Stunger's Organic Soil Stealth Balcony: Landrace Mulanje & Other Sativas

Well done!!! Been a while but good to see your up to doing some good old fashioned living work and getting them 20 week marks on your sativas I wish I had the patience to wait that long it looks well worth the wait though beautiful looking stuff! Cheers Stunger!
Thanks CC! Actually that 20 weeker didn't bat an eyelid going the distance, and because it is an outdoor grow it was no loss to me as I'd only have to wait for Spring to come around to grow once again anyway.
Six of them ...because last year just wasn't crowded enough... 🤪
j/k Stunger! Good luck on this year's grow!
Cheers Carcass, yes it does look worryingly crowded with 6 pots, but any males will be culled and reduce that number. But nonetheless, I intend to be, want to be, a lot firmer on training them this time.
Hey Stunger
Wicked job on the balcony grow mate, well done... 👍
For drying now, what temps will u be aiming for? 25c and under? Just curious how u manage that in oz heat, will u be using a AC to bring the dry area down?
Hey Gaz, thanks! I'm a little bit further south than Oz, in NZ so temps in Autumn are fairly good for drying.
Where are you putting the chickens?
Let the fun begin. :yahoo:
Hope your having a great day my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Breaking the post drought - the Smoke Report

Greetings 420 Enthusiasts! Today I want to make a post beginning with a smoke report to sum up the 3 strains that I grew this past season, and ending with some comment on the testing of one of the cobs I made last year which is now into it's second year of curing and I felt worth cutting open and having a bit of a 'tester' to see how she's going, the other cobs I have left sealed.

This last grow ended with 3 strains from the original 4 girls that I started with due to the unfortunately demise of the Mulanje. This post is about the Mango Sherbert that was heavily droughted, and 2 Sativa in the form of a Honduras/Panama x Purple Honduras, and a Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje.

The overall quality :thumb::thumb::thumb:
On recent past grows I have been fortunate enough to grow more than I need, so I am very keen to grow quality over quantity, as it gives a better high and lasts longer. At this point I feel very pleased with the quality of this harvest. I would rate the jarred bud of all 3 plants as being top shelf.

This is the first time I have grown pure Sativa, altho I would have certainly smoked Sativa in my younger days and over the years, but back then it was never mentioned by strain name, just weed or dak or similar, so I never had an appreciation of weed in terms of species (Indica/Sativa). However, having now grown out 2 Sativa with up to 20 weeks of flowering this past season, I can appreciate how the resulting highs last longer to what I am used to, and that's something I won't complain about.

Energetic or 'In da couch'? :surf::yahoo::goof:
I am not sure if I have ever had an 'in da couch' experience with any strain. Sure, I've had plenty of in the couch times simply because the party happened to be around a couch at the time. But so far in life, I have found all good weed that I've tried, has been enhancing for activities, and all 3 of these strains in my experience work very nicely with actively doing things.

Declaration of usage
Before growing my own weed, I always had 'dry' periods when no weed was about, and once the drought had broken then the experience of the high/stone was often really good (i.e. if you managed to score a bag of good 'shit', otherwise a total disappointment). However, nowadays I indulge daily and all year round, usually by having several vap caps over the day. And every evening about an hour or two before sleeping I chomp into some decarbed bud, and with a bit of magnesium I sleep soundly the whole night through. I am saying all this because in my experience the main thing I want, is for the bud quality to be able to 'do the job', and the buds of these plants do. I think if someone only smokes once in a blue moon then any good bud is probably going to be a treat. These 3 strains have produced top class bud, I think some infrequent smokers might find them a bit too much.

Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje - Sativa

I'll cut to the chase here. This one is my favourite. All 3 do a great job, but I like the high of this strain. It is powerful, embracing, and lasts for hours, it is like there is a nice euphoria generator just purring over inside you circulating pleasantness all the way to your finger tips.

It has a distinct piney slightly limey fragrance, it is a little bit sharp but in a lovely beckoning way much like a lemon tart might be at treat time. Her buds smell very appealing, so much so I want to keep my nose in them. Her colas were long, thin and aerated, but absolutely loaded with sparkling trichomes, I thought her 'glitter' was the most picturesque of the 3 plants. As much as I like big fat colas, the thinner colas of this plant may have helped avoid the budrot tendencies of the other 2, I feel this strain adapted really well to my location and environment - a keeper!

