Viparspectra KS5000 Shine On Tok's Strawberry Cheesecake And A Mexican X-factor

Thank you for stopping by @Hash Hound

I hope you and your son had a joyous Christmas holiday.
How have you been, I haven't heard from you lately?

Time to update this journal also.

The Mexican X-factor appears to be a female, so getting ready to go full speed ahead on her. She is currently sitting at day 33 of veg and starting to coming around nicely.

The Strawberry Cheesecake (a) is just a little behind the Northern Lights (a) but not by much. The Northern Lights (a) has be above ground for 40 above ground and still has about two months to go. These auto are going to surprise me when they decide to start their stretch. I have been moving the Strawberry Cheesecake into my 3x3 tent for the extra room and I placed the GG #4 into the 2x4 tent. I have not decided if I will place GG #4 under a net or not.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Be safe and grow well my friends,
Thank you for your kind words @Carmen Ray

I have not grown auto's in a very long time, so needless to say I am very surprised at the one's I am currently growing. I tend to favor fem's and reg. most of the time, but maybe it's time to throw one in on every grow. I watered and fed everyone yesterday, so this morning everyone was standing tall and strutting their stuff.

Thanks again for stopping by @Carmen Ray

Be safe and grow well my friend,
Hello Tok, did you pop them straight in the soil cup or start a root tail then into the soil cup? just wondering, got a sb cheesecake myself along with a couple other strains. rough start, having a hard time getting them going. germinating inside as always, but all autos this time, so I went straight to 3g fab pot. starting another in a soil cup first then x planting. little better results so far. maybe just needed more root growth before going to the cooler grow room.
Thank you for stopping by @Kapncannabis

Lately I have been putting them in water over night and the next day put them in soil, little finger nail deep. You can do some training and trimming if you need to, just don't get to carried away. I found @SeedsMan Strawberry Cheesecake very easy to grow, and it does best on it's own.

Seedsman has this listed as a pink plant, I hope so, it would be cool. She is a 120 day plant give or take, and she will show pre-flower around week four. I have mind in the tent with another auto, a fem and a regular seed. They are all on 12/12 in flower currently.

Be safe and grow well my friend,
Thank you for stopping by @Hash Hound

I hope you and your son had a joyous Christmas holiday.
How have you been, I haven't heard from you lately?

Time to update this journal also.

The Mexican X-factor appears to be a female, so getting ready to go full speed ahead on her. She is currently sitting at day 33 of veg and starting to coming around nicely.

The Strawberry Cheesecake (a) is just a little behind the Northern Lights (a) but not by much. The Northern Lights (a) has be above ground for 40 above ground and still has about two months to go. These auto are going to surprise me when they decide to start their stretch. I have been moving the Strawberry Cheesecake into my 3x3 tent for the extra room and I placed the GG #4 into the 2x4 tent. I have not decided if I will place GG #4 under a net or not.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Be safe and grow well my friends,
Absolutely stunning!!
Thank you for stopping by @Hash Hound

I hope you and your son had a joyous Christmas holiday.
How have you been, I haven't heard from you lately?

Christmas was low key. Most of my relatives have moved out of town or passed away
Me and my son went over my daughters Christmas eve to eat and she made my mothers recipe for spaghetti with anchovy sauce and it was just like moms :love:
I'll try to stop over soon, I have Widow drying now I want to bring.
Time for this update also.

The Mexican X-factor is moving right along and looking good if I do say so myself. The guessing game is over, the Mexican X-factor has shown to be a female and is in transit to flower. I think she is going to be a big surprise in the end, we'll see. For now she is loving it under my @ViparSpectra KS5000.

@SeedsMan Strawberry Cheesecake (a) is starting to fill out nicely and building bud sites. Strawberry Cheesecake (a) has been a breeze to grow, so I would recommend this strain and Northern Lights (a) for beginners and first time auto growers. I don't say that lightly, it's just an easy plant to watch grow.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Be safe and grow well my friends,
Good Morning 420 Magazine

It's that time again.
Thank you @SeedsMan for renewing for another year.

Both the Strawberry Cheesecake and Mexican X-factor have been fed with @Prescription Blend nutrients. The Strawberry Cheesecake (a) is a smaller plant, but it has a nice amount of bud site. They are both enjoying it under my @ViparSpectra KS5000. Mexican X-factor is getting bigger, but not to many bud sites just yet.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Be safe and grow well my friends,
Happy New years All.

Time for an update on the Mexican X-factor and @SeedsMan Strawberry cheesecake.

The Mexican X-factor is marching to her own drum, She has been developing very nice branch spacing and with close internodes. No pre-flower showing yet. Tomorrow, I will give her a through examination for pre-flower and take it from there, I did not have the time this morning.

@SeedsMan Strawberry Cheesecake (a) is looking good building bud sites and loving life under the @ViparSpectra KS5000. She is on the same time line as my other auto Northern Lights (a) so they will most likely be harvested the same time.

No images today.

Be safe and grow well my friends,
Time for an image update.

The Mexican X-factor is moving right along and starting to show some preflower.

Strawberry Cheesecake (a)

That's all folk's.

Be safe and grow well my friends,
Thank you for stopping by @Trala

How have you been? I hope you had a pleasant and joyful holiday season?

The Strawberry Shortcake (a) from @SeedsMan is an unusual plant for me in that I don't grow auto's very often. She a health plant but she never really grew very tall. I had the room this grow so I said why not, and dropped her into some water. The other one on the other hand is a person experiment.

The seed is from a bag of weed I bought ten plus years ago. So I name it the Mexican X-factor since I know absolutely nothing about it. She started out with broad Indica fan leaves. Now the leaves are thinner and she is starting to look like some type of hybrid. It was good weed for me to save the seeds, so I don't know exactly what I will end up with.

Thanks again for stopping by @Trala

Be safe and grow well my friend,
Time for an image update.

The Mexican X-factor is moving right along and starting to show some preflower.

Strawberry Cheesecake (a)

That's all folk's.

Be safe and grow well my friends,
They're just looking so swell.
Thank you for your kind words @SeedsMan

The Mexican X-factor is currently receiving training to open her stances up. Otherwise she is doing great, and I have no idea of flowering time. Not that it makes any real difference, I harvest by plant development. She is also starting to show preflower.

The @SeedsMan Strawberry Cheesecake is smelling divine. I removed a few of her leaves to aloud more light penetration for the buds. She not even half way through an she is starting to really stack on the weight. The Strawberry Cheesecake is suppose to be a pink plant, and I am hoping to see some color.

Will post images tomorrow.

Be safe and grow well my friends,
It's that time again for an update on the unknown Mexican X-factor and @SeedsMan Strawberry Cheesecake.

The Mexican X-factor is coming along very well and is starting to build bud sites. I played around super cropping her a few weeks ago and she took to it very well. She is spreading out large now and I see space coming to a premium.

On the other hand is the @SeedsMan Strawberry Cheesecake; she is short in stature, but she is building some nice buds. This seed is a few years old, so I was somewhat surprised that it germinated. I do not normally run auto but this time, I just figure what the heck and dropped her into some water.

Here are some current images.
Sorry about the photo dump, I did not realize I have not been posting and images.

That's all folk's.

Be safe and grow well my friends,
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