Growing With The Devil - Perpetual Grow

The first Jack Herer just popped out of the rockwool. Thou shall be nameth Jack the first

Thank you pastor :)

Ok folks - I killed one of the Jack's. I got impatient. Two of them was up and no sign of life from the third, so I opened up the rockwool to look inside and broke it's tail in the process. Anyway - I have 2 available spots in the modified Wilma DWC, so that's actually perfect. Let's hope one of these is a keeper. Jack the first popped up a whole day before Jack the second, so I am putting my bets on that one - what do you say folks?
oh - All of a sudden my status changed from "420 member" to "Cannabis Connoisseur"

How did that happen?
Sorry I have neglected you lately DeV :-( I bit off more than I could chew will all the threads I subscribe too lol don't know why I let this one take a back seat for so long. I was into it for a while :).

Hey what are the little side lighting leds you have in the clone tent? Peaked my curiosity
They are Mars bars 48-60 - At least that's what I think they were named. They're 50 watt each, so gives me an extra 200 watt for side lighting. I actually never tested them for this before although it is their main function - side lighting. Been using them mostly for cloning and to keep mothers alive. Kinda just put them in now cause I need the extra heat. But it can't hurt and it does look kinda cool
They are Mars bars 48-60 - At least that's what I think they were named. They're 50 watt each, so gives me an extra 200 watt for side lighting. I actually never tested them for this before although it is their main function - side lighting. Been using them mostly for cloning and to keep mothers alive. Kinda just put them in now cause I need the extra heat. But it can't hurt and it does look kinda cool

I agree it's cool and gives me awesome ideas when I can use more power. I think one in each corner under the canopy would help substantially. Cool!
Did the "test it on my buddies" test on Train Wreck. They're praising it even more than Big-Bud which was the previously most praised strain among my buddies. So there is that. It has the best bag appeal ever as well with its cute little fox tail and strong colors. Think this one could be a hit for the folks who sell.
Did the "test it on my buddies" test on Train Wreck. They're praising it even more than Big-Bud which was the previously most praised strain among my buddies. So there is that. It has the best bag appeal ever as well with its cute little fox tail and strong colors. Think this one could be a hit for the folks who sell.

Hahahaha I love the test it in my buddies truck. They come up and get stoned then text me when they get home every time saying "never again!" But to be fair I make them smoke at least ten strains before sending them off lol
Put the two Jack's in the homebox tent yesterday. Turned off the COB and shut off the exhaust fan to raise humidity again. Added some wet clothing as well in there. Am having problems with low humidity in the garage. Been able to keep up the heat lately so that helps a little. Hoping I have two good ones this time. Jack and me has a history of failure together. Think I have prepared better this time though. I "buffered" the leca. Managed to get it down to around 6.5 which is ok. Will never use leca that has not been buffered again as it is hell to keep adding pH minus two times a day
Took 36 clones from the train wrecks in the garage. Then I fed the plants their first flowering nutes. The stretch ain't over yet, but I can see I flipped them too early this time. Really difficult to find the perfect moment to flip this strain. More experiments and experience soon because 32 of these are gonna be the next grow in main room.

Moved the clones in to the kitchen. No choice because of unstable temps in the garage. Hope they root fast cause harvest day is approaching fast.

They started getting quite hairy so I wonder if the clones will have to re-vegg or not.

The clones I took this time are quite small. Didn't have as much to choose from this time as I did flip them slightly early. Should probably have waited another 4-5 days. Because of the cold in the garage they clearly develop slower. It's ok though. I learn something new every time I grow this strain and a few more rounds and I will have perfected the methods. Then we can finally start squeezing the strain for as many grams per watt as possible.

Train wreck is extremely easy to clone. As long as you keep everything clean and work fast, you'll get very close to a 100% success rate. I always clean everything with alcohol. Then I make 4-5 liters of pH'ed water (5.5) with Canna Rhizotonic. Some of the solution I put into a pot which I then heat slightly. Then I put all the peat pellets in there until they have expanded. In the meantime I take 200-300 ml of water and I pour it into the greenhouse. Then I add a moderate layer of vermiculite to the tray. Not too much as we want it to be moist and nice. The vermiculite will make sure the humidity always stays between 90-100% in the greenhouse. This really helps the plants and keep them from going into shock. If you do this right you will have roots within a week, 10 days tops. If you don't have vermiculite, perliite works too, but you won't get the same consistent high humidity. I prefer vermiculite

The remaining water I pour into bottles and put in the fridge. Nothing goes to waste. Rhizotonic is not exactly cheap. Nothing from Canna is. I put the peat pellets on top of the moist vermiculite. Then I spray some of the solution on the lid, then I let it all cool down for a few hours. Then we clean the tools, prepare the clonex and off we go :)

The clones I took this time are quite small. Didn't have as much to choose from this time as I did flip them slightly early. Should probably have waited another 4-5 days. Because of the cold in the garage they clearly develop slower. It's ok though. I learn something new every time I grow this strain and a few more rounds and I will have perfected the methods. Then we can finally start squeezing the strain for as many grams per watt as possible.

Train wreck is extremely easy to clone. As long as you keep everything clean and work fast, you'll get very close to a 100% success rate. I always clean everything with alcohol. Then I make 4-5 liters of pH'ed water (5.5) with Canna Rhizotonic. Some of the solution I put into a pot which I then heat slightly. Then I put all the peat pellets in there until they have expanded. In the meantime I take 200-300 ml of water and I pour it into the greenhouse. Then I add a moderate layer of vermiculite to the tray. Not too much as we want it to be moist and nice. The vermiculite will make sure the humidity always stays between 90-100% in the greenhouse. This really helps the plants and keep them from going into shock. If you do this right you will have roots within a week, 10 days tops. If you don't have vermiculite, perliite works too, but you won't get the same consistent high humidity. I prefer vermiculite

The remaining water I pour into bottles and put in the fridge. Nothing goes to waste. Rhizotonic is not exactly cheap. Nothing from Canna is. I put the peat pellets on top of the moist vermiculite. Then I spray some of the solution on the lid, then I let it all cool down for a few hours. Then we clean the tools, prepare the clonex and off we go :)


Thanks for the tips! Why ph to 5.5? Why not something between 6-7?
because it is easier for the plants to take up nutrients when the pH is between 5.5-5.8. When you get above 6, the plant won't be able to take up all the nutrients. If you clone in soil you can use 6.5 pH
This chart will explain better. I grow in hydro so I need to keep my pH between 5.5 and 6.0. Ideally I try to keep it under 6 during growing. Since most cloning mediums are hydroponic (not many people clone in soil) we need to keep it as close to the ideal pH as possible. Especially if we want the plants to root fast. I should have taken my clones at least a week ago. So I really need them to root fast

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