Another exciting thing about this strain, was it's resilience and indifference to pests. Very little troubled it, and it went 20 weeks flowering! As I grow outside with limited direct sunlight and a long way south of Africa, it was amazing that this plant took all the 100+kph winds and rain that blasted the balcony, and yet she was seemingly unperturbed by it all. I am very interested to see how the seeds turn out that I made from her with the Mulanje pollen from the male I grew this year. I intend to try the seeds out this coming grow season, but these seeds will be 75% Mulanje and I have no idea what genetic expression will result. If I find that I prefer the original I grew this year, which is 50% Malawi/Ethiopian and 50% Mulanje then I still have some seeds left of those and I would grow them out the following year.

Honduras/Panama x Purple Honduras - Sativa

This is also very nice, euphoric, a soft lifting high that also lasts a wee bit longer than the hybrid strains I am familiar with. This plant grew big 'baseball bat' colas but unfortunately it was a pest and budrot magnet in all the wild weather that nature threw at the balcony. I finally chopped her at about 18 weeks of flowering, but by that stage I had already lost a lot to rot and pest damage. Viewing this practically, I probably won't grow this strain again in the near term, as for my 'balcony' environment it seems a bit too damage/pest prone for me to do it justice.

Mango Sherbert- Hybrid

I also grew this strain by the Humboldt Seed Company on my grow the previous year. It does have a slightly fruity fragrance but not particularly evident as being 'mango like' as I imagined, it also has a very slight fuel tone to her scent too. HSC rates her THC at 24% - 28%.

She was probably my favourite strain the previous year, with the Godfather OG a close second. She gives a great relaxing euphoric high, which when I compare to this year's sativas the Mango Sherbert has a bit more 'body stone' to her that perhaps adds a slight 'muddiness' to the effect compared to the sativas, and I feel the sativas high lasts a little longer. As a strain she is certainly a looker, buds laden with sticky trichomes.

The Mango Sherbert I grew this year as I have already previously noted in my journal was heavily droughted. I applied repeated cycles of 'droughting' over a 25 day period which in my opinion resulted in additional trichome production and must have resulted in some changes (hopefully benefits). I am not under any pain as such so I have been unable to determine what pain benefit there is from it. A couple of years ago I developed Shingles which was very unpleasant and for what it is worth I didn't find relief from any of the cannabis strains I had at the time.

However, the 'strength' of the Mango Sherbert is such that it too deserves to be on the top shelf.

Reviewing a Mango Sherbert cob after a year of curing

After last year's grow I used a bunch of these buds, squashing and fermenting into Mango Sherbert cobs.

Mango Sherbert Cob after curing for over a year

Last year using just over half my harvest, I made 12oz of buds into cobs. For those unfamiliar with the practice of making cobs, I'd recommend checking out this 420 thread based on Tangwena's style of cob making.
it has discussion and inputs from many others. A big shout out and thanks to @tangwena, for sharing his experience and knowledge gained from years of living in Africa and experiencing the qualities of real well made cobs.

A few days ago I cut open one of last year's vac-sealed Mango Sherbert cobs to test it out. It has it's own funky cob smell that hints of it's promise. I had previously smoked cob, as well as vaping it, but to be honest it is a little bit challenging to do so that way because of it's sticky 'clumpy' nature, altho I imagine it would be great added to a joint for a turbo effect! This time I simply cut off a fine slice and chewed it. Somewhere around 0.1g - 0.2g. After over a year of curing the cob, it is even more aged looking in a good way. Chewing it is a little bit like chewing plasticine, but the high it gave worked very well and lasted for several hours. It is really quite amazing that the bud hasn't been decarbed as such and yet after fermenting/curing it delivers a high as if it has. Tangwena has mentioned how he prefers chewing cobs rather than smoking or vaping to avoid the unwanted impact on the lungs. When you're young with young lungs, you can of course go hell for leather with smoking, but I'm feel for me that I am better off now with either vaping or edibles so I am really encouraged by quality of the high from this cob testing, and too, the increased length of time of the high that the consumption of it brings.

