The Shroom Room With Lady Cannafan

I am getting dangerously close to a refill needed. I need the cold to stay away at night right now. The only things I use propane for are heat and my kitchen gas stove. I had an electric stove so I wouldn't use the propane, but hated it!
I hear ya! We're there also! It's been damn cold at night! But blessed it's been beautiful during the day! The way our home is designed it's half propane heat on the old side, electric heat on the new side. Propane stove. That's because we've been down that electric stove road, pretty, but not for someone who actually Cooks. My wife has been smashing cookbooks page by page since she got her propane stove 2 years ago!

Funny thing is 16 years we've been together, I never knew she could cook!
I hear ya! We're there also! It's been damn cold at night! But blessed it's been beautiful during the day! The way our home is designed it's half propane heat on the old side, electric heat on the new side. Propane stove. That's because we've been down that electric stove road, pretty, but not for someone who actually Cooks. My wife has been smashing cookbooks page by page since she got her propane stove 2 years ago!

Funny thing is 16 years we've been together, I never knew she could cook!
Good for her! Damnit, when we cook we want that fire!
Good for her! Damnit, when we cook we want that fire!
When friends and family are over for the holidays and helping cook I ask them have you ever cooked on propane before, they look at me like I'm stupid. I don't think they realize it's completely different than electric stove. It's like my med-low flame will boil water.
I am getting dangerously close to a refill needed. I need the cold to stay away at night right now. The only things I use propane for are heat and my kitchen gas stove. I had an electric stove so I wouldn't use the propane, but hated it!
Did you know this? CL🍀


I actually estimated the corn jars exactly right. I planned for 4, and have 4 in the pressure cooker (instant pot max) now, for 90 minutes.

If this works out with the corn, it is going to cut processing time waaaaay down from using the birdseed. I tried the "Rice" setting for birdseed and it cooked it a bit too much methinks.

I think I will use two of my homemade liquid cultures and two of the new spore solutions once they are cooled and ready for inoculation.
I don’t think you have anything to worry about from your furnace because emissions go out the chimney. It’s the oven that causes the problems. CL🍀
Yeah, I see that. I don't really use the oven much, I have a large countertop electric unit that does air frying, baking, all kinds of things. My stove use is pretty much for the burners when cooking something that needs that sizzle browning etc. I use an electric unit if I need to boil anything. The Instant Pot Max does everything else.
Did you know this? CL🍀
I can see your concern. However if properly ventilated, as any gas appliance should be. Then the minor Risk you posted goes down tremendously. Propane is a cleaner burning fuel, but should always have the exhaust fan on.

Air may contain benzene from tobacco smoke, gas stations, exhaust from motor vehicles and industrial emissions. About half of the exposure to benzene in the United States comes from smoking. About 20% of the total national exposure to benzene account from auto exhaust and industrial emissions.

Home - Virginia Department of Health › ben...

Benzene - Environmental Health - Virginia Department of Health

I can see your concern. However if properly ventilated, as any gas appliance should be. Then the minor Risk you posted goes down tremendously. Propane is a cleaner burning fuel, but should always have the exhaust fan on.

Air may contain benzene from tobacco smoke, gas stations, exhaust from motor vehicles and industrial emissions. About half of the exposure to benzene in the United States comes from smoking. About 20% of the total national exposure to benzene account from auto exhaust and industrial emissions.

Home - Virginia Department of Health › ben...

Benzene - Environmental Health - Virginia Department of Health

You forgot zit cream they just announced If it's got benzol peroxide it's got benzene & will give you cancer
OMG, I am finding so many things I had meant to do and got so far behind on the last few weeks.

In my refrigerator with the liquid culture syringes and agar plates I had done up, was one of my agar cups that had a piece of Portabella Mushroom on it. I can't remember when I did this, could have been last year December.

The mycelium looks good to me, other than one yellow spot at the top which is contaminate.
So, I'm going to cut the mycelium out, avoiding that yellow spot and put that into one of the corn spawn jars. I am excited to see if this works!

