you should be, one of the chosen ones?

Who else do you think may be worthy of this position and why?

Damn! I’m a GREAT writer & photographer but I’m new here; just learning how to do everything. If you have room for any beginners, pls let me know. I’d love to try my hand!


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Has there been anyone selected yet?

Not that I think I could be that person, I just want to know who it is, so I can follow them and learn.

I keep trying to find journals to follow, I just get distracted very hey look a squirrel!
As mentioned previously, I was selected before this thread was started and we currently have two 420 Magazine sponsored journals in progress (some older ones in signature):

If you're not following, here are a few pics I posted a couple of nights ago:




As mentioned previously, I was selected before this thread was started and we currently have two 420 Magazine sponsored journals in progress (some older ones in signature):

If you're not following, here are a few pics I posted a couple of nights ago:




I wasn't before, but I am now.

I'm going to have to do some tests for Sweet Seeds, so I'll have to follow along to see how to properly represent a breeder
We are currently seeking product reviewers to test and showcase our sponsor's LED lights, nutrients, seeds & miscellaneous grow supplies. Please tag your friends, share this and spread the word.

If you can produce semi-daily updates with photos and/or videos & commentary, this may be for you.

Please link us to your best grow journals; showcasing your photographic, video & commentary skills.

Why do you want to be, and why do you think you should be, one of the chosen ones?

Who else do you think may be worthy of this position and why?


Guidance about how to improve would be most welcomed! Hope to be considered, just starting reviews of nutrients next.
I would like to nominate @Budsbunny for consideration for sponsorship. He's in the process of a fantastic A-Z grow journal for beginners that's so thorough that many seasoned growers are taking notes as well!
Also, do to his employment status some product support would be a huge plus for his content as well.
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