Next grow I will look to grow out some of the (Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje) x Mulanje seeds and hopefully all going well I will make some cobs of it which should be exceptional. For anyone interested, I did an overview of cob making in my last journal here. And here is a link to a pictorial of my cob making in my previous journal last year.

Thanks for dropping by, wishing you all well and I hope your gardens are blooming.
Cobs. Whoa. I’ll check that thread out, thanks for sharing. I’ve never heard of cobs in 40 years of smoking weed. Amazing. It looks almost like beef jerky or something. Crazy. :adore::adore::adore::adore::adore::adore:

Awesome and comprehensive smoke report. Very nice.
Where are you putting the chickens?
Let the fun begin. :yahoo:
Hope your having a great day my friend.
Cheers Bill, the chickens will be in the back yard, definitely not on the balcony! I have bought a coop with it's own run, plus a 'stand up' run that I will connect to the coop run with chicken tunnel, and I've got some additional run area to give a total of about 5sqm for each bird. 2 heritage breeds (a Blue Orpington and Light Sussex) and 3 commercial layers arrive in November. I think they will enjoy what I have planned for them.
Yeeha. Great job with all the info and of course those top shelf buds you have all jarred up. Looking forward to your next grow.
Thanks Lerugged! I am super looking forward to getting underway again.
Cobs. Whoa. I’ll check that thread out, thanks for sharing. I’ve never heard of cobs in 40 years of smoking weed. Amazing. It looks almost like beef jerky or something. Crazy. :adore::adore::adore::adore::adore::adore:
Cheers Jon! I feel I am reaching the age where I should look for more edible routes than via the lungs. So I really like the minimal drying period to make cobs and how the process takes on it's own decarbing where one just need to slice off a tiny bit and chew and swallow.
Get some seeds in already!

No one likes an empty balcony!
Thanks Tra! I have my 85 year old mother arriving for a short visit next week and once I am back from driving her home I'll be laying down some beans for the next grow. Can't wait!
Every day really is a school day in this community folks. I had neve heard of cannabis cob before until now. Some of things unsaid hit home. I'm 41 in Nov, smoking tobacco 24 yrs now and the lungs are starting to feel it, I think going forward when I finally get self suffecient with plenty of cannabis, I will defo be making some of that. Looks relatively easy. ( famous last words lol) so u can eat cob straight or vape it? Does it still hold on to terpene profile or is it sweet? Can u use cling film to wrap the freshly harvested weed into the cobs? Thanks in advance.. 👍
Nor can we mate. Really enjoy your Balcony Adventures.
Thanks DV8! I hope this next grow is a good one too.
Every day really is a school day in this community folks. I had neve heard of cannabis cob before until now. Some of things unsaid hit home. I'm 41 in Nov, smoking tobacco 24 yrs now and the lungs are starting to feel it, I think going forward when I finally get self suffecient with plenty of cannabis, I will defo be making some of that. Looks relatively easy. ( famous last words lol) so u can eat cob straight or vape it? Does it still hold on to terpene profile or is it sweet? Can u use cling film to wrap the freshly harvested weed into the cobs? Thanks in advance.. 👍
Cheers Gaz! I have only made the one mentioned lot of cobs using about 12oz of buds. At this point they have been curing for over a year, so in cob terms that means they're 'prime' as ideally you want them to cure for a few months at least, and I understand they can also be still really good/better after years. I have vaped cob, it was sort of sticky and crumbly so not really best suited to vaping but can still be done fine but I prefer vaping regular fluffy ground bud for it's ease of use, and just chewing/swallowing cob. I imagine crumbling some cob into a joint mix like hash would be a treat too. Currently it has a slight 'funky' smell to it, not really terpene-like but what do I know I am no expert. As for wrapping the buds to be cobbed, the idea is to wrap/compress them tightly to push out all the air to allow a sort of anaerobic fermentation process to result. If air is left in, then mould may result and ruin your efforts. That is why I played it safe with a vac sealer unit, I think it was $79 from K-Mart and came with some plastic bags too.
Cheers Bill, the chickens will be in the back yard, definitely not on the balcony! I have bought a coop with it's own run, plus a 'stand up' run that I will connect to the coop run with chicken tunnel, and I've got some additional run area to give a total of about 5sqm for each bird. 2 heritage breeds (a Blue Orpington and Light Sussex) and 3 commercial layers arrive in November. I think they will enjoy what I have planned for them.