Portabella Mycelium.jpg
I decided I didn't want to struggle with getting pieces of the portabella mycelium into the spawn jar. So, I got the still air box out, disinfected, sterilized everything, and using distilled water on the agar, scraped the mycelium off with the needle. Then I sucked it up into the syringe.
This is going to be much easier to get into the jar.
(note the little black spots on the syringe are leftover from the outer markings on it. The alcohol wipes pretty much removed them)

Portabella Mycelium culture.jpg
Magic Blue Honey

One more shroom project done!
This is made with dried Blue Meanie Cubensis powdered using my dedicated spice/coffee grinder. There is a lot of powder in there, and the honey is very thick and dark. It's a quart Jar.

Now I keep in the dark for a few weeks, probably a couple of months, while the psilocybin seeps into the honey.
I can't wait for this to be ready, a lot of it is going to get gifted out to friends.

Here's a little info from the cybernet:

Advantages of blue honey​

As we mentioned before, honey works as an excellent preservative that will preserve the hallucinogenic properties of mushrooms almost indefinitely. Since creating blue honey does not involve cooking processes, there is no risk of damaging the mushrooms, as high temperatures can destroy the psilocybin. Thus, you will be able to preserve your mushrooms with the maximum of their properties for a practically indefinite period of time.

In addition to increasing the shelf life of your mushrooms, dosing psilocybin with this method becomes very easy over time. Once you have calculated the dosage on your honey jar, you will be able to determine how many teaspoons you need to consume to achieve the desired effect. Plus, you'll have full control over the potency from the start by knowing the ratio of honey to mushrooms, allowing you to make a mixture as strong or mild as you prefer.

Of course, and as always, we recommend starting low and using very small doses at first (for example, a teaspoon of coffee) and see what effects it has on you. By gradually increasing the dose in future doses (if you need to do so) you will see how finding the ideal amount will be much faster and easier than it may seem to you. Another good idea is to write down the amount of mushrooms and honey (for example, 5g of dried mushrooms in 100ml of honey) that you have used to have a reference on the potency of that particular mixture; Once you are determining your ideal dose, you may prefer to add a little more mushroom powder to the jar of blue honey instead of taking more honey to achieve a greater effect...the decision is yours.

And last but not least, blue honey is a delight for the palate...enjoy it!
Magic Blue Honey

One more shroom project done!
This is made with dried Blue Meanie Cubensis powdered using my dedicated spice/coffee grinder. There is a lot of powder in there, and the honey is very thick and dark. It's a quart Jar.

Now I keep in the dark for a few weeks, probably a couple of months, while the psilocybin seeps into the honey.
I can't wait for this to be ready, a lot of it is going to get gifted out to friends.

Here's a little info from the cybernet:

Advantages of blue honey​

As we mentioned before, honey works as an excellent preservative that will preserve the hallucinogenic properties of mushrooms almost indefinitely. Since creating blue honey does not involve cooking processes, there is no risk of damaging the mushrooms, as high temperatures can destroy the psilocybin. Thus, you will be able to preserve your mushrooms with the maximum of their properties for a practically indefinite period of time.

In addition to increasing the shelf life of your mushrooms, dosing psilocybin with this method becomes very easy over time. Once you have calculated the dosage on your honey jar, you will be able to determine how many teaspoons you need to consume to achieve the desired effect. Plus, you'll have full control over the potency from the start by knowing the ratio of honey to mushrooms, allowing you to make a mixture as strong or mild as you prefer.

Of course, and as always, we recommend starting low and using very small doses at first (for example, a teaspoon of coffee) and see what effects it has on you. By gradually increasing the dose in future doses (if you need to do so) you will see how finding the ideal amount will be much faster and easier than it may seem to you. Another good idea is to write down the amount of mushrooms and honey (for example, 5g of dried mushrooms in 100ml of honey) that you have used to have a reference on the potency of that particular mixture; Once you are determining your ideal dose, you may prefer to add a little more mushroom powder to the jar of blue honey instead of taking more honey to achieve a greater effect...the decision is yours.

And last but not least, blue honey is a delight for the palate...enjoy it!
It also makes great gifts 🎁. CL🍀
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