Lady Cannafan's Seedsman Comparative Grow Banana Jealousy ViparSpectra KS5000

They have extra sensitive feet pads. Best way to keep the coins off your place is lay carpet track down like a border. The wood lengths that have the tack nails poking up thru. One paw on that an they'll back up fast. It works for cats too.
I know what they are, but it is just not feasible here. I have grand children that hang out back there and I wouldn't want to take a chance they would step on, or grab something like that. Not to mention, I have two cats of my own and they hang out there too.
The have-a-heart traps are set and ready. It's time they got relocated. I simply cannot adjust my whole life around this family of destructive animals.
I have a friend with a whole lot more property than my measly 30 acres that says I can relocate them there.
I know what they are, but it is just not feasible here. I have grand children that hang out back there and I wouldn't want to take a chance they would step on, or grab something like that. Not to mention, I have two cats of my own and they hang out there too.
The have-a-heart traps are set and ready. It's time they got relocated. I simply cannot adjust my whole life around this family of destructive animals.
I have a friend with a whole lot more property than my measly 30 acres that says I can relocate them there.
Have you tried using hot pepper sauce as a deterrent? Cayenne or habanero works wonders for any scent reliant animal being a nuisance.

But to funny you got that on camera 😅 sorry about the plant but ...... Fuzzy bandit 😂
Actually......I thought it was just me. I've been having issues with no notifications on some of my subscribed threads as well.
I cannot say exactly when and which ones though, I just know it's been a bit irritating this week.
This is what I was saying in the other thread.. lol
Actually......I thought it was just me. I've been having issues with no notifications on some of my subscribed threads as well.
I cannot say exactly when and which ones though, I just know it's been a bit irritating this week.
This is what I was saying….
Happy Mother's Day Lady C 💐

Happy Moms Day Lady hope it is full of love. :green_heart: 🍋
Happy Mothers' Day to all of you and yours as well! :love:

It's been a helluva morning. I am winning the war with the Raccoons, so that's a good thing.
Trying to keep Mom out of the hospital Emergency room today. I think we're riding steady on that at the moment.

The Sun is out, the temperature is warming up and the grow room is looking fabulous.

I will definitely try for pics today, it's kind of touch and go for a while yet here.

Love ya all! :circle-of-love:
Wow beautiful.... Could definitely get lost in that jungle
Thank you sir! Sure wish I could hide in it for a while. But I don't want my hair getting all into the pistils. LOL
Lady your plants are beautiful you are a great grower. What is your light hooked up on and what size is it. I will tell you this it is working. :green_heart: :goodjob:🍋
Thanks Keith!
I have the ViparSpectra KS5000. There are two of them covering the whole grow. I love these lights!
4x4 area for each one. I have them hanging from beams on top of two heavy duty clothes racks.
I've got about 3 foot of space to raise them yet. I hope that's enough. LOL
Good Morning Friends....
I sat out on the deck early this morning to watch the wildlife.
It was so nice out there....with my winter coat, wool socks, and wool scarf. NOT!
The real feel of 40 degrees F. finally forced me back inside. I think the wildlife went back into hibernation.
I have never had my furnace running so far into the month of May before. This is rucking fidiculous!

Personally....I would rather have the snakes. They don't do the kind of damage these bast*rds do.

My plant got attacked at about 10 P.M. last night. Rocky Coon came in, climbed up there and dug into the rocks in the pot. This is a big azz adult.
The plant was not torn out, so it appears to be undamaged. There were two other pots with just soil in them on the deck that he tore apart. I suppose if there's any positives to was alone. Maybe Mr. Fox helped thin the herd for me.
I have a plan B.

Caught on surveillance video.

Rocky Raccoon in destruction mode on my plant.jpg

Rocky Raccoon in destruction mode on my plant-2.jpg

Rocky Raccoon in destruction mode on my plant-3.jpg
Omg what a cheeky guy! What is he after?
I have one plant that is doing the praying leaves thing. I've never had one do this, but I've never had LED lights like these ViparSpectra KS5000's either. They ROCK>
Anyway, I think this means the plant is healthy as can be, and getting a great amount of light. Is this correct? Or is there a problem that I am unaware of?

Try upping the calmag see if they come down.
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