Thanks Lerugged! I am super looking forward to getting underway again.

Cheers Jon! I feel I am reaching the age where I should look for more edible routes than via the lungs. So I really like the minimal drying period to make cobs and how the process takes on it's own decarbing where one just need to slice off a tiny bit and chew and swallow.

Thanks Tra! I have my 85 year old mother arriving for a short visit next week and once I am back from driving her home I'll be laying down some beans for the next grow. Can't wait!
I didn't realize you had a yard too.
With the girls on the balcony I thought it was a condo 2nd floor type deal.
That's fantastic, can't wait to see the feathers fly. :yahoo:
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
...Thanks Lerugged! I am super looking forward to getting underway again.

...Thanks Tra! I have my 85 year old mother arriving for a short visit next week and once I am back from driving her home I'll be laying down some beans for the next grow. Can't wait!
Hope all went well with your mom and the drive home...

Anything new happening?

Hey stungs. How is things on your side. Been awhile when last I was on here. Sorry for not being so active. Just want to say congrats on the beautiful harvest! Your journals are always a joy to follow with alot of information! Have a good one my friend
I didn't realize you had a yard too.
With the girls on the balcony I thought it was a condo 2nd floor type deal.
That's fantastic, can't wait to see the feathers fly. :yahoo:
Take care.
Cheers Bill, yep I have some land around the house but for growing the illicit stuff I am restricted to the balcony.
Hope all went well with your mom and the drive home...

Anything new happening?
Cheers Emeraldo, she handled it like a champ even if it is a longish drive. Wee update coming shortly.
Hey stungs. How is things on your side. Been awhile when last I was on here. Sorry for not being so active. Just want to say congrats on the beautiful harvest! Your journals are always a joy to follow with alot of information! Have a good one my friend
Thanks Skott, no worries, I have my absences too, haha.
Update - my 'off season' grow hibernation is coming to an end

Greetings 420 enthusiasts! Spring is here again for us in the Southern Hemisphere. I wanted to make a post to offer a couple of reflections on my last grow and make some mention about starting the next!

A correction to the naming of one the strains of my last grow
The Honduras/Panama x Purple Honduras I grew was not correctly named, I wrongly transcribed the name and throughout my thread I never realised my mistake. So my apologies for that, but henceforth I will refer to it by its correct strain name, which is, and should have been Purple Honduras x Panama!

Which of last year's harvest most fouled the grinder?

My grinder which I am truly happy and impressed with, had never been cleaned in over a year, with a bit of Iso and some cotton buds I gave it it's first cleaning and it came up like shiny new. I tried it out by grinding each of the three strains from my last grow. Nice and clean, the grinder now sliced thru them all and produced lovely fluffy mulls. I started with the Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje, followed by the Purple Honduras x Panama. These 2 left some tiny 'resiny' marks on the grinder's teeth. Lastly, I ground the 'droughted' Mango Sherbert which jarred and cured, visually looked very dry, but from the repeated droughting given underneath it's dry looking outer has some very resiny content. The droughted Mango Sherbert noticeably smeared the grinder's teeth more than the 2 sativas did, which I put down to the droughting it underwent.

From last year, what strain did I like most, & what strain made the most resin?
The previous year I made Cobs for the first time. Last year I purposely tried droughting the Mango Sherbert, as well as growing 100% Sativas for the first time. I went hard on droughting the Mango Sherbert, something that I probably would not go quite as hard as next time, but for the experience it was great, some droughting I definitely feel is worth it, to 'harden up' the plant and make more resin, so droughting remains a big thumbs up for me. I didn't want to chance droughting the sativas which flowered up to 20 weeks with too much purposeful droughting in case I messed them up.

But of the strains I most liked from my last grow were the Sativas, first it was the Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje, but after a bit, I then changed to most liking the Purple Honduras x Panama, for the soft embracing euphoria it gives, although I also really like the 'power' of the Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje too, and I frequently vape a chamber of one and chase it with a second of the other to ensure I get the benefits of both!

What's next?
So looking ahead, in a few weeks time, I will start a new journal to document my next grow, for which I have already sprouted some candidates in their starter pots. It is always a somewhat dreadfully challenging time to guide the seeds thru sprouting to become healthy young plants. This time, instead of my previous threatening to plant them straight into their final pots, I have tried again by planting the sprouted seeds in a mix of worm castings and organic seed raising mix on the 1st of October, each pot has a strip of landscape cloth underneath the soil to help easily tip them out when it comes time for their transplant. They have 'legged' it a bit as a consequence of being in a dim garage rather than the open light of the outdoors. Usually I have let them toughen up from the start in the outdoor weather, but after getting previous grows attacked by slugs and snails, for this time I have grown them in the garage under it's sole window but free from those predators. So upon transplant, I just plan on planting them deeper in their final pots in a week or 2, something that has worked fine in the past.

My next grow, I will mainly look to: -
  • try growing out some seeds from my last grow
  • make Cobs
  • introduce a change to how I water
  • plus, slip in a little droughting where possible ;)

I will soon start a new journal. In the mean time, wishing everyone well, and enjoy catching up with you all soon.
Best wishes! :ganjamon:
Breaking the post drought - the Smoke Report

Greetings 420 Enthusiasts! Today I want to make a post beginning with a smoke report to sum up the 3 strains that I grew this past season, and ending with some comment on the testing of one of the cobs I made last year which is now into it's second year of curing and I felt worth cutting open and having a bit of a 'tester' to see how she's going, the other cobs I have left sealed.

This last grow ended with 3 strains from the original 4 girls that I started with due to the unfortunately demise of the Mulanje. This post is about the Mango Sherbert that was heavily droughted, and 2 Sativa in the form of a Honduras/Panama x Purple Honduras, and a Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje.

The overall quality :thumb::thumb::thumb:
On recent past grows I have been fortunate enough to grow more than I need, so I am very keen to grow quality over quantity, as it gives a better high and lasts longer. At this point I feel very pleased with the quality of this harvest. I would rate the jarred bud of all 3 plants as being top shelf.

This is the first time I have grown pure Sativa, altho I would have certainly smoked Sativa in my younger days and over the years, but back then it was never mentioned by strain name, just weed or dak or similar, so I never had an appreciation of weed in terms of species (Indica/Sativa). However, having now grown out 2 Sativa with up to 20 weeks of flowering this past season, I can appreciate how the resulting highs last longer to what I am used to, and that's something I won't complain about.

Energetic or 'In da couch'? :surf::yahoo::goof:
I am not sure if I have ever had an 'in da couch' experience with any strain. Sure, I've had plenty of in the couch times simply because the party happened to be around a couch at the time. But so far in life, I have found all good weed that I've tried, has been enhancing for activities, and all 3 of these strains in my experience work very nicely with actively doing things.

Declaration of usage
Before growing my own weed, I always had 'dry' periods when no weed was about, and once the drought had broken then the experience of the high/stone was often really good (i.e. if you managed to score a bag of good 'shit', otherwise a total disappointment). However, nowadays I indulge daily and all year round, usually by having several vap caps over the day. And every evening about an hour or two before sleeping I chomp into some decarbed bud, and with a bit of magnesium I sleep soundly the whole night through. I am saying all this because in my experience the main thing I want, is for the bud quality to be able to 'do the job', and the buds of these plants do. I think if someone only smokes once in a blue moon then any good bud is probably going to be a treat. These 3 strains have produced top class bud, I think some infrequent smokers might find them a bit too much.

Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje - Sativa

I'll cut to the chase here. This one is my favourite. All 3 do a great job, but I like the high of this strain. It is powerful, embracing, and lasts for hours, it is like there is a nice euphoria generator just purring over inside you circulating pleasantness all the way to your finger tips.

It has a distinct piney slightly limey fragrance, it is a little bit sharp but in a lovely beckoning way much like a lemon tart might be at treat time. Her buds smell very appealing, so much so I want to keep my nose in them. Her colas were long, thin and aerated, but absolutely loaded with sparkling trichomes, I thought her 'glitter' was the most picturesque of the 3 plants. As much as I like big fat colas, the thinner colas of this plant may have helped avoid the budrot tendencies of the other 2, I feel this strain adapted really well to my location and environment - a keeper!

Another exciting thing about this strain, was it's resilience and indifference to pests. Very little troubled it, and it went 20 weeks flowering! As I grow outside with limited direct sunlight and a long way south of Africa, it was amazing that this plant took all the 100+kph winds and rain that blasted the balcony, and yet she was seemingly unperturbed by it all. I am very interested to see how the seeds turn out that I made from her with the Mulanje pollen from the male I grew this year. I intend to try the seeds out this coming grow season, but these seeds will be 75% Mulanje and I have no idea what genetic expression will result. If I find that I prefer the original I grew this year, which is 50% Malawi/Ethiopian and 50% Mulanje then I still have some seeds left of those and I would grow them out the following year.

Honduras/Panama x Purple Honduras - Sativa

This is also very nice, euphoric, a soft lifting high that also lasts a wee bit longer than the hybrid strains I am familiar with. This plant grew big 'baseball bat' colas but unfortunately it was a pest and budrot magnet in all the wild weather that nature threw at the balcony. I finally chopped her at about 18 weeks of flowering, but by that stage I had already lost a lot to rot and pest damage. Viewing this practically, I probably won't grow this strain again in the near term, as for my 'balcony' environment it seems a bit too damage/pest prone for me to do it justice.

Mango Sherbert- Hybrid

I also grew this strain by the Humboldt Seed Company on my grow the previous year. It does have a slightly fruity fragrance but not particularly evident as being 'mango like' as I imagined, it also has a very slight fuel tone to her scent too. HSC rates her THC at 24% - 28%.

She was probably my favourite strain the previous year, with the Godfather OG a close second. She gives a great relaxing euphoric high, which when I compare to this year's sativas the Mango Sherbert has a bit more 'body stone' to her that perhaps adds a slight 'muddiness' to the effect compared to the sativas, and I feel the sativas high lasts a little longer. As a strain she is certainly a looker, buds laden with sticky trichomes.

The Mango Sherbert I grew this year as I have already previously noted in my journal was heavily droughted. I applied repeated cycles of 'droughting' over a 25 day period which in my opinion resulted in additional trichome production and must have resulted in some changes (hopefully benefits). I am not under any pain as such so I have been unable to determine what pain benefit there is from it. A couple of years ago I developed Shingles which was very unpleasant and for what it is worth I didn't find relief from any of the cannabis strains I had at the time.

However, the 'strength' of the Mango Sherbert is such that it too deserves to be on the top shelf.

Reviewing a Mango Sherbert cob after a year of curing

After last year's grow I used a bunch of these buds, squashing and fermenting into Mango Sherbert cobs.

Mango Sherbert Cob after curing for over a year

Last year using just over half my harvest, I made 12oz of buds into cobs. For those unfamiliar with the practice of making cobs, I'd recommend checking out this 420 thread based on Tangwena's style of cob making.
it has discussion and inputs from many others. A big shout out and thanks to @tangwena, for sharing his experience and knowledge gained from years of living in Africa and experiencing the qualities of real well made cobs.

A few days ago I cut open one of last year's vac-sealed Mango Sherbert cobs to test it out. It has it's own funky cob smell that hints of it's promise. I had previously smoked cob, as well as vaping it, but to be honest it is a little bit challenging to do so that way because of it's sticky 'clumpy' nature, altho I imagine it would be great added to a joint for a turbo effect! This time I simply cut off a fine slice and chewed it. Somewhere around 0.1g - 0.2g. After over a year of curing the cob, it is even more aged looking in a good way. Chewing it is a little bit like chewing plasticine, but the high it gave worked very well and lasted for several hours. It is really quite amazing that the bud hasn't been decarbed as such and yet after fermenting/curing it delivers a high as if it has. Tangwena has mentioned how he prefers chewing cobs rather than smoking or vaping to avoid the unwanted impact on the lungs. When you're young with young lungs, you can of course go hell for leather with smoking, but I'm feel for me that I am better off now with either vaping or edibles so I am really encouraged by quality of the high from this cob testing, and too, the increased length of time of the high that the consumption of it brings.

Next grow I will look to grow out some of the (Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje) x Mulanje seeds and hopefully all going well I will make some cobs of it which should be exceptional. For anyone interested, I did an overview of cob making in my last journal here. And here is a link to a pictorial of my cob making in my previous journal last year.

Thanks for dropping by, wishing you all well and I hope your gardens are blooming.
This is a superior post. Congratulations. Man you have some cool stuff going on. The cob info is especially useful, thanks for the links. What a post and harvest. This is how it’s done. :thumb::woohoo:
Update - my 'off season' grow hibernation is coming to an end

Greetings 420 enthusiasts! Spring is here again for us in the Southern Hemisphere. I wanted to make a post to offer a couple of reflections on my last grow and make some mention about starting the next!

A correction to the naming of one the strains of my last grow
The Honduras/Panama x Purple Honduras I grew was not correctly named, I wrongly transcribed the name and throughout my thread I never realised my mistake. So my apologies for that, but henceforth I will refer to it by its correct strain name, which is, and should have been Purple Honduras x Panama!

Which of last year's harvest most fouled the grinder?

My grinder which I am truly happy and impressed with, had never been cleaned in over a year, with a bit of Iso and some cotton buds I gave it it's first cleaning and it came up like shiny new. I tried it out by grinding each of the three strains from my last grow. Nice and clean, the grinder now sliced thru them all and produced lovely fluffy mulls. I started with the Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje, followed by the Purple Honduras x Panama. These 2 left some tiny 'resiny' marks on the grinder's teeth. Lastly, I ground the 'droughted' Mango Sherbert which jarred and cured, visually looked very dry, but from the repeated droughting given underneath it's dry looking outer has some very resiny content. The droughted Mango Sherbert noticeably smeared the grinder's teeth more than the 2 sativas did, which I put down to the droughting it underwent.

From last year, what strain did I like most, & what strain made the most resin?
The previous year I made Cobs for the first time. Last year I purposely tried droughting the Mango Sherbert, as well as growing 100% Sativas for the first time. I went hard on droughting the Mango Sherbert, something that I probably would not go quite as hard as next time, but for the experience it was great, some droughting I definitely feel is worth it, to 'harden up' the plant and make more resin, so droughting remains a big thumbs up for me. I didn't want to chance droughting the sativas which flowered up to 20 weeks with too much purposeful droughting in case I messed them up.

But of the strains I most liked from my last grow were the Sativas, first it was the Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje, but after a bit, I then changed to most liking the Purple Honduras x Panama, for the soft embracing euphoria it gives, although I also really like the 'power' of the Malawi/Ethiopian x Mulanje too, and I frequently vape a chamber of one and chase it with a second of the other to ensure I get the benefits of both!

What's next?
So looking ahead, in a few weeks time, I will start a new journal to document my next grow, for which I have already sprouted some candidates in their starter pots. It is always a somewhat dreadfully challenging time to guide the seeds thru sprouting to become healthy young plants. This time, instead of my previous threatening to plant them straight into their final pots, I have tried again by planting the sprouted seeds in a mix of worm castings and organic seed raising mix on the 1st of October, each pot has a strip of landscape cloth underneath the soil to help easily tip them out when it comes time for their transplant. They have 'legged' it a bit as a consequence of being in a dim garage rather than the open light of the outdoors. Usually I have let them toughen up from the start in the outdoor weather, but after getting previous grows attacked by slugs and snails, for this time I have grown them in the garage under it's sole window but free from those predators. So upon transplant, I just plan on planting them deeper in their final pots in a week or 2, something that has worked fine in the past.

My next grow, I will mainly look to: -
  • try growing out some seeds from my last grow
  • make Cobs
  • introduce a change to how I water
  • plus, slip in a little droughting where possible ;)

I will soon start a new journal. In the mean time, wishing everyone well, and enjoy catching up with you all soon.
Best wishes! :ganjamon:
Happy Birthday, birthday, birthday, birthday, birthday. :rofl: :woohoo:
Great post Amigo. :thumb:
Hope your enjoying your weekend. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Great smoke report to end off another excellent journal. Looking forward to the next grow (rubs hands).
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